BIO: BRADFORD, William A., Pendleton Co., KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in US GenWeb Archives by the Kentucky Biography Project Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Subject: BIO: BRADFORD, William A., Pendleton Co., KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., Pendleton Co. DR. WILLIAM A. BRADFORD was born in Pendleton County, Ky., in 1849, and is a son of Hugh and Margaret (Chalfant) Bradford. Hugh Bradford was also a native of Pendleton County, was born in 1818, and was a farmer. William A. Bradford received his preliminary education in the schools of Pendleton County, pursued subsequently, the ordinary literary and preparatory course of study, and then entered the Cincinnati College of Medicine, from which he graduated with the degree of M. D. In 1871 he located in Morgan, Ky., followed his profession there two years, and then removed to Saline County, Mo., where he practiced two years, and then returned to Pendleton County, Ky., and settled in Butler, where he is still actively engaged in practice. November 16, 1872, he married Miss. Mildred A. Morris, a native of West Virginia, born February 12, 1850, and a daughter of William and Julia (Mitchell) Morris. To this marriage have been born three children: Lamah, Nellie and W. Hugh. The Doctor represented Pendleton County in the Legislature in the session 1883-84; has been a member of the town board of Butler several times, and in addition to his medical practice is partner with C. C. Hagemeyer in the manufacture of lumber, and in dealing in grain and flour. He has also been engaged in the tobacco trade since 1879, and owns a large warehouse in Butler; besides these activities he owns and cultivates a farm of 265 acres in Pendleton County. The Doctor is a Democrat in politics, and in religion a Baptist, being a member of the congregation of that denomination at Butler. He is also Worshipful Master of Bostwick Lodge, No. 508, A. F. & A. M. *****************************************************************************