Nelson County KyArchives Court.....Runner, Michael August 20, 1820 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Paige Walk November 23, 2013, 11:04 am Source: Familysearch Online, Imgs 149 & 150, Ky Probate Recs,nelson Co,ky,bk D, Pgs 261 & 262 Written: August 20, 1820 Recorded: August 20, 1821 Family Search (online, images 149 & 150) Kentucky Probate Records Nelson Co, KY Book D Pages 261 & 262 Page 261 Nelson County Sct August County Court 1820 ~~ On the motion of JOHN DEAL ordered that HENRY S BELL, SAMUEL BEAL= mear & CHARLES WORTHAM or any two of them being first sworn before a magis- trate of this county do examine, state and settle the accounts of DEAL & LEWIS JUPIN administrators etc of MICHAEL RUNNER dec’d and re- turn the settlement total A copy, Teste, BEN GRAYSON c.c. Nelson County Sct This day CHARLES WORTHAM and SAM’L BEALMEAR personally appeared before me JAMES HANCOCK a Justice for said county and was sworn as the law directs. Given under my hand this 20th August 1820 ~~ J. HANCOCK J.P.N.C. D[illegible] The estate of MICHAEL RUNNER deceas’d in acc’t with JOHN DEAL & LEWIS JUPIN administrators ~ Dec’r 15th 1819 to Bond for SAM’L HACKLEY and wife for vouchers No. 1 $80.00 To cash paid BENJ’M GRAYSON for ditto No. 2 00.91 To cash paid same for ditto No. 3 00.25 To cash paid same for ditto No. 4 2.14 ½ To cash paid same for ditto No. 5 00.43 1820 To cash paid same for ditto No.6 00.86 1821 To cash paid BAILEY A. KENDALL for ditto No. 7 2.00 July 4th To cash paid SAM’L HACKLEY & wife as for voucher No. 8 6.00 To one pair shoes (?) furnished EDWARD at the time Mrs} HAHN hird {sic] him } 2.00 To services & attention rendered to said from} 17th of Nov 1817 to the 17th of August 1821} 20.00 $114.59 ½ Jany 1st 1819 by the hire of Negro GABRIEL one } year to JOHN D. STROTHER ~~~~ $80.00 By the hire of EDWARD one year to Mrs HAHN 40.00 By the hire of JANE with a young child one year to Mrs HALL 19.00 Jany 10th 1820 By the hire of EDWARD to GEORGE WEDDING until } the first of April following ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.12 ½ Page 262 April 10th 1820 By the hire of EDWARD to BAILEY A. KENDALL } one year 35.06 April 10th 1821 By the hire of same to same 1 month ~~~~ 3.00 $188.88 ½ 114.59 ½ Balance due the estate 74.29 In obedience to an order of the honorable County Court of Nelson appointing us the undersigned Commiss’rs to settle the acct’s of JOHN DEAL & LEWIS JUPIN admn’s of the estate of MICHAEL RUNNER deceas’d hath examined the same and believe they stand just as above stated as [illegible] our hands this 20th day of Aug’t 1821 ~ SAM’L BEALMEAR {commissioners CHARKES WORTHAM At a County Court held for Nelson County on the 20th day of August 1821 ~~ The above account of LEWIS JUPIN & JOHN DEAL administrators of MICHAEL RUNNER dec’d was returned, exami- ned & allowed by the court and ordered to be recorded ~~~~~ Teste BEN GRAYSON c.c. _______________________________________________________________________ Transcribed by Paige Ferguson Walk 20 Nov 2013 File at: This file has been created by a form at