NEWS: Excerpts from The Somerset Journal, 30 September 1921 ------------------------ Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ron Holt Email Registry Submitter Date: 10 Jan 2003 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** As posted to the Pulaski County mail list, with permission: The Somerset Journal The Oldest Democratic Newspaper in the Mountains of Kentucky Somerset, Ky., Friday, September 30, 1921. Extra Day For Registration Is Provided By The City Council Monday Night. The Board of Council held their regular session Monday evening with Councilman Day presiding on account of the absence of Mayor Cruse paying bills presented and granting building permits to Gladstone Wesley for brick residence on Hawkins Ave., T.V. Ferrell for garage in rear of residence, T.H. Johnson for residence in Ross Addition, C.W. Kratzer for porch. The request of Lawhorn and Vaught to erect a frame extension at rear of present building used as motion picture house told M.E. Church was referred to Councilman Pumphrey and the Building Committee with authority to grant permission if not in violation of building ordinance in respect to fire limits. The Auditing Committee reported having audited the 1921 tax book, finding property valuations to be $3,046,738.00, of which amount $2,988,498.00 was property of white citizens and $58,240.00 was property of colored citizens and a total number of tithes of 1,130 there being 1,008 white and 122 colored. City Collector Cundiff presented receipt of Treasurer Gibson showing a payment of $911.92 for taxes collected to date. A request of R.L. Brown that arrangements be made to dispose of water accumulating in front of his property on Jarvis Ave. was referred to Councilman Cox for action. Tax Collector Moore presented a check for $494.23 as payment in full of all collections to date for the year of 1920. A communication was read from Geo. P. Taylor Company protesting against amount of Special License assessed against them but this communication was filed without action. Some residents of South Main St., filed objections to the payment of Tarvia assessments but it was explained that Kentucky Utilities Company intended placing tarvia on their tracks as quickly as stone could be secured to ballast the track and that the objections raised would then be overcome. An ordinance providing for a special day of registration, said day being October 5, and immediately following the regular day, was presented and adopted. In Memory of Anna Gertrude Grinstead. On the morning of September 17, 1921, the pearly gates of heaven were thrown open and an angel came into the home of Mr. and Mrs. King Grinstead (nee Nellie Lindle) at Louisville, Ky., and carried away as its precious burden their darling baby, Anna Gertrude. God let the little treasure stay with them only six months and 23 days. All was done that loving hands and medical skill could do, yet we know God doeth all things well. While she can not come back to us, we can go to her, where we shall never be separated again. After funeral services at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Lindle, 140 Griffith Ave., September 19, 1921, the little body was laid to rest in the city cemetery surrounding by sorrowing relatives and friends. May God comfort the hearts of the bereaved parents. A Friend. Buys Ford. Bobbitt and Bobbitt have purchased a beautiful Ford Sedan from the Ford Garage. They will put it into taxi service. Webb. James Kenneth Webb, the 7 year old son of George Webb, died at the home of his parents in West Somerset on the 24th. Funeral services and burial were held on the 25th Hospital Notes. Mr. Frank Gibson of Stearns who was operated on for appendicitis was able to return home Sunday. Mrs. Ben Sowders of Norwood was brought to the hospital Sunday and is in a serious condition. Miss Belle Perkins of Waynesburg who underwent an operation some time ago, is improving nicely. Joe Neely who has been in the hospital for treatment has returned home. Mr. Willie McDonald who has been suffering from blood poisoning was able to return home Saturday. Lawrence Potter who has typhoid fever, will be able to return home soon. Sue George of Eubank was brought to the hospital Sunday for treatment. Dr. Scholl of Jabez visited here last week. Mrs. Bettie Nelson of Eubank was brought to the hospital Tuesday for treatment. Mrs. Mattie Hamill who has been