Lyon-Jefferson-Oldham County KyArchives Biographies.....Withers, Owen B. September 27 1827 - unknown ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin January 25, 2005, 6:21 pm Author: Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 3rd edition, 1886 OWEN B. WITHERS, M. D., was born in Jefferson, now Oldham County, this State, September 27, 1827, the only son of Hiram B. And Maria W. (Cates) Withers, natives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky. The father was a physician, graduating in 1819 from the Transylvania University. He served as a colonel in the war of 1812; was only seventeen years old at the time; served on the staff of Col. Degarneth, of Jefferson County; he, with two of his brothers, Charles, aged twenty two, and Valentine, aged twenty, were in Dudley's defeat, but made their escape. Hiram was a son of John Withers, who, with his father, James, and five brothers, served in the war of the Revolution. James was a son of James Withers, who was of English descent. The parents of our subject had four children, of whom the Doctor is the only one now living. The latter was removed when young, to Logan County, Ky., and there read medicine under his father. He afterward attended the Louisville Medical Institute, and later the University of the City of New York. After practicing in New Orleans and in Missouri, he returned East, and continued his medical studies at Philadelphia. Returning to Kentucky, he volunteered for the Mexican War, but stopped in New Orleans, and shortly after came back to his native State, and engaged in the active practice of his profession in various parts of the State, finally coming to Lyon County, where he has since remained and enjoyed a most liberal patronage. He has presided over many medical associations, and has been favored with numberless positions of honor and distinction in those bodies. He married Martha G. Clinton, a daughter of George C. and Susanna F. Clinton. Mrs. Withers died, leaving six children: Granville, S. P., Mary M., Hiram B., Harrison C., John C. B. And Ellwood F. Dr. Withers has been a member of several benevolent societies, and has long been a member of the Catholic Church. Capt. Joshua Cates, the maternal grandfather of Dr. Withers, was in the battle of King's Mountain, under Shelby; three days after that battle, came with Boone to Kentucky. Capt. Cates was often heard to say that he (Cates) and Maj. William Stewart were the pioneers of south Kentucky. Capt. Cates became one of the largest land holders in the State, owning tracts in Christian, Logan, Todd and other counties. He had several encounters with the Indians, and many narrow escapes. He was the father of A. G. Cates, formerly attorney-general of Kentucky, an eminent lawyer, who died in St. Louis about the close of the war. Capt. Cates had quite a large family, but only one son; he is buried in the Baptist burying ground, at Russellville, Ky. Additional Comments: I have no connection and no further information. File at: This file has been created by a form at