Montgomery-Bourbon County KyArchives Obituaries.....Ishmael, Samuel November 29, 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Hale October 21, 2007, 7:33 pm newspaper Samuel Ishmael, Nov 29, 74, well known Bourbon county tobacco grower, suffered injuries in the L.& N. railroad yards here this morning that resulted in his death 20 minutes later at the passenger station, where the man had been removed. Mr Ishmael was struck by the L. & N. fast train, "The Flamingo", northbound, as he was crossing the tracks. Mr Ishmael was picked up by the train crew and taken to the passenger station. He never regained consciousness. Mr Ishmael had left the home of his son, James Ishmael, who lives near Paris, and was on his way to Paris, walking down the L. & N. right-of-way to shorten his journey. It is thought that he failed to hear the oncoming train. Coroner Rudolph Davis ordered the body removed to the undertaking rooms of the George R. Davis Company, where an examination disclosed that Mr. Ishmael had escaped the train wheels, although he suffered fractures and double fractures of arms and legs, two deep cuts in the head, either of which could have caused his death, and numerous bruises about the body. Samuel Ishmael was probably as well know as any tenant farmer in Bourbon county, and for years farmed on the lands of the late Cassius M. Clay, Sr. After the death of Mr. Clay, he cultivated tobacco on the farm of George K. Jones, near Paris, untill a few years ago when his health failed. He was a son of the late mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ishmael, and was born in Fleming county. He has been a resident of this county for 25 years, His wife Lettie Ishmael died in 1923. Mr Ishmael is survived by three children, James Ishmael, of Bourbon county; Mrs Ben Steagall, of Paris, and Mrs Laura Beasley, of Lexington. A brother, Isaac Ishmael, of Mt. Sterling, also survives. The funeral services will be held at the grave in the Paris Cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. R.H. Turner, paster of the Baptist Church of Independence, officiating.Burial will be in the Paris cemetery. The casket bearers will be Isaac Waugh, S.D. Ishmael, O.B. Earlywine, Thomas Ishmael, Ben Steagall, Jr and John Brown. File at: This file has been created by a form at