nursing John Slessinger on College St., has returned home, her patient recovering nicely. Virgil Wilson of Faubush who has been suffering with a fractured leg, is getting along fine. Miss Mae Whitson who has been nursing for Dr. Stigall at Burnside returned home Thursday her patient recovering. Dr. A.W. Cain was in Louisville a few days last week on business. Mrs. Welba Cain of Faubush was brought to the hospital last Thursday and had a slight operation performed on her mouth. Mrs. R. Barnett who underwent a slight operation, was able to return home last Thursday. Personal Mention. Miss Bertha Wolf, supervisor of vocational training, with headquarters in St. Louis, Mo., is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Cook. Miss Wolf is in charge of four states and has a very responsible position. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Padgett are visiting relatives in Waynesburg, Ky., this week. Ray Thurman, a graduate of the High School, has entered the State University. Neal Thurman who graduated from State last spring, has matriculated at North Western University, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Waddle left this week for a trip to Canada. Mr. Waddle is going on a business trip. News has been received here of the arrival of a 16 pound boy at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T.A. Roberts of Atlanta, Ga. W.G. Colson who resides on Crab Orchard Route 1, was a visitor in Somerset last Saturday. Mr. Colson is a strong booster for The Journal and a night good citizen. Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Basham have returned from a two weeks vacation spent in West Virginia. Mrs. R.E. Higgins left Tuesday for a few days visit with Mrs. James Butt in Cincinnati. Mrs. Paul Enlow has returned from a visit with her parents in Hodgensville. Harvey Waddle will leave this week for Bowling Green, where he will enter Bowling Green Business University. Rex Sharp is spending the week in Knoxville taking in the East Tennessee Fair. L.B. Lowenthal is in Knoxville this week on business. Attorney B.L. Waddle spent the first of the week in Cincinnati. Mrs. Cleo W. Brown, who has been visiting in Louisville returned to Somerset yesterday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Williams. Mrs. Thos. M. Thatcher is spending several days in Louisville. Chas. McDowell the popular Assistant Postmaster, has returned from a trip to Louisville. Attorney Ben D. Smith is in Louisville on a business trip. Dr. H.K. Fulkerson is in Louisville this week on business. Mrs. B.F. Arthur of Williamsburg has been visiting Mrs. M.L. Jarvis. Miss Thelma Ferrell spent several days in Cincinnati. Mr. Harold Kennedy spent several days in Monticello and Burnside. Rev. John A. Woods is spending several days at Elixir Springs. Miss Haille Daugherty of Hodgensivlle is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul Enlow. Mrs. John Sloan of Burnside spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mrs. Minnie Nutt of Atlanta, Ga., who has been the guest of hers sister, Mrs. Frank Ellis has returned home. Mrs. L.N. Taylor has returned to her home in Frankfort after a visit with her sister Mrs. Mary Carr. The many friends of John Slessinger, Jr., will be glad to know he is much better. Mr. W.H. Jenkins spent Saturday in Lexington on business. Miss Daisy White of Lexington, Ky., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew Baute, has returned home. Mrs. Lawrence Higgins of New York is the guest of Miss Gertrude Barnette. Mrs. J.F. Lucas of Marshfield, Mo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hardin Simpson. Mrs. Steve K. Vaught after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Slessinger returned to her home at Winchester. Mr. H.A. Gable general manager of the Hoffman Bros. Co., Burnside, Ky., was in the city Wednesday on business. Mrs. G.C. Nunn of Burnside, the Journal's efficient news reporter from that city, was in town Wednesday on business. Miss Bettie Keen has returned from a trip to Washington and New York, where she visited friends. Mrs. Blanch Burke and son are visiting in Danville. Mr. Frank Ingram who has been quite ill, is some better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. B. Yates were called to Lexington on account of the death of Mr. Yates mother. A.F. Gregory is spending the week at Crab Orchard Springs. Mr. B.L. Hamm and family