Pendleton County KyArchives Church Records.....Richland Baptist Church Copyright Date 1818 - 1819 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sherri Bradley January 21, 2011, 8:32 pm Jan 3, 1818 - The Church of Richland met --------- After praise and prayer proseeded to Business. First Recd. into fellowship Br'n. Gaius Dickesen and his wife Mary Dickensen, Margaret Pugh. Then opened a door for the Reseption of members either By letter or Experience. Recd. George Pugh for Baptisem. Took up the business of electing two Deacons and a Clark and Laid it over til our next. Proposed to partake of the Lords supper at our next meeting and appointed Br'n. Calob Browning and Robt Blackburn to attend to the providing Elliments. February 1818 - On Saterday before the first Sucnay in February 1818 the Church met and after praaise and prayer proseeded to business. Recd. in to fellowship Br'n. Geo. Pugh. Then opened a door for the reception of members either by letter or experience. Took up Election of Deacons and Clerk and laid over til our next. Took in to consideration the sise and form of our Meeting House and determined on the sise and plan and appointed Br'n Calob Browning and Robt. Blackburn and Geo. Pugh to attend to the Drawing an article for the same with the plan of it. Then took in to Consideration whether we would get a Church book and deceded in favor of it. On Sunday Recd. in to fellowship Sarah Jackson and Elisabeth Jackson. March 1818 - On the Saturday before the first Sunday in March the church met and after prayse and prayer proseeded to business. First opened a door for the reseption of members either by experience or letter. Recd. Sarah Worl for Baptism; Mary Worl, Mariah Slave to Wiseman Hitch, Prince (free-man). Took up the refference of the Deacons and Clk and Laid over til our next. Took up the place of our meeting house and Deferd til our next. Recd. Mary Jackson by Censent of the Church. Appointed Br Pugh to purchace a Church Book. April 1818 - On Saterday Before the fifth Sunday in April the Church met and after prayse and prayer proseeded to Business. First opened a Door for the Reseption of members either by Experience or letter. Recd for Baptisem Sarah Powers, Cyntha Clark, Henry Adams, his wife Nancey Adams, Nancy Cambridge. By letter James Egnew, Daniel Wiliams, Isaac Gruell and is wife Catherine. May 1818 - On Saterday before the first Sunday in may the Church met and after praise and prayer proseeded to business. First Recd. in to fellowship Brn. Henry Adams and Nancy his wife, Cynthia Clark and Prince. Then opened a door for the Reseption of members Either by Experience or letter. Recd. by letter sister Nancy Adams, Mary Blackburn, Peggy Marsh Susan Marsh, Polly Marsh, Nancy Pollard, Rachel Fersythe. Recd. for Baptism Calob Browning Jru., Henry Colvin Jur, Spencer servt to Archa Duncan, Adam Dounard, Elizabeth Martiel. Took up the refference of the Election of our Deacons. Elected Brn. Robt. Blackburn and Isaac Gruell. Made Choyse of our Clk and was in favour of Br. Geo. Pugh. Then took up the Refference of our meeting house and Determd on Br. Blackburns Place. Had Rules of Decorum Presented and appointed Brn. Gruell, Blackbrn, Browning, Pugh and Long as a Committee to Examine and present them at our next. June 1818 - On Saturday Before the first Sunday in May and after praise and prayer proseeded to business. First a motion made and seconted that this Church Be joined to the Union assotiation and was sanctioned. Then Elected BNrn. Gruell and Pugh to Coppy a letter for the assotiation. Elected Brn. I. Gruell, C. Browning and G. Pugh as a committee to Draw an article for the purpus of building a House. Elected D. Williams, James Egnew, C. Browning, Isaac Gruell to beare a letter to the assotiation. July 1818 - On Saterday before the first Sunday in May the Church met and after praise and prayer Proseeded to business. First Recd. in to fellowship Brn. Betsy Martiel, Adam Downard, Calob Browning, Nancy Cambridge, Mariah slave to wiseman Hitch, Spencer slave to Archable Duncan. Recd. for Batpism Marget MCan, Nelly Anderson, Sarah Williams, thos. pollard, David slave to Saml. Arnold, Saml. slave to J. Garrard. On Sunday Recd. in to fellowship G. Henry Colvin, Marget Mcan, Nelly Henderson, Sarah Williams, Thos. Pollard, David Slave to Arnold, Saml. slave to J.J. Garrard. August 1818 - On Saterday Before the first Sunday in August the Church met and after prays and prayer proseed to Business. First opened a Door for the reseption of members by letter or Experience. Recd. fer Baptism Lucy Sharp. Then took up the business of the Subscription and Determd in favour of the one Shaped by Calob Browning, Blackburn and Pugh. Then adjournd til our next meeting in course. September 1818 - On Saterday Before the first Sunday in September the church met and after prayse and prayer proseeded to Business. First Elected Br Grewell mod. pro tem. Then a motion made and Second and agreed to that we should Commune twise a year viz in the months Apl. and Sept and that the same shal Become A rule of Decorum. On motion we adjourned til our next meeting in Course. Isaac Grewell mo. Gr. S. Pugh, Clk. Oct. 1818 - On Saterday before the first Sunday in Obt. the Church met and after praise and prayer proseeded to Business. First recd. into fellowship Lucy Sharp. On motion took in to Consideration the ordination of our Deacons and Appointed our next meeting for that purpus and greed that we should Commune at our next meeting. On motion that amle member get an equal proportion of the Meeting House logs and Have them on the ground on or before the first of Nov next. After Singing and prayer adjourned til our next meeting in course. G. Pugh Clk. Jesse Holton M. Nov 1818 - On Saterday Before the first Sunday