WILL OF ESTRIDGE DANIEL OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KY *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net ********************************************************************** kwdaniel@dave-world.net Kevin Daniel DATE: Oct 30, 1997 WILL BOOK E PAGE 163-4 (Note: I have inserted line numbers so that I can make references to features of the will at the end of this document, I have also retained the original format of the will as it appears in the will book, but added some punctuation to aid the reader) Whereas I Estridge Daniel of the county of Montgomery and State of Kentucky am of a sound and composed State of mind but taking into consideration that though now in health I may soon be called unto death, I do make this my last will and Testament. First I will that all my debts should be paid. Second I give and bequeath to my wife Mary, a certain negro woman named Manerva with her offspring if she should have any after this date and also the household and kitchen furniture to have and to hold the same so long as she may live and at her death the same is to be divided equally between Malinda Hon,Shelby, Daniel,Harvey Daniel,Isom Daniel,Jane Alexander, James Q. Daniel.The Indian Creek tract of land containing 100 acres and the Sand Mountain tract containing 200 acres is also to be equally divided between the above named children. Of my cash and cash notes I will and bequeath to Santford Estridge Stephens and William Stephens,sons of Narsissa Stephens, and Estridge, son of Elizabeth Stephens, and Pelina Daniel fifty dollars cash. Pelina's is to come out of her mothers part. The said children shall not have this portion until they are twenty-one. The balance of the cash, cash notes together with what other property I may have at my death shall be equally divided between Malinda Hon, Shelby Daniel, Harvey Daniel, Isom Daniel, Jane Alexander and James Q. Daniel. The farm on which I now live is to be James Q. Daniel's at my death. And I acknowledge this to be my last will and testament all others being null and void in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand seal on this 1st day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred and fiftyone. Estridge Daniel (seal) Attest R. C. Porter Estridge D. Hon Codicil In addition to what has been named in the foregoing my last will and Testament I request that Shelby Daniel and James Q. Daniel should be the executors to settle my estate. In witness whereof, I set my hand and seal on this 2nd day of Feb. 1851. Attest R.C. Porter Estridge Daniel (seal) State of Kentucky Sct. December Term 1852 A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Estridge Daniel decd was this day produced in court and proven by the oaths of Reuben C. Porter and Estridge D Hon subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded. The codicil not being proven is continued until the next Term of this Court State of Kentucky Montgomery county court Sct. January Term 1853 A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament and codicil to the same of Estridge Daniel decd was this day again produced in court and the codicil proven by the oath of R.C. Porter a sub- scribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded Notes: Line# 15. Indian Creek is now in Menifee County 16. There is a mountain named Sand Mountain in the southern part of Montgomery County and I think Sand was miscopied as land Mountain tract. 38. Reuben C. Porter was married to Mary Stephens dau of James and Catherine Stephens. 39. Estridge D. (Daniel) Hon was the son of Moses and Malinda (Daniel) Hon.