Pendleton County KyArchives Church Records.....Richland Baptist Church Copyright Date 1836-1839 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sherri Bradley January 21, 2011, 8:43 pm July 14, 1839 - The deciples of Jesus Christ met at Richland Meeting House in order to organize the Congretation: and after adopting the following the following sentence, to wit: The brethron and Sisters whoes names are hereunto annexed, having given themselves to the Lord, and one another, do hereby agree to meet together at the Richland Meeting House as a Congregation to worship God, in accordance with his holy Oracles. DISCIPLES NAMES Joseph Mitchel Elizabeth Rawlings Margaret Mitchel Celicia Blackbourn Minerva Mitchel Polly Adams William Cleavland Jno. Holton Cassa Cleavland Nancy Holton Rachael Forsyth Bayless Greene Jane Green Franklin Browning John Mitchel Cinthyann Browning G.W. Holton James McKinny Ann Casey Coleman Clayton Jane M. Casey John Buoy Oliver Cleveland Mary Buoy Henry Sanders (this name was cancelled) July Pollard Squier washbourn Blackstone Pollard Mary Washbourn Lewis Wright Michal Courtney Nancy Wright Eleanor Courtney Jacob Forsythe, Snr. Hanbleton Casey Robert Rawlins Nancy Casey Robert Blackborn Aaron Mitchell Thos Lay William A. More James Delaney Alexander Anderson Jacob Forsythe Jur. (this name was cancelled) Manuel, man of colr. (This Br joined us through mistake, we consider him not of us) Nathaniel McCarty Polly Buoy This page being filled the names will be found in the latter part of the Book. The Congregation then prceeded to elect officers; and by uplifted hands unanimously elected Br. Joseph Mitchel Bishop, and Br. Jno. Holton Deacon protem. also Br. Holton to prside Br. S.V. Lee Moderator Jno Holton clerk The Congregation thus organized Br. S.V. Lee taugt the people by an appropriate discourse Br. Joseph Mitchel opened to meeting by prayer, and concluded by an impressive exortation. The congregation then celebrated the death of our Lord and adjourned ------------- July 30, 1839 - The Congregation met and after prayer praise, and thankgiving Br. Joseph Mitchel red a lesson from the old scripture, and taught the congregation and all present from a part of Paul's Epistle to the romans, broak the loaf and adjourned. Jno. Holton Clerk Augt. 10, 1839 - Br. J.M. Holton delivered tow discourses one confess'd the Lord (to wit) Jacob Forsthe Snr. this was on saturday and was immured sunday morning by Br. Holton in Lickin River, same day Br. Holton addressed an attentive audiance in two discourses and five made the good confession and were immorsed in sd. River by Br. S.V. Lee, who, with Br. Joseph Mitchel were all the time in attendance at sd. meeting & assisted in the ministry by prayer etc. The names of the five who confessed on Sunday together with Br. Forsythe (Jacob Forsythe Jur.) who had backsliden, made acknowledgement and was recd. by the congregation. ----- Monday 12, do. (1839) Sept. 14, 1839 - Br. J.M. Holton from Brackin Cont. visited us. Br. Mitchel our Bishop, and Br. Lee our local teacher being present. Br. Holton taught the brethron who were present, and a few alians, one of whome confessed the Lord, (to wit) Nathaniel McCarty this was on Saturday on Sunday Br Holton taught an attentive audience from the 9th chapter of Pauls epistle to the Romans and we think displaid the workman; and then by a pathetic exortation, pursuaded alians to obey the Gospel and two confessed the Lord, to wit, John Collyer and Polly Buoy; then broke the loaf, and repeared to the mouth of Richland Creek, and in Lickin River Nathaniel McCarty and Polly Buoy were immersed by Br J.M. Holton. Br. Lee, and Br. Mitchel were all the time present and assisted in divine worship. this closed our Meeting. Jno. Holton Clk Septr. 