NEWS EXCERPTS: Excerpts from the Somerset Journal, 15 Aug 1919 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Submitted by Ron Holt, Email Registry ID# Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. 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At a recent meeting at Bronston he told the farmers that it was the farmer boy who shouldered the gun and fought in the trenches while the city boy was working in the office. He told them that the County Agent was a bireling of the rich and the big corporations and that before long the rich people of the cities would come along and take part of their farms. No bigger falsehood was ever told and the good farmers of the county should resent such a slam on their intelligence. If the farmers of Pulaski county want to organize that is their business but they should beware of these traveling agents who come along and take their money for which they get nothing in return. This man gets a per cent of each fee collected, we are told, and for that reason he is using all kinds of methods to induce the farmer to join the union. On the heels of this man there comes another of the same kind who tells the farmer that he is being robbed by the merchants of the city, and that he will sell them their goods at cost. We do not believe the farmers of Pulaski county will fall for such a line of talk. They should not. They should beware of these men who want to give them something for nothing. We are told that just recently one of these men offered to buy certain farmers sugar at cost. They gave him their order, cash in advance, and when the sugar arrived and was delivered it was found that it cost them more than it was selling for in Somerset. Thus they were humbugged again. This is a serious matter and the business people of Somerset should take the matter up at once. It might also be well for the officers of the law to listen to one of these speeches this man McKelvie is making. It is time the business people of Somerset were waking up and demand that the pike on the Stanford road be completed to the Lincoln county line. They have been living on promises now for some time. There is only about three miles to be completed and the cost will be about $10,000.00. The road is graded and all that is necessary is the spreading of rock and finishing. We are told that the state is ready and anxious to pay the county back more than it will take to complete this road when the project is finished. Therefore it will not take a cent of the counties money. The business men of Somerset can not afford to sit idly by and not raise a kick. It means business for Somerset and the county. This connecting link would mean an outlet for our good people and a road passable for the good people of Eubank and that section of the county to use. We understand that the Fiscal Court has ordered the road built but for some reason work has never started. Why not call a mass meeting of our citizens to discuss the matter! In the great European war just closed about fifty Pulaskians, men and women, gave their lives in the various pursuits of that tragic enterprise that humanity might be free; that autocracy might not again menace the race and that the world might be a better place in which to live. Would it not be appropriate to erect a monument to these heroes on the Public Square! We are sure the citizens will respond liberally to a fund for this purpose. Who will take the matter in charge and start the subscription! Norwood. William White arrived Tuesday from France. Mrs. Henry Garner and children spent several days last week with friends and relatives in Russell county. Mrs. Zora Smith and children of Decatur, Illinois, spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. E.T. Lands. Several from here have been attending the tent meeting at Somerset. Burnside. A good crowd went to Monticello Saturday night to attend a Baptist revival which is being here there. The union picnic was a success here Friday. Mrs. Claude Tuttle of Cincinnati is visiting Mr. J.W. Tuttle and family this week. Mrs. Lulu Evans of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Hail of this place. Martial Smith of Burnside who has been overseas for a year is on his way back home. Mrs. B.F. Dollins of Somerset is visiting her niece, Mrs. ?. B. Marcum. Mt. Zion. C.Z. Hall and family will leave for Indiana soon. Burlin and Boss Wilson returned home last Sunday from Cincinnati. O.C. Pitman sold a horse to Andrew Wesley of Eubank and a milch cow to Will Leigh Sr. of this place. Mrs. Zora Baugh and daughter who have been working in Cincinnati visited Aunt Sarah Baugh last week. The one month and twenty seven day old twin baby of Mr. and Mrs. Guster Hollars died August 4th, Interment in Sardis graveyard. We extend great sympathy to the grief stricken parents. Mrs. Dewey Godby left Sunday to join her husband in Cincinnati. Raymond Lester, who has been in Indiana for some time, arrived home Friday. Edd Hines left for Layton, Ohio, to work Saturday. The dedication of Wilson Chapel will be held the 5th Sunday in August. Everybody come. Mrs. Cyrus Newell and children of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Sherman Godby left Sunday for Cincinnati. Mrs. Emma Baugh of Science Hill is visiting here. Several from this place motored to Somerset Sunday night to attend the Nazarene revival. Miss Verlie Lester spent Sunday with homefolks here and was accompanied back to Somerset by her sister, Miss Minnie, who will spend this week there. Moved to New Home. Mr. A. Goldenburg has moved to his new home on North Main Street. He has remodeled it thru out and made one of the prettiest homes in Somerset. He purchased the Jason Lawhorn property. Wesley Elected. In the primary of last