Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1907 - Rockcastle Co FROM LONG AGO Submitted By: Ray E_v_a_n_s Mount Vernon Signal April 19, 1907 (Note: This information has been re-typed from the microfilm. The re-typed material has been subjected to a computerized spelling check. However, an effort has been made to preserve the English usage and spelling of that period.) OTTAWA NEWS April seems to have borrowed March for a few days. - Mr. Levi Sowder, of Preachersville, visited relatives and friends here Friday and Saturday. - Mrs. Mary J. Brown has been very sick of measles for the past week. - Mesdames S. T. Proctor and Lincoln Stringer were here Thursday. - J. B. Sutton was in Brodhead Friday and Saturday on business. - Tart Proctor visited relatives at Quail Saturday. - Jno. A. Brown formerly of this place but now of Browns, visited relatives here Friday and Saturday. -- Auctioneer H. C. Jones, of Hiatt visited J. B. Sutton and family Wednesday until Thursday. - Mr. Robert Wallen has been suffering very much from something similar to catarrh. - J. J. Brown was in Brodhead Friday on business. - Several of the people in the neighborhood attended the sale Thursday of M. G. Proctor deceased. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver of near this place visited relatives in Lincoln county Saturday and Sunday. - J. W. Brown and family visited Mr. And Mrs. Robert Brown and family Sunday. - Morris Proctor of Quail was here Thursday. - Mr. Cash Herrin, of Elborn, Ky., visited relatives and friends here Saturday. - Homer G. Proctor was the pleasant guest of Grayden Proctor Sunday Last. - Mrs. Sallie Sowder went to Brodhead Monday to have some dental work done. - The fruit is badly damaged in this section. - S.T. Proctor went to Brodhead Monday on business. - Rev. Metcalf failed to fill his regular appointment at Union Sunday. - J. W. Proctor of Quail was in this section Monday looking after his farm interest. - Will Adams, the hustling peddler, of near Albright, Ky., was in this section Tuesday. - J. F. Herrin, of near Quail was in this section Monday on business. QUAIL NEWS Jackson Scott is among the sick. - Walker and Lillie Scott who have been sick with the measles are slowing improving. - Elder J. L. Davis filled his regular appointment at Providence Saturday and Sunday. - E. A. Herrin who has been in very poor health for some time, is reported better at this issue. - James Thompson, we are sorry to say is gradually growing weaker. - Lincoln Stringer, of the Ottawa community, spent Saturday night last with his brother, J. W. Springer, of near this place. -- John Broughton and family comptemplate going to Oklahoma soon.-Charles Proctor and family of Mt Vernon are visiting relatives at this place. - Mrs. William Owens improves very slowly. - John Scott and Melvin Owens comtemplate going to Indiana. - The recent cold spell has damaged the fruit crop very much. - John A. Owens, the barber is kept busy shaving and cutting hair especially on Saturdays. - Mrs. David Adams is on the sick list. ORLANDO NEWS The recent cold spell has given the farmers of this section the blues pretty bad. - Lee Chesnut, who is attending the college of Medicine in Louisville is at home for a few days. - Mrs.Flurra Laswell is on the sick list this week. - Robert Adams and family left Tuesday for Red fork, I.T. - L. J. Reames and Mrs. Emily Childress were married last Thursday. -- Miss Lizzie Ball is visiting in Mt Vernon this week. -Elza Langford left Tuesday for Red Fork, I. T. where he will make his future home. - Mrs. Dave Laswell, who has been reported very sick, is somewhat improved.-- Mrs. Rachel Ponder and daughter, Miss Kizzie, were home from Berea last week visiting relatives at Dudley. - E. J. Williams, Lewis Clark, Dr. W. D. and J. M. Laswell were in Mt Vernon Tuesday evening attending the meeting of the M. W. of A. - The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bryant is very low and not expected to live. - Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and little daughter, Roxy, of Hummel, were visiting relatives at this place Saturday and Sunday. (Note: Mr. and Mrs. Evans are my deceased grandparents. Roxy went on to marry Charlie Parsons. She bore four children: Ruth, Earl, Homer and Norma Jean. Aunt Roxy died of TB at 41 years of age.) Wallace Mullins, who went to W. Va., some weeks ago returned home Sunday. - Major Ball and wife left Sunday for Flanigan, where he has a position as section foreman. - Wallace Laswell was in Mt Vernon Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Livingston, passed through here on their way home from Conway. - Miss Anna Proctor, of Wildie is visiting here sister, Mrs. J. A. Wood. - M. Quizenbury was in these parts calling on one of our best looking girls. - Mrs. Elmer Williams is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bill Wood, of Roundstone. - Some of the older farmers think that a part of the fruit crop will survive in spite of the recent cold weather. CONWAY NEWS The cold wave looks like winter has returned to spend the summer. - Harvey Chenault had three 150 Lb. Hogs killed by a freight train here last week. - We are told that the furniture has arrived for the new depot at this place and we are soon to have a telegraph office. Still more room for improvements. Let the good work go on. - Mumps is among the children of this neighborhood. - Mrs. Perlina Shockly who moved to Ville Grove, Ill. Sometime back is visiting relatives here. - The stationery our clever editor promised to furnish must have got lost in the mails. - J. C. Pullins will go to Madison county this week on business. - It is thought the fruit crop is all about killed in this section. - The oats that were up were badly damaged by the cold weather of last week. - Plowing for corn crops is rapidly going on here now. - Mr. George Corneilson made a business trip to Richmond and Waco last week. - Mr. F. M. Hurst got one of his fingers cut off while working at B. A. Riddles sawmill last week. - Stock feed was never scarcer in this section than now and the cold weather of last week cut grazing short. - George Owens sold H. C. Berry a milch cow for $27.50. - The Big Four R. R. has