22, 1839 - The congreation convened, and Br. Mitchel, after prayer an praise addressed the audience. the emblems of the broken body, and his shed blood were presented on the Lords Table, but through the absence of mind in Br. Deacon, he furnished no Cup or gass, so the death of our Lord was not celebrated. then a meeting was appointed for Br. John Powel of Ohio. Adjourned in order. Jno. Holton Clk. Saturday Sept. 28, 1839 - Br. John Powel visited us according to appointment, and addressed a few individuals; we were sorry that there were so few to participate of the precious truth & holsome teaching which he advanced from the most holy Oracles on thet occasion. On Sunday Brn. Mitchel and Lee were present. Br. Powel taught the people from the tenth of the acts of the Apostles much to the satisfaction of all who heard him; he then in a most interesting and pathetic exortation wooed Aliens to obedience but no one yielded; we hope the good seed sowen on that day may yet yield its fruit. Br. Lee also threw in his sickel and with Zeal and pertinent labour, indeavored to wave a sheaf to the Lord, but to no effect. In the evening at Br. Holton's at candle lite Br Lee and Br Powel both preached and after much good teaching and exortation Nancy Browning a very respectable methodist Lady came forward, and on munday, after an excelent discourse delivered by Br Powel, she and Sandy Anderson and John Colier who had confessed some time prior were all three immersed in Lickin River by Br. Powel On Sunday, the Disciples of Christ celebrated his death. Adjourned Jno. Holton Clk Oct. 15, 1839 - At a meeting prier to this date sundry Letters of dismission were granted, (to wit) to Br. Branton Pollard to Br James Burch, Sister Burch his Wife; also Br Robert Blackbourn and Sister Celicia Blackbourn his wife; by order of the congregation. Jno. Holton Clk. On this day our beloved Br J.M. Holton visited us, and taught the people. Br. Michel was present. Br. Holton exhorted the audiance and four obeyed the Gospel; or rather confessed the Lord, (to wit) John Mitchel, G.W. Holton, Ann Casey & Jane M. Casey and sunday morning Br. Holton addressed an attentive audiance, and Oliver Cleveland made the good confession, all of whome were immersed in Licken River by Br. Holton Jno. Holton Clerk Octr 4th Lords day 1839 - B (Bro?) Lee met the Congregation at Br. Jno. Holtons and delivered an excellent practical discours. the death of our Lord was celebrated. Adjd. Jno. Holton Clk. July 30, 1839 - Memorandom of money paid for the use of the Congregation, etc. August 10 Br. Brackton Polliard paid $00.25 August 11 The brethren contributed five dollor which money Br. Deacon gave Br. J.M. Holton $5.00 Sept. 8th The Brethren contributed 0.75 which contribution Br. Deacon give to Br. Powel together with two dollars and thirty sects which Br. Deacon added of his own funds, in all $3.25 0.75 Sept 27 Brethren contributed $2.15 which Br. Deacon handed to Br. Lee 2.15 May 17, 1840 Br. Oliver Cleveland contributed 50 cts. .50 Br. William Cleveland 12 1/2 cents .12 1/2 Br. John Holton 25 cts. .25 which money Br. deacon bought 2 qts wine May 31 Brn. contributed 75 cts 00.75 June 21 Brethren contributed 72 cts .72 August 5, 1839 Congregation Dr. To 2 qts. wine at 50 cts. $1.00 Novr.---- To do 1.00 Apl 11 To 1 qt. do 0.50 November 1839 - On the seckond Lords day in November Br Mitchell met the congregation and others at Majr. Casies and taught the people and exorted sinners to oby the Gospel. Adjourned Jno. Holton Clk. On the fourth Lords day in November, 1839 met at Br. John Holtons Br. Mitchel preached & Celebrated the deat of our Lord. Adj'd Jno. Holton Clk. Decr. 14, 1839 - Br. Mitchel preaced at Br Willian Cleavlands, by candle lite and Henry Sanders came forward and caset in his lot with us, having bin immersed before, on the next day being the Lords day met at a new Schoo-House on Br. William Cleavelands land. Br. Mitchel preached & broke the loaf and journed. Jno. Clk. N.B. at this meeting Br. WIlliam lay and was received as a member with us. Decr. 29, 1839 - Congregation convened with us our Bishop Br. Mitchel, by some intervention of providence was not with us. after singing, prayer and reading a portion of God's word Adjourned. Jno. Holton Clk Additional Comments: Transcribed from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487. File at: This file has been created by a form at