1874 Owen County, Kentucky Deaths Submitted by Jackie Couture Name, color, age, sex, marital status, date of death, cause of death, birth place, residence, death place, parents names, birth place of father, birth place of mother. Nettie MONTGOMERY, w, 15 mo, f, s, 20 May 1874, measles, Owenton, Owenton, Owenton, H.P. and Mammie? Montgomery, Gallatin Co., Owen Co. Thomas SCHISLER, w, 13 yrs, m, s, 19 Nov 1874, nervous atrophy, Gallatin Co., Owenton, Owenton, Nick and [blank] Chisler, Europe, US. Mary MITCHELL, w, 37 yrs, f, m, 13 Dec 1874, abortion, Bath Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., Charles & A______ Tackett, Bath Co., Bath Co. John PLUMMER, w, 68 yrs, m, m, 1 Feb 1874, encsyphelis, Scott Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., parents not named. Joseph R. LEE, w, 87 yrs, m, m, 17 Sep 1874, typhus flux, Franklin Co., Franklin Co., Owen Co., parents not named. Malissa WATSON, w, 36 yrs, f, m, 19 Sep 1874, ruptured uterus,Bath Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., George and Perlicia Tackett, Bath Co., Bath Co. Wm. BROWN, n, 40 yrs, m, m, 8 Feb 1874, killed by a fall, Carroll Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., Harris Brown. [blank] RODGERS, w, 9 mo, f, m [sic], 27 Jan 1874, tuberculosis, New Liberty Owen Co., New Liberty, Alex and Amanda Rodgers, Owen Co., Owen Co. Eliza BALL, w, 80 yrs, f, w, 22 Jul 1874, old age, Owen Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., parents not named. [blank] GAYLE, n, 1 yr, 2 Aug 1874, cholera infantium, Owen Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., Wallace and Ellen Gayle, Owen Co., Owen Co. Newton WILLIAMS, w, 57, m, m, 29 Apr 1874, phtheses pulmonates, Gallatin Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., parents not named. Nancy CULL, w, 70, f, m, 1 Aug 1874, inflamation of the o______, no further information given. George Ann AUSERAIN, n, 50, f, m, 11 May 1874, paralysis, Owen Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., parents not named. Wm. DAWSEN, w, 65, m, m, 26 Jun 1874, bellious remitack fever, Clark Co., Owen Co., Owen Co., parents not named. R.W. ORR, w, 35, m, s, 14 Dec 1874, phyhisis pulmonates, New Liberty, Owen Co., Owen Co., James P. and Amanda Orr, Owen Co., Owen Co. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.