Pendleton County KyArchives Church Records.....Richland Baptist Church Copyright Date 1822 - 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sherri Bradley January 21, 2011, 8:35 pm February 1822 - at a Church meeting held at Sister Marshs the Second Saturday in febury 1822 the members present took This Seet. No Bisness. Jurnd tell meeting Corse. A. Monroe Modr. Isaac Gruwell Clk March 1822 - at a Church meeting house held at Richland meeting House the Second Saturday in March 1822 the members present took thir Seets. on moton that the Decorrum Be alterd, in the first and 12 articles; on Motion greed to Adopt Some Rule to finish the Meetinghouse. Agreed to meet on the fourth friday of the present intant to make and burn a line kiln and other preparations On motion Adjournd tell meeting in Course. A. Monroe Modr. Isaac Gruell CLR April 1822 - At Church meeting Second Saturday in April no business. Appearing on motion Adjournd till meeting in Cours, signd by order ------- Isaac Gruwell CLR May 1822 - At a Church Meeting at RIchland Meeting hous second Saturday in May 1822 no business Appearing. on Motion Adjournd untill meeting in Course. Alex Monroe MDr saac Gruwell CLR June 1822 - At a Church meeting held at Richland meeting the Second Saturday in June 1822 no Busness. appering. Jurnd tell meeting in Corse. A. Monroe Mod. I. Gruwell Clk July 1822 - at a Church meeting held at Richland meeting House the Second Saturday in July 1822 the members present took thir Seets and Perseeded to Bisness. on moten greed that Br Gruwell Wrogjt a Letter for the Association for inspection. also the Church Apinted Br Blackburn and Br Gruwell to Bare the Same to the Association. on motion Jurnd tell meeting in Corse. A. Monroe Mod Isaac Gruwell Clk ======================== At this point, the records skip to September 1826. ============================ September 1826 - At a Church Meeting held at Richland in Sept 1826 after Divine Worship the members present Took thir Seets and preseed to Bisness. Br. A. Adams and Wife Requested a letter of Dismison and it was Granted them. also Susan Woford also was Dismised By letter. On moten a-Jurnd tell meeting in Cors. E.A. Monrow I. BGruwell Clk October 1826 - at a Church meeting held at Richland meeting house the Second Saturday in Oct 1826 after Worship the members present took thir Seets. No Bisness a[oeromg. Ajur tell meeting in Cors. November 1826 - At Church meetign Held at the Skoolhouse Secon Satrday in Novm 1826 after Devine Worshop the members took thir Seets and purseeded to Bisness. GThen a Dore Was opened to Receve in Wm Lemmon for Baptism. then Dismissed tell meeting in Corse. A. Munrow MO I. Gruwell Clk December 1826 - at a Church Meeting held at the Schoolhouse the secon Saturday in Decem 1826 after prare the members present took thir Seets and purseeded to Bisness. then took up the Cawling of a --------- (Part of page 21 containing a part of the Record of the Meeting on the second Saturday in December 1826 has been removed.) Jauary 1827 - at a Church meeting held at the Schoolhouse the Second Saturday in January 1827 aft Worship the members present Took ther Seets then purseeded to Bisness. then maid Chise of a mod then chuse Br Abnature for the same. Then Rec'd J.W. Laughton By Experence. Then Rec'd R. Blackburn to a fellowship a Gane. on Mo. agred that a Dore may be Opend on Satur nites and ever Sunday if need Requir. On Mo Jurnd Tell our Next. Blackstone L. Abernathy Mod Gruwell Clk February 1827 - at a Church Meeting held at the Skoolhouse the Second Saturday in febury 1827 after Worshop members present took thir seets and pursed to Bisness. Recd Susana Jones for Baptism also Recd. Rachel Lemmons for Do (Baptism) also Recd. Mary Neives By her Relashon also Recd Mary Ann Richey By Baptism n m. Jurnd tell Meeting in Corse _______________ Moud I. Gruwell Clk March 1827 - at church