VITAL STATS: 1855 Deaths, p 3 - Pulaski County, Kentucky ------------------------- Transcribed & Submitted by Valerie J. Davis, Date: 15 May 1999 From Kentucky State Archives Film #994053: KY Birth, Marriage, and Death Records (1852-1910); Powell-Rowan Counties; Filmed Jan 1981 by The Division of Archives & Records, Frankfort, KY; Pulaski Co: 1852-1859, 1861, 1874-1878 ************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************* Family Index is at: 1855 Deaths; page 3 S/M/C = Sex/Marital Status/Color* *[in 1855, the color was not actually recorded. B or Black was written in at a later time. Sometimes the Clerk wrote 'colored' next to the person's name.] PC = Pulaski County, KY (**SCROLL TO THE RIGHT for additional info**) 1855, p 4: "Commonwealth of Kentucky Sct: I William M. Fox, clerk of the county court, for the county of Pulaski, do certify that the foregoing lists of Births, Marriages & Deaths were truly and correctly copied from the several returns of the Assessor said county and of his assistants - June 24th 1856. Will M. Fox Clk" Decedant S/M/C Age Parents/Owner Death Date Cause of Death Death Place Residence Birth Place Occupation Not named -/-/- 2 d Hiran & Rachel Foster 7 Oct C. River Cumberland R. C.R. Elizabeth Todd F/M/- 28 y Alexander & Elizabeth Todd 11 Dec Child Baring Buck Cr. Buck Cr. PC John W. Singleton M/S/- 5 Clark [?] & Sally Singleton 7 Oct Scarlet Fever Buck Creek Buck Cr. B. Creek Clarinda J. Singleton F/S/- 4 Christopher & Sarah Singelton 1 Oct Scarlet Fever PC PC nr Stanford Rd Elizabeth Smith F/M/- 30 y not nown 19 Dec Consumption PC near Crab orched RWith Co, VA mo not Named F/dead/-- E.C. & Olive Freeman 30 Nov abortion Coopers Cr. Coopers Cr. Coopers Cr. Farmer "Born dead" not Named M/dead/-- Isaah & Mariah Miller 26 Aug -- [abortion] Coopers Cr. Coopers Cr. Coopers Cr. Farmer "Born dead" Archabald Griffice M/-/- 22 William & Peggy Griffice 5 Sep Drowned Forks C. River Coopers Cr. PC " Destiann Turpin F/S/- 1 Benjamin & Linda Turpin 6 Dec Scarlet Fever & ___ [illegible] Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " Thomas H. Lewis M/S/- 6 John S. & Jane Lewis 20 Dec Scarlet Fever Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " Margaret E. Lewis F/S/- 4 -- 8 Dec Scarlet Fever Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " Lucy Jane Sloan F/S/- 10 Clabourn & Polly Jane Sloan 30 Sep Pneumonia Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " Tamsy Foster F/S/- 14 William & Minaca Foster 17 Apr consumption Forks C. River Forks C. River Wayne Co, KY " William R. Newell M/S/- 1 Joseph & Susana Bruce 10 May consumption Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " [note surname descrepancy] Elvira Barnett F/S/- 2 m William & Susanna Barnett 13 Apr croup Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " not Named M/S/- -- Thomas & Anne Holloway 28 Dec abortion Forks C. River Forks C. River PC " Harriet J. Bryant F/S/- 4 m G.M. & Jane Bryant 25 Apr croup Forks C. River