Pendleton County KyArchives Church Records.....Richland Baptist Church Copyright Date 1820 - 1821 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sherri Bradley January 21, 2011, 8:33 pm January 1820 - At a Church Meeting held at Br. Pollards the Saturday Before the furst Sunday in January 1820 after prayre the members present took thir seets and purseeded to Bisness. A Report Was handed that Br. Pugh had been intockated. Br. Browning apt to visit him also Sister Sinth Clark Sent for and the Black Sister and to attend the next meeting in order to give a Account of thir Selves. ajurnd tel our Next. I. Monson Modr. Is. Gruwell, Clk. February 1820 - A Church meeting held the Saturday before the first Lords day in feb. 1820 at Br. Blackburns. After praryer the members present took thir Seats & purseeded to Bisness. Tuck up the Bisness of Cynte Clark. Agreed to Bair With her. Then tuck up the Bisness of Black Sister. Laid over to our Next. Then took up the case of Brother Pugh the Church agreed to Bair With Him. Then Was a Motion mae & seconed that the Meeting Should be finished. On Motion agreed that Br Browning With James Richey for plank to Lay the flore of the Meeting house. Br. George Pugh & Wife Dismised By Letter. Agreed that our Nex Meting to Be at Sturts Scoolhous. On Motion for ajournment. E. Isaac Munson, Mod. Isaac Gruwell, Clk. March 1820 - At a Church meeting held at the Schoolehouse The Saturday before the furst Sunday in March 1820 after prare the members present took ther Seets and purseeded to Bisness. Then took up the case of Black Sister and excluded hur from us. Then took up the case of Dickson & Henry Adams And thir wifes then aptd Broathern Hatfield Long to visit them and Sight them to atend our next meeting in Corse. Sister Sarah Jackson and Mary Jackson Dismised by Letter. Then Jurnd til our next. E. Isaac Munson Mod. Isaac Gruwell Clk April 1820 - At a Church meeting held at Br. Brownings the Saturday in Apl Before the furst Lords Day In Apl 1820 after prar the members took This Seetes then took up the Case of Dicksons and his Wife and Br. Henry Adams and his Wife and Move all Excluded from us. Ajurnd tell our Next meeting --- E. Munson Modr. I. Gruwell Clk May 1820 - At a Church Meeting held at Br. Blackburns the Saturday before the first Lords day in May 1820 after prare the members present took thir seets. No bisness ---- E. Isaac Munson Mod Isaac Gruwell Clk June 1820 - At a Church Meeting held at the Richland Meeting House the Saturday Before the first Lord Day in June 1820 after prayr the members present Took their Seets. Sister Nancy Stvens Dism By Letter Then Jurnd tel our next in Corse E. Esaac Munson Mod. Isaac Gruwell Clk July 1820 - At a Church Meeting held at Richland Meeting house the Saturday Before the first Lords Day in July 1820 after praryr the members Took thir Seats then purseed to Bisness. Br. Gruwell apt to Wright the Letter to the association. Br. Blackburn, C. Browning and Long apt to Bare the Same. E. Isaac Munson Mod. Isaac Gruwell, Clk. August 1820 - At a Church meeting held at Richland meeting house the Saturday before the furst Lords Day in August 1820 the members present took thir Seets then Chouse Br Long modratur then purseeded to Busness. Then apt. Br. Gruwell to Visit J. Wolf to attend our next to giv his Reson for his nonatendence. Journd tell our Next. S. Long Mod. I. Gruwell Clk September 1820 - at a Church Meeting held at Richladn Meeting house the Saturday Before the first Lords Day in Sept 1820 after prayr the members present took ther seets and preceded to Busness. Took up the Case of Br. Hatfield. Laid over to our Next meeting in Corse. Then was handed in a letter from Br. Long Which was wred. Then aptd Brn. Browining, Gruwell, Blackburn To Visit Br Long. Then Br. Dickson sent to the Church for a letter of Dismission Not Granted. Then tell our Next meeting in Corse. E. I. Monson Mod. . Gruwell Clk October 1820 - at a Church meeting held the Satterday Before the furst Lords Day in oct. 1820 after prare the members present took This Seetsand purseeded to Busness. Took the Case of Br. T. Hatfield and he was Excluded. Then took up the Case of Br. Long and he Withdrew himself from the Church. Then he Requested a Sertifate and the church Granted it. then Jurnd tell our Next in Corse. A. King Mod. Isaac Gruwell Clk November 1820 - November meeting was mixsed from Count of Bad Wather. December 1820 - at a Church meeting hel at Br Gruwell the furst Saturday Dec. 1820 after prare the Members present took thir Seets then Pursed Busness. then Chose Br Monroe Mod Sister Clark aplied for a letter of