Nelson County KyArchives Court.....Jupin, John, Et Al. 1816 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Van Bogaert November 4, 2006, 3:52 pm Source: Nelson Circuit Court Burnt Chancery Records Written: 1816 Recorded: March 18, 1816 Joint and seperate answer of James D(J)upin Ca[tharine] McAdams & Alexr. McAdams her husband late Catha[rine] D(J)upin, Sophia, and Charles Dennehu her husband [late] Sophia Jupin, Freeborn Jupin, Ellender & John [Ric]hy her husband, late Ellender Jupin and Elijah [Wrigh]t and Clemency his wife late Jupin, Hugh Lemaster & [Mary] his wife late Jupin Children and grand Children of J[ohn Jupin] decd. to a Bill in Chy. exhibited in this Nelson Circuit [Court] by Charles Medcalf against them --- These Defts. saving &c answer and [sa]y that they have heard & believe that John Jup[in] [the]ir decd. father was at the time of his decease i[nsa]ne and wholly incapable of making a last Will [and] Testament - They know that his mind had be[en] . . . disordered for some time before his . . . understood an . . . Deranged State of his mind increased with [inc]reasing Debility of body & the progress of the [dise]ase which terminated his life. They have been moreover informed & believe that at the [ti]me the alledged will should have been Executed [the] sd. John John Jupin was not only entirely [Dera]nged in Mind & thereby utterly incapable to M[ake a la]st will & testament on that account . . . also so enfeebled by disease & . . . ssolution as to be unable to sign his name to the sd. alledged will or signify by utterance or intelligible sign his approbation thereof - They have good reason to believe that Lewis Jupin procured the alledged Will to be written as it is, & thereby he is in fraud of his Brothers & Sisters . . . sales, and availed himself of the deranged State of mind & the enfeebl[ment] of Body of his Father to give (-?-) the opinion of Strangers to the State of the mans Mind, be thought an acquiescence. The Defts Deny fraud & concur in the complt. that the alledged Will be s [et aside] & the property Distributed among the representatives of the sd. John Jupin. Charles Dono . . . Sophia Dono . . . Alexander McA . . . Catharene M . . . John x Ritchie Eleoder x Richie John Ricthie M . . . Nelson Circuit Sct Sworn to in open court in the [usual way] by the above Persons before me this 18th March [1816] James Slaughter Jr [Clk] Nelson Circuit Sct Sworn to by Freeborn J[upin] before me in the usual way this 20th day of March 1816. James Slaughter Jr Clk Nelson Circuit Sct Sworn to in open court in the usual way before me this 25th March 1816 by James Jupin. James Slaughter Jr Clk Nelson Circuit Sct Sworn to by Elijah Wright & Clemency his wife and Hugh Lemaster and [Mar]y his wife in open court this 1st day of April before me. James Slaughter Jr Clk (endorsement on reverse) . . . ) vs. ) Answer Medcalf ) Filed in my Office this 18th March 1816. James Slaughter Jr Clk Additional Comments: [1] Parentheses ( ) are original or indicate corrections that appear in the original. [2] Parentheses with question marks (?) indicate questionable or illegible text. [3] Ellipses . . . indicate text that is missing due to damage incurred in a courthouse fire during the 1970’s. [4] Brackets [ ] indicate missing text that has been reconstructed based on context and the other documents in the file. File at: This file has been created by a form at