Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1907 - Rockcastle Co FROM LONG AGO Submitted By: Ray E_v_a_n_s Mount Vernon Signal February 22, 1907 (Note: This information has been re-typed from the microfilm. The re-typed material has been subjected to a computerized spelling check. However, an effort has been made to preserve the English usage and spelling of that period.) PINE HILL NEWS Wheeler Meadows, who has been sick for sometime, is slowly improving. -- The little son of James Gibson is very low with consumption. -- Elmer and Steve Carpenter have returned to Lebanon Junction after a three weeks visit to their parents. -- Nellie McFerron, of the Brown Memorial School, is spending this week with her parents. -- America McWhorter, of Brodhead, is the guest of her cousin, Myrtle Creech. -- Rose McFerron spent last Thursday with her brother, R. L. McFerron at Mt Vernon . -- Will Dunn, of Lyons, visited his parents here Sunday. -- Frank Myers, of Mt Vernon spent Sunday with friends here. -- Mrs. Emma Griffin, who has been sick for some time, is able to be out again. -- Josh Lunce, of East Bernstadt, is with homefolks this week. -- Will Cottongim, of Lebanon Junction, spent part of last week with his family here. -- Louana Vaughn, of Congo, is the guest of her brother, Jarvis this week. -- L. C. Falin was down from Mt Vernon Sunday. -- Uncle Geo. Doan has the grip. -- Miss Virgie Dolan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Welch, at Mt Vernon. -- Mrs. L. B. Hilton is at Brodhead attending the bedside of her grandfather. -- Sarah Morris visited in Orlando last Saturday. -- Charlie Bond was in Mt Vernon on business Tuesday. BRODHEAD NEWS Uncle Albert Butner still continues very low with pneumonia. -- Measles are making the rounds in Brodhead, there being 30 cases in town. Doctors say they are the worst ones they have ever had to deal with. -- Mrs. Charlotte Jarrett and her two children left Tuesday for Aztec, New Mexico. She and hers certainly have our best wishes for the future. -- We are glad to say that H. B. McClary is some better at this writing. -- Miss Lida Hilton has returned to her home after spending a month in Lancaster, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. H. Batson. -- Carrie Frith left Wednesday for an extended visit to Danville and Stanford. -- Uncle Jerry Frith is again able to be out after being laid up with La Grippe for 5 weeks. -- Robert G. Wilmott has returned to Pine Knot after spending two weeks here with his mother, Mrs. M. E. Wilmott.. -- J. W. Hutcheson was in Muhlenberg county first part of the week on business. -- John Butner, of St Louis, is here attending the bedside of his father Uncle Albert Butner. -- Shirley Tate, of Mt Vernon, visited his uncle, J. W. Tate first of the week. -- W. H. Benton, of Livingston, spent last Monday night here with his parents. -- Miss Maude Forbes, of Level Green, visited Miss Ethel Parker first of the week. -- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith of Hiatt spent last Sunday in our city, the guest of their son Mr. Amos V. Smith. -- QUAIL NEWS Alex Proctor who has been quite sick for the past few days is no better. - - James Thompson, who was shot a few weeks since is slowly improving. -- Mary Brown bought of James Hayes a horse for $150 (Hard to read the price.) -- Mrs. J. W. Proctor has the grippe. -- Jacob Elder and William Owens are teaching a singing school at Union church. -- The Pittman family is improving at this writing. -- John and Henry Scott left Monday for Somerset. -- Miss Lizzie Stringer is at home from Brodhead for a few days. -- Dr. Morris Taylor and Elbert Elder visited the fair sex at Ottawa Sunday last. -- Prof. Samuel Proctor will probably leave soon for the West. BEE LICK NEWS G. B. Sutton is about ready to move into his new store house. -- W. E. Taylor is in poor health at this time. -- Melvin Owens still picks up chips for J. W. Stringer every Sunday. -- Jack Elder says that he is going to work soon. - - Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Taylor visited Mr. Sam McWilliams Saturday until Sunday. -- Elbert Elder spent last Saturday night with Morris Taylor. -- Elex Proctor contemplates going South soon. -- Mrs. David Adams is very ill at this time. -- G. W. Parsons is better at this time. -- Born to the wife of Mat Adams a fine girl baby. -- Another wedding is expected in this part soon. -- Wheat is looking well in this section. LIVINGSTON NEWS J. W. Baker was in Louisville the latter part of last week buying Spring goods. -- Mrs. Lou Grey, and children of Lebanon Junction, are visiting Mrs. Geo. Pope and Mrs. R. A. Whitehead this week. -- Miss Myrtle Chewning is quite sick this week. -- John Baker is spending a few days with homefolks. -- John Preston returned to Ivorydale, Ohio Monday night. -- Mrs Della Rowzee, of Mt Vernon is the charming visitor of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Pike and the family of J. W. Baker this week. -- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Westerfield and children are spending a few days with relatives at Sranford. -- George Sambrook and sister, Miss Lela are down from Mt Vernon spending a few days with homefolks. -- Mr. Tom Argenbright moved his family to Knoxville, Tenn., Saturday last. We regret to give up such good citizens and such charming young ladies. -- Miss Cora Adams is still on the sick list. -- Willie Centers died at his home Tuesday morning of that dread disease consumption. His remains were interred at the Ward Cemetery Wednesday afternoon. A devoted wife and two small children are left to mourn their loss and to battle this cruel world alone. -- Miss Lida Cook is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Cook at Jellico, Tenn., this week. -- Dr. Webb was in Cincinnati the latter part of this week. -- Mrs