Dismision for herself and Cynta (Cynthia) and the CH Jurnd E.I. Munson Mod I. Gruwell Clk January 1821 - at a Church meeting hed at Br T. Potters the Saturday Before the furst Lords day in Jan 1821 after praise the members present took thir Seets then purseded to Bisness. a Charge Brought Before the Church Against Br Browning for talk agains the Church and the Church took him under dellings for the Same apt. Br Pollard to invite Br Rylea (Riley) and Ishued warning to a tend our Next to Give Evidance in the foresaid Case also Sister Poly Clark ptn (appointed) Pollard I. Egnew to Site Br Browning to a tend our Next to answer the a Bove Charge. Journd tell our Next in Corse. (February 1821) - at a Church meeting held at Sister Marshes the furst Saterday in febr 1821 after Worship the members Took thir Seets then purseeded to Bisness. Then Recd. Mistur Adams and his Wife Saly Adams By letter. the Charge aganst Br Broning Settled the Next meeting to be at Br Adams. Jurnd tell our Next. G. Rylea Mod I. Gruwell Clk March 1821 - at a Church meeting held at Br Adams the furst Saturday in March 1821 after Worship the members took Seets. Br Thom Pollard and Sister Pollard aplied for a letter of Dismison and it Was Granted them. Br I Gruwell and Egnew apinted to Git a Deed for the meeting house lot and have it for inSpection against Next for inSpection. then Br Barlow Caled to Visit us and prech for us Jurnd tell our Next. Br Rylea Mod I Gruwell Clk May 1821 - at a Church meeting held at Richland Meeting the furst Saturd in may 1821 after prare the members present took thir Seets then purseeded to Busness. furst Chused Br Barlow Mod. a motion maid S'd to Send for to Send for Br. Wm Browning pt to Visit Sister Long to a tend our Next tell her Rison for none atendans. mo maid and Sct. to Call Br Munrow for Our precher. a moson maid and St. to alter our meeting from the furst to the Secon Saturday and it was done. Br Gruwell apt to Visit Br Munrow then tuck up the Grevence of Br Browning against Blackburn for Judging Some of His famley for Writing a Scandless letter laid over tell our Next. Jurnd tell our Next. E. Monrow Mod I. Gruwell Clk June 1821 - at a Church meeting held at the Ritchland meeting house the Second Saturday in June 1821 after Worship the members present took thir Seets then purseeded to Bisness then moved Ch (choice) of the Mod Chose Br Munrow. Then rcd. a letter from the forks of liking that they Recd. Br Gruwell and letter from RIchland Church Stating of their Wish of Br Munrow for Thir precher and We have givan our Concent With him. then M'd S'd that Br Browning Grieveans be Laid over tel our Next. Jornd E. Monrow I Gruwell clk July 1821 - at a Church meeting held at Richland Meeting house the Secon Saturday in July 1821 after Worship the members presunt Took thir Seets and purseeded Bisness. Then Chose Br Monurw Mod. Then took the Case of Br Browning against Br Blackburn has not proved the Charge. Then Motion Maid Sc'd that Br Blackburn Shold be Reprovd for the Charge. Moton made and Sec that Brn Munrow admonish the Same. Motion made that Brn Adms and Gruwell to perprare a letter for the assoation. Then took up the chouse of a pretchur and Chose Br Monrow Jurnd tell our Next. E. Munrow Mod Gruwell Clk August 1821 - at a Church meeting held the Second Saturday in Ayug 1821 after Worship the members present took thir Seet and purseeded. a motion and Sc'd that Br Monrow Be at liberty at all times to Speek to any Case Whatever. Then chos of our Brn A. Adams and Egnue To Bair letter To the assocition Jornd tell our Next. E. Munrow Mod I. Gruwell Clk September 1821 - at a Church meeting held at RIchland meeting House the Second Saturday in Sept. 1821 the members Present took thir Seets no Bisness opening. on motn Jurnd tel meeting Corse. A. Monroe Mod I. Gruwell Clk October 1821 - at a Church meeting held at Richland meeting House the Secnd Saturd in October 1821 the members present took thir Seets. Applecation was maid By Wm Browning & Wife for letters of Dismision and Recd them. Also Br. Chalub Browning Requested a letter & was Granted. Jurnd tell meting in Corse. A. Monroe Mod I. Gruwell Clk November 1821 - at a Church meeting Held at Br Gruwells the Second Saturday in Nov 1821 the members present took ther Seets. Br Long came fored and Related to the Church his wish to Joine It againe and Give Satisfaction to us. the Church Recd. him in full fellowship again. Jurnd tell meeting Corse. A. Monroe Md. I Gruwell Clk Additional Comments: Transcribed from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487. File at: This file has been created by a form at