in Nov the Church met and after singing and prayer proseeded Business. No Business Coming Before the Church. Br. Elkin preached a Sermon which was followed by Br. Morton. The meeting Concluded by Br. Holton By the way of Exhortation and prayer to meet at our next in Course. G.S. Pugh, Clk. J. Holton, Mod. Dec. 1818 - On Saterday Before the first Senday in Decem and prayer the members present took Seets. Rec. Susana Sharp for Baptism. Isaac Grewell clk. J.S. Holton M. Jan 1819 - Jan the Second 1819 the Church met according to apt. Br. Grewell Richland and after Singing and prayer the members present took they seets and preseeded Business. Feb 1819 - Lost March the sixth 1819 - The Church met agreeable to Apt. and proseeded to Business. First opened a Door for the Reception of memberss - none. Motion made and S. that three members be apt to Draw a Subscription for the Covering the meting House and Chose Brn. Long, Grewell, and Pugh. The subscription to Be Drawn thus that the Subscribers to pay the Sums anext to their names in good trade -- Corn and Sithy. The 13 and 22 is Days Apt to raise the meeting Hous. A motion made for a Covenant In the Church and was Disannuled by a large mejority and then adjournd til our next in Course. Rily M., Geo H. Pugh Clk. Apl. the 10 1819 - The Church met and after praise & Prayer proceded to business. First A motion made and second that a Committee be appointed to Settle business between Brn. Gaius Dickeson and Prince. Brn. Browning and Blackburn & Grewell apt. The Superscription Received by the Church Dated March the 13th, 1819. Also members appointed to take the Superscription. Brn. Long, Pugh & Pollard Appt'd and then Adjourned till our next in Course. May the 8th 1819 - Agreeable to Appointment the Church met and after Divine Worship the members prest took their seats. First nominated Br. Monroe Mod. The Committee aptd. to Settle the Business between Nrn. Dickinson and Prince Reported that it was amicably done. Geo. Pugh, Clk. Alex Monroe Mod. June 1819 - On Satterday before the Second Lords day in June the Church met at Br. Gruwells Agreeable to App to Bro. E. Monroe Mod who op'd our meeting by Singing and prayer then the Church proceded to business. First aptd Sam'l Long clk ptm. Opened a door for the Reception of members. RC four Superscription papers. Agreed to apt a comm to superintend the letting out the Covering of the meeting house and other work. Aptd Br. Calib Browning to visit the br. clk. on the acct of his not attending more regular with the book. Undertook to find means to get A regular pasture to attend us and put over till our next monthly meeting held at Br. Danl Williams. The minutes cold for and Read. Sam'l Long, clk ptm E. Alex Monroe M. July 1819 - On Satterday before the Second Lords day in July the Church met at Br. Blackburns and after divine worship prceeded to business. Open'd A door for the Reception of members by letter or Experience - none. On motion proceeded to Call our pasture and made Choice of Br. Isaac Munson. On motion nominated Brn. Wm. Browning, I. Gruwell & Jas. Egnue as members to the association. Nominated br. Pugh to write A letter Present it at our next. On motion that Br. Long & Gruwell to bear a letter to Br Munson on the Decision of the Church and to Shape the Same. On motion agreed to Examin & revise our rules and made choice of Brn. Browning, Blackburn, Gruwell, Long & pugh. On motion aptd. a committee to Examine and Draw up our Records once a year previous to the association and aptd Gruwell and Browning for the Same. Then adjourn'd till our next in course. Agree'd to get a day book. Geo. Pugh Clk Jesse Holton modr. August 1819 - On Satterday before the first Lords day in August the Church met at Br Williams and after praise and prayer proceeded to business. First the association letter col'd for and not presented. Apt'd Br. Gruwell to write S'd letter. Took up the reference of our pasture. Elder Isaac Munson agreed to attend us. Open'd a door for the reception of members. Aptd Isaac Gruwell Clk. Aptd Br. Robt Blackburn to visit Br hatfield and cite him to our next meeting. Our next meeting to be at Br. Blackburns. Done by order of the Church. Sam'l Long Clk ptm Isaac Munson modr Sept. 1819 - At a Church Meting held at Brother Blackburns on the Saturday Before the furst Sunday in September 1819 after prar the members Present tuck thir Ceetes and purseaded to Busness. Apinted Bro Long Modr then Apinted Bor Blackburn & Gruwell to Visit Hatfield to atend our Next meeting To give his resons for his nonatendance. the buisness of Colven tuck up and was turned out. Also a mosun maid & Second to Relese Broter Gruwell from The Dakens place and apint another at our Next meeting. Next Jurnd Till meeting in Corse. Sam'l Long Mod Isaac Gruwell Clk October 1819 - At a Church Meeting Held the Saturday Before the furst Sunday in October 1819 at Br Longs after prayer the members present. Tuck thir Seets. Purseeded to Bisness Chosen a Deaken by previte Ballet. The Church Chose Br Wm Browning. Moson fer Jurnnement tel our next. Is. Munson Modr Is. Gruwell Clk Nov. 1819 - At a Church meeting held Saturday before the furst Sunday in Nov. 1819 at Br C. Brownings and after prayer the members tuck thir seets. No Bisness. Ajornd tell meeting in Course. Isaac Munson Modr Isaac Gruwell Clk December 1819 - At a Church Meeting held the Saturday Before the furst Sunday in Decem. 1819 _______ and after prare the members present took thir Seetes. A member from the Northfork Church for helpe to Constitute a Church. Apinted Brer'n Browning, Egnew and Gruwell. Ajurnd tell Next. I. Munson Modr I. Gruwell Clk Additional Comments: Transcribed from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487. File at: This file has been created by a form at