Nelson County KyArchives Court.....Runner Et Al, Michael Et Al November 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Paige Walk November 24, 2013, 10:06 am Source: Familysearch Online, Ky Probate Records, Img 113, Nelson Co, Ky Wills, Bk F, Pgs 211 & 212 Written: November 1826 Recorded: June 11, 1827 Family Search (online) Kentucky Probate Records Image 113 Nelson County, KY Wills Book F Pages 211 & 212 Page 211 Nelson County Sct Nov County Court 1826 Ordered that JOSEPH LEWIS, ROBERT HAGAN & JESSE McDONALL, on the motion of NATHANIEL WICKLIFFE or any two of them being first sworn before a magistrate of this County do examine Make and Settle the accounts of said WICKLIFFE & BAILEY A. KENDALL administrators of MICHAEL RUNNER dec’d and return the settlement to court in lieu of the commissioners appointed for that purpose yesterday Nelson County Sct A Copy Test THO T. GRAYSON clk This day JOSEPH LEWIS & JESSE McDONALD personally appeared before [me] and took the oath as required by law in relation to the within order Dec 8th 1826 J. KERCHIVAL J.P.N.C. We the undersigned having been appointed by the honorable the Nelson County Court to adjust and settle the accounts & Estate of MICHAEL RUNNER deceased with the administrators B.A. KENDALL & NATHANIEL WICKLIFFE of said estate after Examining the vouchers thereof do make the following report towit The administrators returned the following To amount of land purchased by ROBERT RUNNER* $432.50 To amount of sale Negro GABRIEL to THO LANGLY 383.00 To amount negro EDWARD to THO HARRIS 810.60 To ditto to NATHANIEL WICKLIFFE negro ELIZA 489.00 To ditto to B.A. KENDALL* negro boy 152.00 To cash per hire of GABRIEL 44.37 ½ To B.A. KENDALL note for hire of negro EDWARD 34.90 To note SAMUEL HACKLEY* & ROBERT RUNNER 25.40 To note SAMUEL HACKLEY & P. SLAUGHTER 25.20 Supra Cr 2397.47 ½ By amt sundries as per vouchers filed and marked Nos 2271.48 ½ To Balance due the legatees $125.99 ½ The administrators voucher pay NATH’L WICKLIFFE No.1 By cash paid RICHARD RUDD 10.00 “ 2 By cash paid C.A. WICKLIFFE 10.00 Page 212 3 By J. SLAUGHTERS fee bill $7.32 ½ 4 By HENRY GORES fee bill 2.16 ½ 5 & 6 By JAMES SLAUGHTERS fee bill 2.45 ½ 7 By HENRY GORES act 99.78 8 By HARDIN (?) Sheriffs accnt (?) 1.12 ½ 9 By BEN GRAYSONS fee bills 1.09 B.A. KENDALLS vouchers 133.94 No.1 By Sheriff HARDINS fee bill 12.44 “ 2 By JAMES SLAUGHTERS fee bill .25 “ 3 By J. TICHENORS act 1.12 ½ “ 4 BY JAMES SLAUGHTERS fee bill 1.53 ½ “ 5 By ROBERT RUNNERS rect 1.00 “ 6 By HILE (?) KENDALLS rect 7.50 “ 7 By JAMES SLAUGHTERS fee bill .78 “ 8 By MARQUIS BARNET rect 2.00 “ 9 By NANCY R. MILLERS act [account] and heirs* 163.00 10 BY P.C. SLAUGHTER guardian RUNNER 75.00 12 [sic] By COLEMAN RUNNER* dec’d heir 50.00 13 By J. McDONALL fee bill 1.00 14 By ROBERT RUNNER rect heir 32.02 15 By JAMES SLAUGHTER guardian for RUNNERS 58. 16 By ditto ditto ditto 55.00 17 By GEORGE BEAM (?) [one heir married the widow?] 81.34 18 By COLEMAN RUNNERS rect heir (?) 119.00 19 By NANCY R. MILLER Legatee 84.33¼ 20 By amount paid ROBERT RUNNER original rect filed in clerks office 244.00 22 By WILLIAM RUNNERS receipt by ROBERT RUNNER the original rect filed in clerks office 183.00 23 By paid JAMES SLAUGHTER Guardian for M & W RUNNER see his bond filed and receipt 50.00 1597.26 ¼ 24 By J. McDONALL & J. LEWIS rect 4.00 25 By rec’t for crying sale 2.00 26 By A. KENDALLS rec’t one heir 244.00 27 By NATHANIEL WICKLIFFES rec’t 305.11 2152.37 ½ By B.A. KENDALLS services 60.00 {Admns By N. WICKLIFFE services 45.00 2260.37½ 28 By JACOB KENDALL fee bill paid B.A. KENDALL 3.63 29 By NATH’L WICKLIFFE for writing deed 1.00 30 By R. RUDDS rec’t as attorney paid by WICKLIFFE 5.00 31 By BEN GRAYSONS fee bill paid by N. WICKLIFFE 1.48 J. LEWIS 2271.48 ½ JESSE McDONALL} comm’s At a County Court held for Nelson County at the Courthouse in Bardstown on Monday the 11th day of June 1827 This settlement with the administrators of the estate of MICHAEL RUNNER deceased was returned Examined, and ordered, and ordered [sic] to Record Test THO T. GRAYSON ________________________________________________________________________ Transcribed by Paige Ferguson Walk 22 Nov 2013 Additional Comments: * Nancy Runner Miller Lyon, daughter of Michael Runner & widow of James Davis Miller (originally of Scott Co, KY). Her two children by Jas D Miller were, apparently, still living at this time. (June 1827) Her daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Miller Jones Snider, lived until 1903 but I’m unsure of the fate of her son, George W. Miller. * Robert Runner was the youngest son of Michael Runner. * B.A. Kendall was Bailey Anderson Kendall, a son-in-law of Michael Runner. He was married to Margaret (Peggy) Catherine Runner. *Samuel Hackley was the 2nd husband of Catherine Coleman Runner, Michael Runner’s widow. File at: This file has been created by a form at