left this week for Summerton, Arkansas, where they will live. Mr. B.T. Barker and family of Iola, Kansas, are visiting the family of H.G. Waddle. They motored through. Miss Edna Denny is visiting in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. M.L. Tally left this week for Clark County where he will have charge of a small church near Winchester. Catherine. Steve Anderson was through this part Friday buying produce for Henry Dick of Ingle. Oliver Gosser traded houses Thursday. Chas. Hammens killed a beef Friday and peddled it out. G. Gosser is visiting his sister in Casey County this week. Preacher Emmetts is conducting a big meeting at Pine Top church. It will go on for a few more nights. Louis Rainwtaer of Dry Ridge was in this part last week on business. Timan Otterson is saving fodder for A.M. Wilson on the halves. Maris Wellse is rejoicing over two new girl babies at his home at Catherine, Ky. Cave Hill. Mrs. Zella Adams who has been on the sick list, is some better. Mr. J.H. Abbott and family spent Saturday night at Mt. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quinton of Pulaski spent Thursday night at G.S. Smith. Aunt Anna Moore is no better at this writing. Mr. Shadrick Blevins and family were the Saturday night guests at Elmer Burton's. Mr. Willie Hines of Mt. Zion was the weekend guest of his sister, Mrs. John Abbott. Misses Susie and Mildred Burton were the Sunday afternoon guests Misses Minnie and Hattie Wilson. Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. John Ray and family were guests of Mr. Berry Beaty's Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Todd were guests of Mr. Walker Wheeldon's Saturday night. Mr. Smith Gastineau visited at Mr. J.W. Gastineau's Sunday. Miss Zula Walker was the gust of Hiram Britain's Sunday. Mr. Sam Sandidge of Stearns has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Sandidge. "Uncle" Curtis Gastineau is still on the sick list. Messrs Marion Brooks, Nathan and Melton Shelly were the guests of Mr. John Ray Sunday. Mr. Delmar Osborne was the guest of his sister Mrs. Cicero Acton Sunday. Messes Lestle and Stella Estes were the guests of Miss Ethel Vanover Sunday. Floyd. We are having quite a lot of hard rains in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Trivett were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Trivett at Pulaski Saturday night and Sunday. Those calling on "Uncle" Sam Harrington Sunday were Mr. Ike Vaught, Mrs. J.B. Gragg, daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. M.N. Griffin and son, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hardgrove of Etna and Chas. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Griffin have sold out and are preparing to return to Lockland, Ohio, to make their home. Mrs. Lennie Wheeldon is having quite a lot of repair work done on her house. Mr. Otto Caldwell is doing quite a bit of building on his farm near here. The many friends of Mrs. Benton are very sorry to learn that she and her daughter are both quite sick and could not be at school last week. We hope they may both be seen in their places at school. W.H. Baston and family have moved into their new house on their farm at this place. Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Trivett have moved to the house vacated by Mr. Baston and family. Good Hope. We are having lots of rain in this vicinity. Mr. Chas. York spent last Monday with his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Estes. Mr. G.M. Todd is improving at this writing. County Agent W.C. Wilson and Mr. R.V. Trosper were at Estes school one day last week. Mr. Chas. York an Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Estes motored to Crab Orchard one day last week to see the doctor for Mr. Estes. