Montgomery County KyArchives Wills.....Warner, Jane June 11, 1851 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Darrell Warner December 7, 2005, 3:45 pm Source: Will Book Page 162,163 Written: June 11, 1851 Recorded: August 1852 Montgomery County, Kentucky Will of Jane Warner wife of Samuel Warner I Jane Warner of Montgomery County, Kentucky on the 11th day of June 1851 feeling myself weak in body, but having the use of my natural mind and my natural powers and perfect understanding of what I do and with a desire to do what seems to be right do make this my last Will and Testament to have full power and virtue after my decease. In the first place I do bequeath my body to the Earth from which it was taken and my soul to God who gave it. 2nd After all my just and lawful debts are paid of any I do hereby will and bequeath to my son Henry H. Warner all my interest in the tract of land on which we now live and which bought of my son Willis Warner being the balance after selling a portion of the same tract to Jeremiah Fastin all my part and interst of which I do bequeath to H. H. Warner and his heirs after him forever together with two beds and furniture and ????? thus bequeath. I make to the son H. H. Warner because he has a weakly constitutionupon man my youngest child and stands in great need of help. I also will to Wity Gardner and wife, George Riaden and wife, Sally Warner and Willis Warner one dollar each to be paid by my Executor lastly I appoint my H. H. Warner the Executer of this my Will to execute and attend to all things ???? ???? to this will after my decease. In testamony of which I set my hand and seal on this date above written. In the presents of Thompson E. Faster Joseph P. Wilson Jane Wilson with an X by her name as her mark. State of Kentucky Montgomery County August term 1852 A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Jane Warner was this day produced and proven by the oath of Thompson E. Faster to be the act and deed of said Jane Warner and the said Thompson E. Faster also proved the signature of Joseph P. Wilson another subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded, which is accordingly done. A. J. Stenens Clark Additional Comments: You can see all my family tree information at File at: This file has been created by a form at