Montgomery County KyArchives Wills.....Warner, George Sr. May 22 1947 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Darrell Warner October 26, 2004, 11:14 pm Source: Montgomery County, Kentucky Will Book Written: May 22 1947 Recorded: July 8 1947 Last Will and Testament of George Warner, Sr. May 22, 1947 In the event of my Death I hereby apoint Kelly Thompson my, Administrater. I want said Thompson to handle all my Business all of my checks made Payable to Said Thompson. When I am put away if there is anything left I want it Divided Between said Thompson and my Sister Mrs. Annie Thompson. This is my own handwrite this May 22, 1947 George Warner Sr. State of Kentucky Montgomery County I, Ben H. Scott, County Court Clerk in and for the County and State aforesaid, certify that a paper of date/purporting to be the last will and testament of George Warner, Sr., deceased, who died testate a citizen and resident of Montgomery County, Kentucky, was produced in open court and offered for probate, and in support of said motion there were introduced as witnesses Pierce Winn and Richard P. Winn, who were first sworn as required by law, testified that the paper aforesaid was wholly in the handwriting of decedent that they had often seen him write, and the Court advised does now and hereby probate and establish said paper to be the last will and testament of George Warner, Sr., deceased, and same is duly recordred as such. Witness my hand this July 8, 1947 Ben H. Scott, County Clerk By Elizabeth B. Scott D.C. File at: This file has been created by a form at