Saturday, Mr. Gladstone Wesley, of Somerset, was elected Representative from Pulaski county over Mr. G.F. Thompson. Wesley easily defeated his opponent in the district. It is another case of a Centre man coming to the front. Wesley graduated from Centre in '17 and was overseas many months where he received slight injuries while in action. Gladstone is only 24 years old and will be the youngest Representative in the State Legislature. - Danville Advocate. Personal Mention. Attorney B.L. Waddle was in Cincinnati the first of the week. Mr. Chas. H. Moore spent several days this week at Cumberland Falls. Mr. Charles Winfrey, Deputy U.S. Marshall, was in Somerset this week. Captain William Huey has been in Somerset this week with friends. Miss Niola Colyer has returned from a visit with friends in Richmond, Ky. Attorney B.L. Waddle is in Whitesburg this week on a business trip. Miss Anise Smith has returned from a visit with relatives in Boyle county. Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Miller left Monday for a visit to Kansas City, Mo. Mr. H.L. Birch of Louisville has been in the city several days on business. Claude Weddle is taking a two weeks vacation and enjoying a part of it at Parkers Mill. Mr. Sam Owens of Lincoln county was down the latter part of the week on a business trip. Mr. H.C. Cress of Monticello, Ky., a young attorney of that city, was in Somerset this week on business. Judge W.B. Morrow is spending several days at Dry Ridge Springs drinking that good water. L. Harkins is expected this week from Hendersonville, N.C., where he has been for several months Mr. Orne Burton of Nancy has returned home after spending some time in the harvest fields in Kansas. News has been received here that Captain Solander Taylor has arrived from overseas and will soon be home. Miss Maude Girdler has been discharged from the Navy but will remain in Washington as a civil service employee in the same department. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waddle, Judge and Mrs. V.F. Smith and Mrs. John Bowser spent a week at Graham Springs. They returned home Monday. Rev. S.B. Lander of Carlisle, Ky., arrived this week for a visit with relatives and to join Mrs. Lander who has been here a week with her father J.L. Waddle. Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Baute, Ben V. Smith and Dr. Monroe motored to Bardstown last Friday where Dr. and Mrs. Baute attended the anniversary celebration of their church. D.E. McQueary who holds a good position in Washington, has been in the county with homefolks. Mr. McQueary made the race for Secretary of State and was one of the "also ran." Captain George Mourning has returned to Louisville after a visit with relatives. Captain Mourning has just been discharged from the service and will locate in Montgomery, Ala. Mr. R.B. Wilson of The Campbellsville Cigar Co., and Mr. Tyler Marshall representing Ouerbacker Coffee and Spice Co., of Louisville, were here calling on our merchants Wednesday, with a nice line of coffee and cigars. Mr. Harry Burgess, Agent for the Cumberland Transportation Company of Burnside, Ky., was in the city Tuesday advertising the boat excursion down the Cumberland. Mr. Burgess is a hustling young man and is making the company a valuable employee. Mr. Fred Hunt has received word that his sister, Miss Ella Hunt, who has been overseas as a Red Cross Nurse for over a year, has arrived in this country. She was attached to Hospital 25 but later transferred to Hospital 91. During her stay abroad she has visited France, Italy, Germany, England and Spain. Will Curtis, one of the valuable employees of the First National Bank, is taking a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George Bertram of Monticello, Ky., have been visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Arthur Hill and daughter of Stanford are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mershon. Miss Nan Mourning will arrive soon to visit relatives here. She is now visiting in Middlesboro, Ky. James Denton returned this week from Newcastle, Ind., where he has been employed in the Maxwell factory. Mrs. J.L. Waddle and niece Miss Thelma Waddle left this week for an extended trip to Missouri and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Cassada left Monday for Louisville to visit relatives. From there they will to go Ohio for a short visit. Mrs. S.A. Waddle, who has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey, at Monticello, Ky., since her husband Lieut. Waddle has been overseas, arrived this week to be with Lieut. Waddle who has just returned home. After a fifteen days leave of absence he will return to Camp Zachery Taylor Ky., to be discharged. Lieut. Waddle was with the Fourth Division which was a part of the army of occupation. He says he just missed "going over the top" one day. They had orders to make an attack on the morning of the 12th of November and the armistice was signed on the 11th. Miss Bertha Wolf of Washington, D.C., arrived this week for a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Cook. Miss Dorothy Reid of Danville, Ky., has returned home after a pleasant visit with Miss Barthenia Sallee. Miss Martha Riker has returned to her home in Harrodsburg, after a visit with Miss Barthenia Sallee. Mr. Abe Levenson who has been in Colorado for the past three months for his health, is expected home this week. Mr. Saufley Hughes of Lancaster, Ky., was in the city last Saturday en route home from a fishing trip on the Cumberland. Mr. Bourne Goggin, a former Pukaskian now located on a good farm in Boyle county, was in the city this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Whitenack of Lexington, Ky., are visiting Mrs. Whitenack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Will