a man here buying cross ties. He buys beech, sycamore, maple as well as oak and pays a good price for all grades. - How is this for paying debts? J.J. Wood gave A. L. Soard a check for $5.00 for cross ties, Mr. Soard let Mr. L. P. Kidwell have the check paying him a $5.00 store account, Mr. Kidwell let Gerorge Ketron have the check paying him $5.00 for meal, Mr. Katron let will Anglin have the check paying him $5.00 for work, Mr. Anglin brought the check to J.J. wood the first giver of the check, paying him a $5.00 store account, Mr. Wood destroyed the check and the $5.00 still remains in the bank to his credit and the total of $25.00 in debts all settled satisfactory. BRODHEAD NEWS Miss Jewel Francisco has returned from a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Wells, at Crab Orchard. - Miss Carrie Frith visited Misses O'Bannon, at Stanford first of the week. - L. B. Hilton was down from Pine Hill on Tuesday. - J. W. Hutcheson and R. G. Wilmott were in Mason county this week on business. - Miss Dora Dickerson who has been on the sick list, is able to be out again. - Miss Anna Cass is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. B. Hilton, at Pine Hill. - H. H. Hutcheson was here Sunday and informed us that he has resigned as Cashier of the Farmer's Bank of Kirksville to accept a more lucrative position in Ohio. - Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tharp and daughter, Margarite, have returned from a very pleasant visit to friends and relatives at Rileys. -- A. C. McClary has returned from Preachersville and has gone again, this time to visit his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith of the Hiatt neighborhood. - B. H. Vanarsdall, of Lexington, was registered at the Albright Hotel last Monday. - W. H. Benton was called home from Lebanon Junction to attend the bedside of his father, Dr. Percp Benton, who is very low with rheumatism, but we are glad to say that the Doctor is much improved at this time, and we hope for him a rapid recovery. - H. B. McClary aand M. C. Albright were in Mt Vernon calling on two of her belles Monday night. - J. B. Nevius and H. C. Kidwell, of Lebanon Junction, were in Brodhead Tuesday calling on two of our best looking girls. - J. G. Frith purchased the bank stock of The Citizens Bank of Brodhead of the Proctor heirs for $122.50 per share. This is considered a good price since the bank is only two years old. LIVINGSTON NEWS Mrs. J. E. Woodall is visiting relatives aat Hazel patch. - Miss Anna Griffin spent Saturday night with her cousin Miss Bessie Mullins at Mt Vernon. - Will Rice was in town Thursday. - Mrs.Pearl Daniels will go to Stanford Monday to visit her mother for a few weeks. - Mrs. Martha Brown, of Level Green, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mahala Carson, and sister, Mrs. Sue Mullins. - Mrs. Cora Adams is visiting her many friends and relatives at Mt Vernon. - John Mullins was in town Wednesday on Business. - Misses Florence Price and Lidda Lemaster, are out from Lexington visiting friends and relatives. - Urban Chewning was here Monday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chewning. - Mrs. Lottie Lanlie is spending a few days with friends at Lancaster, Crab Orchard and Preachersville. - Messrs. Geo. W. Griffin, Johnie Johnson and George McCormack were in Mt Vernon Wednesday and Thursday on business pertaining to the new Livingston Coal Co. - Mrs. J. B. Hayes was called to Corbin Monday to see her grandson, little George Jenkins who is very sick with pneumonia. - Henry Owens is quite sick at this time. - John Fields returned to his home at Stanford Wednesday. He accompanied a certain young lady as far as Mt Vernon, and said they were going to get married in Jeffersonville, Ind. Well John is a good boy and deserves a prize, but there are others I know that are not called John. - Dr. and Mrs. Laswell, of Brush Creek, attended the banquet at Mrs. Rice's Thursday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and Miss Helen Singleton were in Richmond last week shopping. - Dr. Childress spent Wednesday night with his wife at Pine Hill. Mrs. Childress has been quite sick, but is convalescent at this time. She will return to her home here on Friday. - Casper Owens is visiting Louis Elmore at Knoxville, Tenn. - Miss Myrtle Chewning entertained a party of her friends Friday evening in honor of Miss Anna Griffin of Jelico, Tenn. Quite a large crowd was present and a very enjoyable evening was reported. - The Sunbeam Society met last Sunday evening at the Baptist church and decided to visit the famous "natural tunnel" near Livingston. Quite a number, twenty in all were present and all eager for the excursion. They were chaparoned by Mesdames Anderson and Woodall. - Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Hayes entertained Tuesday evening in honor of their poplar guest, Miss Anna Griffin. The very 'elite' of Livingston were present and all seemed to be enjoying themselves and having the time of their lives. - Mr. Geo. Cook will lead the prayer meeting at the Christian church next Wednesday evening. - Mr. John Johnson (not Rev.) led the prayer meeting Wednesday. Quite a large crowd was present and great interest is being shown. - Miss Maggie Begley and John Mullins were married at the home of the bride Wednesday. The happy couple have the best wishes of the entire community. PERSONAL NEWS Dr. S. W. Adkins is in Gallatin county. - Miss Nell Ballard is numbered among the sick. - Leonard Nevins, of Winchester, was here Wednesday. - Parkey Scott, the Climax merchant, was here Monday. - Mrs. Cleo Brown is in Louisville buying millinery goods. - J. J. McCall will move his family from Maretburg to Hazel Patch. - We understand that Judge J. B. Fish of Williamsburg is no better. - Miss Risse Williams is home from the conservatory for a few days. - Mrs. W. J. Sparks is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. J. Bethurum at Somerset. - Mesdames Allen Hiatt and M. G. Fish were here Wednesday visiting relatives and shopping. ******************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *******************************************************************************