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and children and Mrs. Siss Long visited in Rockcastle Saturday night. Mr. Corbin Acton left Tuesday for Berea college. Rev. James P. Gooch failed to fill his appointment on the account of the rain Sunday at Estes school house. Hogue. Mrs. Leona McKee and sons of Argyle, spent the weekend with friends here. Miss Sarah Blevins who is staying at R.C. Hatfield's at Danville is spending a few weeks with home folks. Molasses making is the order of the day here. Mrs. Enoch Pitman spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Lillie Tartar at West Somerset. Mrs. Tartar has a very sick child. Add Saddler sold his farm to Henry Hines, price unknown. John Coffey and daughter Mrs. Effie Hudson and son of Adair County are guests of his daughter's Mrs. G.W. Jasper. E.L. Cain was in Liberty last Tuesday on business. Edmund Smith and family of Decatur, Ill., who are visiting relatives at Ansel are expected here this week for a visit with her father, A.J. Adams and other relatives. Ingle. We are having plenty of rain now. Milton Pitman and Oscar Pitman went to Dry Ridge Monday. Tom Passmore of Russell County visited relatives here the first of the week. A.T. Roy and A.J. Lane went to Dry Ridge this week to work on the new church house. Henry Clay Dick of Casey County visited relatives here the last of the week. Chester Kissee of Casey County visited relatives here Wednesday. Lawrence Redmond was in this vicinity Tuesday trading horses. Chester Kissee traded a pair of mules to Jack Roy for a Ford automobile. Frank Chumbley went to Casey County Saturday on business. J.W. Sullivan and family visited relatives Sunday. Ezra Pennington of Dry Ridge visited relatives and friends in Faubush the last of the week. Willie Voils the singing master at Cedar Point, failed to come on account of the rain Saturday and Sunday. Lesley Roberts and Lee Combest of Caintown were here Sunday. Mt. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. John Lester spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter Mrs. Goldie Hines. Miss Lucy Adams is some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Dunsmore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Estel Godby. Myrtle Vaught spent Saturday night with Nora Baugh. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Abbott and children visited his father, Mr. W.R. Hines, Saturday night. Miss Cloma Spears spent Sunday afternoon with Lucy Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams and children spent Thursday night with his sister, Mrs. J.M. Dunsmore. Mrs. Sarah Baugh is having her house covered and painted. Mr. Walter Adams has purchased a new car from Audie Hodge, of Cincinnati. Lowell Vaughn has the typhoid fever. Among the visitors at Mrs. Mary Baugh's Sunday afternoon were Mrs. Fannie Correll and children, Mrs. George Adams and daughter. Lena Anderson has typhoid fever. Mrs. Elmer Hargis gave a bean hulling Thursday night which was well attended. Plato. There were church services at the Burnett Chapel Sunday, conducted by Rev. Smith. Mrs. Robert Childers and children, Ben S. Smith and George Ping all left for Illinois Wednesday, Sept. 21. Mr. Charley Lathim bought a fine heifer from R.M. Eldridge Saturday, paying $35. Plato school is progressing nicely with Miss Gertrude Bailey as teacher. Mr. Chas. Lathim passed through here Monday with a fine bunch of cattle going to Somerset. Mr. W.P. Smith and son, Robert went to Plato Monday on business. Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Ida Hall and children of Somerset are spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Perk Girdler has returned home from the hospital at Somerset and is doing nicely. Alvin Turpen returned home last Monday from Ashland, where he attended a Nazarene Conference. Mrs. M.E. Bishop of Ludlow is visiting friends at this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Smithers of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. Oma Girdler last week. A little son of Louis Roysdon has recovered from an attack of diphtheria. Mrs. Marion Godby is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Allen, at Monticello. Mrs. Amelia Foley of Camp Ground is spending a few weeks with friends here while her husband is with relatives in Wayne County. Mrs. Julia Girdler has been quite ill for a few days. Singleton. We regret to report that our school had to close on account of the health of our teacher, but we sure hope soon to hear of his recovery so he can soon be back again as there are none who can ever fill his place in our hearts as well as in the school room. Mrs. M.N. Ingram returned to the home of her mother last week and stayed a few days. Mr. Phillip Greer and wife have been in this neighborhood for the past week. Mr. Urban J. Singleton's 16th birthday was celebrated on last Sunday with a nice dinner. Miss Esther and Deetha Singleton visited Mr. Griffith on last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Singleton and little son visited at Mr. Eubank's