DEED: Grizzle & Sullivan, 1878, Pendleton Co., KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in US GenWeb Archives: Submitted by E-mail Registry Submitter: Phyllis W a d d e l l Date: February 05, 1999 Subject: DEED: Grizzle & Sullivan, 1878, Pendleton Co., KY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. **************************************************************************** DEED: Grizzle & Sullivan, 1878, Pendleton Co., KY Pendleton County Kentucky Clerk of the County Court Deed Book 27, Page 627 1878.Ind Know all men, by these presents, that Mr. John Grizzle and William Grizzle both of the county of Pendleton and State of Kentucky of the first part for the consideration of thirty dollars to us in hand paid, have this day bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto Timothy Sullivan of the County and State aforesaid of the second part a certain tract or parcel of land being in Pendleton County Kentucky and bounded as follows, viz, beginning at a stone in the County Road leading from Lightfoots ford of Grassy Creek to Mt. Monah Church thence N49 Degrees W16 poles to a stone xx paid Sullivans line, thence N49 degree W10 poles to a stone in John Grizzle's field thence N41 degree E16 poles to a stone in said County Road thence with said road S49 E10 poles to the beginning containing one acre, and the said John Grizzell and William Grizzel for themselves their heirs and assigns, do hereby covenant with the said grantee that they are seized of an estate in fee simple in said premises and they will forever warrant and defend the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof the said John Grizzle and William Grizzle together with Frances Grizzle wife of John Grizzle and Ann Eliza Grizzle wife of William Grizzle who hereby relinquish their right to Dower in and to the land hereby conveyed have herewith set their hands this Ist day of April 1878. John Grizzel Frances Grizzel William Grizzel Ann Eliza Grizzel State of Kentucky Pendleton County I Jno B. Applegate Clerk of the County Court for the county aforesaid do certify that this deed from John Grizzle, Frances Grizzle, William Grizzle and Ann Eliza Grizzle to Timothy Sullivan was on the 1st instant produced to me in my office by the grantors and acknowledged by them to be their act and deed and together with this certificate has been duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April 1878 Jno B. Applegate, County Clerk William Grizzel *****************************************************************************