metin held at the Richland Church Held at the Schoolhouse the Second Satury in March 1827 after Worship the memb present took thir Seets and purseeded to Bisness. then Recd. for Baptism J. Blackburn also Recd. Mary Downard Then Recd. E. Ramey Then Recd. Cyntha McMurray on M Sc Jiurnd tell our Next in Corse. Blackstone L. Abnathy mod I Gruwell Clk April 1827 - At a church meeting held at Richland Meeting April 1827 after worship the members took ther seats and proceeded to Busness then opened a door For the Reception of Members Recieved Nancy Rawlings for Baptism Likewise Eliza McCarty also Ann Green Adjourned until our next meeting In Cours B.L. Abenathy Mod Isaac Gruwell Clk May 1827 - At a CHurch meeting held at Richland Meeting House the Second Saturday in May 1827 after Worship the members present took there seets And proceeded to Business. Received By Leter Bro John Washburn and Francis his wife Then Recived Margaret Bowling By Information Recieved Sally Gruwell for Baptism then took the Choice of a deacon By Ballard Br Wm Lemmond Chosen by the Church Sister S. Wafford aksed for a Letter of dismission and was Granted On Motion Adjourned B.L. Abernathy Mod Attest Isaac Gruwell CLK June 1827 - At a Church meeting held at the meeting house The second Saturday In June 1827 after worship The members present took there Seats and proceed to Business. Then Recieved for Baptism Leander McMurry & Mahaly McCarty. n Motion adjurned untill our next in Course. B.L. Abernathy Mod Attest Isaac Gruwell Clerk July 1821 - at a Church meeting held at the Richland meeting House the second Saturday in July 1821 after worship the members took there seats and proceeded to Business. Then Recd George Lemmons for Baptism then Recd By Letter Br A McCarty & Wife S. McCarty Then adjourned until our Next. B.L. Abernathy Mod I saac Gruwell Clerk August 1828 - At a Church Meeting held at the meeting house the Second Saturday in august 1828 after worship the members took there Seats then proceed to Buisiness. Then Received By Letter Br. Green. By Batism Sarah Robinson then made Choise of the messenger to the Association Chosen Brethern Gruwell, Sashburn, Lemmons.On motion adjourned Isaac Gruwell Clerk September 1827 - At a Church meeting held at Richland meeting House the second Saturday in Sept 1827 after worship the members took there seats and proceeded to Busness. Then Recieved by letter Br. S. King & Fanny King Then Received for Baptism Sarah Browning Then Received Sisters Ann & Mary Browning's letters then Rece Sally Cury gor Baptism Adjourned B.L. Abernathy Mod atteste Isaac Gruwell Clerk October 1827 - At a Church meeting Held at Richland The Second Saturday in oct 1827 after worship the members Took there seats and proceeded to Business. Then proceeded to Bisiness. Received For Batism M Rawlings & Wife & Polly McCarty on motion adjourned B.L. Abernathy Mod Isaac Gruwell clerk November 1827 - At a Church Meeting Held at the Richland Meeting house The Second Saturday In Nov 1827 after prayer The members took there Seets and proceeded to Business Brother Silas Kings case was taken up and after being herd he is again taken in into full fellowship by a unanimous vote of the church. Brother Lewis Wright appointed Deacon in the place of Brother Gruwell resigned. Ordered that Sister Margaret Roalin obtain a letter of dismission at her request. Adjourned Untill Meeting in course. William Browning Mod. Protem attest M. Winn. December 1827 - At a church Meeting held at the Richland Meeting house the Second Saturday in december 1827 after worship The members present took there seats and proceeded To business. Then choose a moderator Br Wm Browning Chosen on Motion Adjourned B.L. Abernaty Mod Atteste Isaac Gruwell clerk Additional Comments: Transcribed from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487. File at: This file has been created by a form at