Harry Jenkins is out from Corbin spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayes. -- Mr. and Mrs. Champ Mullins are rejoicing over a new baby boy the 13th, christened John. -- Steve Carson is out from Jellico, Tenn., visiting his many relatives and friends at this place. -- Mrs. Mary Payne, of Altamont, is visiting her sisters, Mesdames Sue Mullins and Mat Ford. -- Master Reala Reynolds is attending school at London. -- Mr. and Mrs. John Magee have decided that Jackson, Breathitt county, was too tough for them and have moved back to their old home in Lancaster. -- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver are stopping with relatives at this place. They will return to Cincinnati and make that city their future home. -- Alf Owens will move his family from Brodhead to this place. They will occupy the Mat Ballard property on Main Street. -- Dee Bryant will move his family to Lebanon Junction. Livingston will lose one excellent family, but our loss in Lebanon Junction's gain. -- Mrs. W. F. Tubbs, who has been visiting her many friends at this place, was called to LaFollette, Tenn., on account of the serious illness of Mrs. W. C. Mullins. -- An explosion occurred Tuesday morning at No. 6 tunnel killing five men and wounding several others. Among the killed were two white men and three colored. HIATT NEWS Our farmers have been quite busy during the recent fine weather plowing, sowing grass seed, etc. R. L. Smith has sown some oats. -- Since we have a clover-huller belonging to Francis Hurst, the farmers are going to grow more clover for seed. This will be decidedly a benefit to our land, for there is no better way of enriching the soil than by growing clover and other leguminous crops which take nitrogen from the air and store it in the soil, surely this is more economical than buying commercial fertilizer. -- Charlie Bowman has measles, also Miss Carrie Boyd. -- Joshua Boreing, Jr. continues ill. -- Geo. Moore, who recently moved to Madison county, was in our community last week. -- W. J. Chesnut is spending the winter with his sister, Mrs. J. C. Carter, in Simpson county. PERSONAL NEWS Mrs. Hiram Hurd is improving slowly. -- Emma Davis has a severe attack of grip. -- Miss Mattie Baker is suffering from grip. -- Mrs Von Eichen has been very sick this week. -- Mrs. J. T. Proctor is numbered among the sick. -- Little Ruth Landrum has been very sick this week. -- We are glad to report E. B. Cox much improved. -- Dr. A. G. Lovell reports Craig Bryant a very sick man. -- S. H. Martin is progressing rapidly on his new house. -- Miss Emma Pennington was with homefolks Sunday. -- Miss Margarite Fish is visiting her uncle in Williamsburg. -- J. W. Prewitt was here Saturday after some lumber. -- Cashier J. W. Hutcheson was here yesterday between trains. -- Jailer O. V. Jarret, after a weeks serious illness, is able to be out again. -- Mr. Jasper Rickels is rapidly growing weaker. Mrs. Rickels is also very sick with the grip. -- Cashier W. L. Richards spent the week in Gallatin county looking after some business matters. -- Misses Montie Martin, Mary and Allie Lee Houk and Mr. Willie Martin are visiting in Maretburg. -- Supt. and Mrs. G. M. Ballard will leave this afternoon for London to spend a few days with relatives. -- H. J. Mullins moved this week to the property on Richmond street that he recently purchased from Jonas McKenzie. -- Miss Clyde Lair went to Stanford Monday to have her tonsils removed. Dr. E. J. Brown performed the operation. -- W. H. Chasteen and wife left Monday for Loveland, Colo., where they will make their future home. We wish them much success., -- Mrs. J. H. Dunn, of Knoxville, Tenn., who is a guest of Mrs. Josh Dunn, has been quite ill for several days. Her mother, Mrs. J. Lee Edwards, arrived from Knoxville this week to be at her bedside. -- The editor spent a few hours in Williamsburg Tuesday, where he found McKenzie Brown working almost day and night getting ready for the first issue of his paper, the Whitley Courier, March 1. We also found Judge J. B. Fish a little improved, but still a very sick man. SAYERS NEWS Mr. Editor, don't think Sayers is scratched off the map just because you don't hear from us very often. -- This spring like weather is filling us with new energy and causing the farmer's to begin to "hustle". In all directions you may hear the merry shouts of the boys as they sally forth to battle with the briars and bushes, while the sturdy father turns the surface of this old "mother earth" up-side-down' preparatory to sowing seed. -- If anybody needs measles, come around, we can furnish them too cheap to mention. -- James Thompson, who was accidentally shot a few weeks ago is reported convalescent. -- A singing school opened at Union church Sunday last. -- Miller Bros. have purchased several tracts of timber and will place a heading mill near John Craig's. It seems only a matter of time when timber in Rockcastle will be gone. -- Hamm and Sayers are running their mill near here. -- Sam Sayers is among the sick. -- Mrs. Sarah Sowder is suffering from cancer. -- J. W. Thompson, better known as "Crook" has mysteriously disappeared. Any information as to his whereabouts or any inducement offered him to return will be considered as an unfriendly act by the whole neighborhood. -- Jack Sutton has been in this section buying hogs. -- O. F. Hamm is erecting a house on his farm near here. -- W. H. Owens, the Spiro merchant, is doing a nice business. -- Among those attending court in Mt Vernon Saturday were: Benn Albright, Jane and Issac Herrin, H. P. Davis and Willie Logsdon. -- Miss Edith Dillingham. Of Maretburg, was the charming visitor of Miss Alza Brown Saturday and Sunday. ******************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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