last Sunday evening. Miss Maggie Anderson visited Levi Osborne's last Saturday night. Souls Chapel. Miss Eva Sears spent Wednesday night with Katherine King. Mr. Sam Ridings and Miss Stella James were married last Wednesday. Their many friends gave them a nice charivari and enjoyed a nice treat. Mr. and Mrs. Tally spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. King and left Saturday morning for Winchester, where he will preach this year. Mr. Bruce Meece visited his daughter, Mrs. John Yahnig in Ludlow, Sunday. Mrs. George Hunter has returned to Cincinnati after a visit with her mother, Mrs. McGahan. Mr. Tom Williams made molasses last week. Mr. Clyde Hubble sold his Ford to Jack Smiley and purchased a Studebaker. Mr. and Mrs. John Yahnig visited home folks Saturday night. Tateville. The ice cream supper given by the school was quite a success. The proceeds were $40.80. Miss Clydia Lewis received the cake for being the prettiest girl. Miss Helen Corder of Tennessee has been visiting relatives at this place. Miss Willie Perdue of Burnside was the weekend guest of Miss Artye Beasley. Homer Woolridge of Somerset spent Saturday and Sunday at this place. Miss Trueye Sexton who has been quite ill is able to be out again. Lester Sexton of Stearns spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Mr. Walter Caddell of Danville has returned home after a short visit with his brother. West Somerset. Attendance at Sunday school Sunday was 85; two of the Sunday School rooms are completed, for which the teachers are proud; big singing in the new church Sunday night and a large crowd. Mr. Glen Tuttle has returned home and was the guest of Miss Bertha Padgett Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. Max Tartar's baby boy is very sick. Mrs. Bill Love is ill at this time. Claudie Hurt of Monticello has been in our midst hunting milk cows and visiting his aunt, Mrs. Eliza Hammond. Rev. Mitchell was the guest of Mrs. Amanda McKee Sunday afternoon. Mr. Schoolcraft has a new car. Mr. Chester Tucker has bought a farm on Fishing Creek. Mr. Dick Sims has completed his residency. Mr. Dunlo Wilson has rented Charley Sim's house and is putting up a new store. MR. E.W. Hammond has a new Ford car. Mrs. Minnie Massey had a big dinner for some town folks Wednesday. Mrs. McKee has been visiting her brother, Brent Fitzpatrick. Eliza Hammond visited her cousin Mrs. Ida Davis yesterday. The pike on Garner Ave. is completed. Mrs. Janie Padgett has been visiting her daughter, Cloda Shadoan. Mrs. Pina Phelps has jut returned from shopping in town. Willailla. The farmers of this vicinity are almost through saving fodder. Mr. and Mrs. David Brown and little son, William, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Hurt, one day last week. Mr. Coleman Broughton has gone into the merchandise business at Old Walnut Grove. Miss May Cummins was the guest of Miss Lula Cummins Sunday. Rev. O.R. Gentry filled his regular appointment at Friendship Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Julia Brown and children, who have been visiting relatives here, have returned to their home at Crab Orchard. Miss Jennie Reynolds and brother spent Saturday night and Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Miss Pearlie Hurst was the guest of her sister, Miss Julia Hurst, one night last week. Miss Lena Thompson was the guest of Misses Mary and Grace Thompson Sunday. Miss Susie Lawrence is visiting at George Lawrence's at Crab Orchard this week. Miss Lula Cummins visited her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Brown, Monday night. Rev. J.M. Cummins will go to Flat Lick Saturday, Sept. 24th, to begin a series of meetings. Mr. Joe Cummins and family were the guests of Mordie Cummins and family Sunday. Mrs. Martha Hurst was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Flora Brown one night this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Seren (?) of Indiana who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ora Brown, returned home Saturday. Misses Dessie and Gladys Brown spent Sunday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jotham Brown. The friends of Mrs. Hannah Cash surprised her with a birthday dinner Friday, September 23. The little baby of Mr. David Brown is improving. School is progressing nicely here with Miss Lula Owens as teacher. Arthur Cummins was the guest of his parents here Thursday.