PC PC " Mary Ellen Sloan F/S/- 1 " B.H. & Sally Sloan 7 May Scarlet Fever Forks C. River PC PC " George W. Sawyers M/S/- 16 m McKager & Sharlotte Sawyers 10 May Scarlet Fever Forks C. River PC PC " Not Named M/S/- -- William & Elizabeth Wood 1 Dec Abortion TN TN TN " Fountain C. M/-/B 3 Woodsen Denham 13 Aug Scarlet Fever PC PC PC " Charles M/-/B 4 John Owens 25 Apr Cholera Infantimes PC PC PC " John W. Collyer M/M/- 40 John & Polly Colyer 20 Apr Typhoid Fever PC PC PC Farmer John F. Cundiff M/S/- 7 m Henry W. & Vina Cundiff 25 May Disease of skin PC PC PC " James Cowan M/S/- 15 y Robert & Nelly Cowan 29 Sep diarhea PC PC PC Elizabeth Wilson M/W/- 78 y Henry Sneed 18 Feb Fits PC PC Albermarle, VA Jo M/-/B 1 y John Beatie 10 May worms PC PC PC Bettie F/-/B 26 y Samuel Gover 10 Jan affection brain PC PC PC Hettie Denham F/M/- 54 y Jas. Campbell 30 Aug Jaundice PC PC PC House Keeper Elizabeth Gibson F/M/- 60 y Andrew & Polly Cowan 24 Apr old age PC PC Russel Co, VA House Keeper Catherine F/-/B 7 Thomas F. Goggin 15 Jul worms PC PC PC Nancy F/-/B 85 Richard Goggin 28 Oct old age PC PC VA Allen Richardson M/S/- 2 y Jas. P. Richardson 4 Jan unknown PC PC PC Perry M/S/B 2 " Anderson Nunnelly 20 Sep inflamation of the spine PC PC PC Mirah F/S/B 35 [25?] " Charles Hays 20 Oct Dropsy PC PC PC Serelda F/-/B 1 " " " 20 Oct Croup PC PC PC Eliza M/-/B 25 " Fitzpatrick & Gilmore 8 Jan Tyfoid fever PC PC St Louis, MO Jerry M/-/B 3 George W. Saunders 15 Mar worms PC PC PC Jessie M/-/B 9 " Nancy Newell 15 Feb Fever PC PC PC no name M/-/- 3 h James M. & E. Betterum 16 Sep PC PC PC Giles Penly M/-/- 5 m John & M.J. Penly 9 Jul Flux PC PC PC Jacob Stogdill M/W/- 80 y Ambrose Stogsdill 10 Sep old age PC PC Orange Co, VA Farmer Polly Mcfall F/M/- 58 -- 24 Dec not know Flatlick Cr. flat Lick Maryland Heny Green M/-/B 2 James Price 2 Aug Fever Buck Cr. Buck Cr. Buck Cr. F/-/B 3 h John S. Hail 29 Nov Pitman Cr. Pitman Cr. Pitman Cr. Stephen R. Hail M/S/- 14 William & Mary Hail 17 Nov Fever Pitman Cr. Pitman Cr. Mary Ann Clark [sic] F/-/- 12 Josiah Claunch 6 Sep Fever & cold Buck Cr. Buck Cr. Buck Cr. William F. Gibson M/S/- 24 Samuel Gibson 20 May consumption Buck Cr. Buck Cr. Whitley Co, KY Stockholder Mary Adams F/M/- 57 John Thompson 26 Aug Cholera Bresh Creek Bresh Cr. Buck Cr. William Adams M/M/- 57 Sill Adams 29 Aug Cholera Bresh Creek IN Garret Co, KY farmer Elizabeth Brown F/M/- 80 John & Elizabeth Fanin 5 Sep Old Age Bresh Creek Bresh Cr. NC Josiah Evans M/-/- 4 days John H. Evans 4 Jan cold Buck Cr. Buck Cr. Buck Cr. not named -/-/- Archibald Allbright 12 Mar not nown Crab orchid R. Crab Orchid R. Crab Orchidd R. Barlaria Elizabeth Reynold F/S/- 15 __* Joseph T. Reynolds 28 Oct Tyfoid Fever Bresh Cr. Bresh Cr. Bresh Cr. *[illegible markings following age - she could be 15 years, months, days or hours] Thos. J. Isaacs M/-/- 10 Adrian Isaacs 25 Jan Yellow Jaundice Buck Cr. Buck Cr. Buck Cr. George Sen. Reed M/M/- 75 3 Sep cholera Bresh Cr. Bresh Cr. PA farmer