Curtis are enjoying an outing on the Cumberland River this week. Misses Mary and Bert Roberts have returned from Cleveland, Ohio, and other eastern points where they have been purchasing fall millineay. Miss Maria Elliott has returned from a camping party on the Kentucky river. She will leave tomorrow for Lexington to visit friends. News has been received here that Camp Catron has been discharged from the Navy and has secured a position at Redding, California. Miss John Eva Hilton of Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Terry of Crab Orchard and T.M. Ware of McKinney were the weekend guests of the Dick, Denney and Vanhook families. Mrs. Grass and children of Knoxville, Tenn., are visiting her brother J.A. Davis. Guy N. Fagley and family have moved into their new home on Highland Ave. Joe Jackson has returned to Point Pleasant, W. Va., where he has accepted a position after a visit with his family. Don't forget Chautauqua coming the 22-23-25. Roy C. Rew of Jacksonville, Fla., is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Rew.M.E. Pruitt of Millersburg was in town Friday and Saturday. Mr. C.C. Green has returned from Milford, Ohio, where he has been visiting his mother. Miss Donna Phillippe was called to Oaktown, Ind., on the account of the death of her uncle, Joe E. Leak. J.C. Cowan of Bronston dropped dead at his home Friday morning. Miss Irene Kelsay who has a position at the Eastern State Normal School, Richmond, is home on a two weeks vacation. Miss Francis Harvey of Somerset was the guest of her sister Miss. Ruth Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. N.I. Taylor and sons are spending their vacation at the Cumberland Falls. Mrs. A.C. French has returned after a weeks rest at Bronson Inn, Cumberland Falls. Burnside. Folks Are On Vacation Trips To Springs, Chautauqua Coming This Month. Geo. H. Williams, Ass't Mgt. of Geo. P. Taylor Co., is spending his vacation with his parents at Ashland, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Wilkerson and family motored from Lexington and were the guest of Mrs. G.S. Dudley and family. G.C. Nunn has returned after an extended trip through Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Davidson left for the Springs on a months vacation. Miss Elsie Rankin is visiting her sister Mrs. J.E. Pollitte in Danville. D.B. Jones, Rad Cliffe Chautauqua advance man, was in town three days last week organizing for our Chautauqua and assures us a good program. Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Stone spent part of last week at Crab Orchard. Mrs. Hazel Leigh and Mrs. Corda Shepperd of Monticello are visiting their mother, Mrs. Brent Leigh who is very ill. Mrs. Jessie Baker and little daughter spent Friday at M.F. Ashley's. James Stone sold a sow and pigs for $65. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doss spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. Bertha Leigh of Science Hill. Miss Grace Kennedy the principal teacher here has been absent for a few days on account of being ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leigh have returned home from New Castle, Indiana. C.M. Langdon has sold his farm here to Dolf Humble of Somerset. Mrs. Lizzie Hall and baby of Beach Grove visited here last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ashley have received word that their son, William Ashley, has landed safely in the United States after serving fourteen months overseas. Buncombe. A large crowd attended the Childrens Day here Sunday. Emma Baugh was the guest of Ima Robbins Sunday night. Misses Nora and Thelma Owens and brother Ollis of Decatur, Ill., are spending a few weeks with relatives here. Ray Marcum of Woodstock was a weekend guest at W.R. Robbins. Raymond Lester who has been in Indiana for some time arrived home Sunday. Miss Lelia Singleton was the guest of Bessie Mullins of Fishing Creek Thursday night. Bessie Bryant of Cuba was a guest of Anna Young Sunday. Hogue. Mrs. Zora Smith and children of Decatur, Ill., arrived here last week to visit her father, A.J. Adams. Miss Vina Manning has returned home after a few weeks visit with her sister Mrs. Ella Henderson in Cincinnati. Rev. B.M. Wesley filled his appointment here Sunday and Sunday night. Misses Louida Dick and Emaline Adams spent Friday with Miss Lula Adams. Mr. and Mrs. James Blevins spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Isadore Dick. Ansel, Richard and Finley Adams attended the Solders Reunion at Bethel Ridge Saturday. Miss Pearl Dick was a Sunday night guest of her cousin Miss Roxie Dick. W.H. Dick and family spent Sunday at Sam Roy's. Miss Lillian Smith and brother Claude of Ansel visited at A.J. Adams last Saturday. Silas Meece began a singing at Bethlehem Sunday. Columbus Blevins and Ansel Adams have returned from Cincinnati where they have been working. Gertrude, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Jasper is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hayes spent Sunday at Sam West's. Miss Lula Adams was a guest of her sister Mrs. Maude Leigh Friday night. Delmer. The infant son of Rev. C.C. Burton is very ill. Mrs. Jula Todd was visiting her sister at Mill Springs Thursday. Misses Elizabeth Weaver and Hazel Muse are on the sick list. Lew Weaver was visiting her brother Sam Burton Wednesday. I.S. Brown was visiting his son C.M. Burton last week. Arlie Muse was visiting her grandmother Thursday. Josh Dobkins and family have returned from Indiana. Born to Mrs. Jim Muse a girl. Mrs. Maggie Owens spent Friday at Kangade Burges. LEONARD. Mr. Joseph T. Leonard, age 69 years, died at his home on North Main Street last Sunday. The immediate cause of his death was organic heart trouble. He was buried in the City Cemetery.