Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1899, Rockcastle Co ---------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 From: (C.L. C_R_A_W_F_O_R_D) ----------------------- DEC 15, 1899 The number of census enumerators of Kentucky is places at 1,358 of which this the Eight district will get 87. Districkt Supervisor John Bright of Stanford, will hae plenty to do but he will select strictly good men to fill these important posts FARM FOR SALE Forty acres on the waters of Boone's Fork 2 miles east of Brodhead adjoining James Crawford's farm. House of 4 rooms and kitchen, Good barn. Place all in grass, Good fencing. Fine locust grove can be used for locutst posts. Two springs of fine water. Call on W.T. CRAWFORD, KINGSTON, KY LOCAL AND OTHERWISE M.C. Williams is here today Hiram Fish was in town Wednesday Henry Spratt has moved to Lowell, Garrard county Martin Protheroe Co., Brodhead is headquarters for Xmas goods Dr M.C. Williams went to Louisville Friday Capt E.B. Miller took a drove of hogs to Lancaster Wednesday J.W. Baker, U.G. Baker and Hugh Miller attended inauguration W.C. Mullins spent Sunday last with his friend and partner W.J. Sparks Jason Wesley of Middleburg, is visiting his broth Theo Wesley at this place Mrs Julia Proctor and daughter Miss Ann were in town shopping last Saturday Fritz Krueger rerturned Tuesday from Hyden where his work is progessing nicely Mrs Dr A.G. Lovell spent Monday and Tuesday in Louisville visiting relatives R.B. Mullins the hustling shoe drummer is making points on the C.V. Branch this week Hon Sam Ward Prof Dickerson, Wm Fields and Prof Ballard were with us Saturday last Loe Poynter was up from Livingston Sunday to see his brothers W.M. and D.C. Poynter Go to J.T. Cherry's at Brodhead for a fine Christmas lamp. He has them in endless varieties A.W. Stewart was in town Tuesday, making settlement as administrator of the T.J. Coffey estate Squire J.N. Brown who has been teaching school continuoulsy since 1864 closes his school today at Crab Orchard The polite and affable W.F. Champ, of Paint Lick, was here Sunday last to see one of our fairest young ladies ??? Cox and Zack Hansel have been ???? the grave yard by fencing it. The good women deserve much praise for starting and completing the achievement Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 06:17:40, -0500 From: ( C L CRAWFORD) Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1899, Rockcastle Co LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Judge Pryor has resinged as a member of the State Board of Election Commissioners Dr and Mrs J.H. Pettus returned to Livingston the first of the week; Mrs Pettus being much improved in health Miss Minnie Jones gave a party to quite a number of friends Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Ada Thompson of East Bernstadt Captain G.A. parker of Crab Orchard Tenn, who is grade foreman on the Tennessee Central Railroad was here a few days last week The post office at Stanford was broken into Tuesday night and robbed of $170 cash and $105 in stamps. No clew as to the guilty parties The Collegiate Institute has begun a publication called the "news Butch". Miss Anna Thompson is editor, with Burdette Houk as associate editor DEATH: Mrs Joseph O'Donnell daughte rof fJudge W.P. Raines of Livingston died at Somerset of dropsy and heart disease. She was buried at Stanford Sunday morning W.T. Brooks was appointed adminstrator of his brother's estate and gave bond with G.W. Brooks as surety. A.W. Stewart and W.H. Jones were appointed as appraisers FOR TRADE: One Godl Dust Stove second hand. Will trade for fat hog corn oats, hay, bile beans or any old thig. Stove good as new cost $36.00. Logue Thompson Mt Vernon Ky Dr. S.C. Davis, W.T. Short, Mr and Mrs B.J. Bethurum, L.W. Bethurum, J.L. Arnold, S.D. Lewis, G.S. Griffin, M.C. Miller, and Judge P.D. Colyer attended the inauguration of Gov Taylor Tuesday Misses Georgia McFerron, Alza Logan Brown, Bessie Miller, Mamie Jones and J.J. Ping, Willie Henderson and Harris White composed a jolly party to witness the closing exercises of Miss Fannie McFerron's school at Pine Hill Mr Frank Jones of Scaffold Cane brought his sister Miss Lucy here Wednesday where she took the train for her home in Mitchelsburg. Miss Lucy has been attending the school taught by Mrs Jones who is a bright and charming woman All the churches have agreed to have a union Christmas tree at the Court House Monday evening 25th Misses Mary Cox, Georgie McFerron, Rosa Gentry and Mr W.J. Sparks have charge of the music. Rev Ewers will open the exercises with prayer and Bro Carmical will close Mr J.L. Joplin has been on the sick list this week Dr J.M. Williams is at home from the Phillippine Islands looking hail and hearty Rev Ewers, Judges Colyer and Williams will speak at Wildie Tuesday night in behalf of the Collegiate Institute Mr E.B. Smith editor of the Kentucky Colonel who is one of the brightest editorial writers this side of Louisville was in Mt Vernon last Saturday Dr E.J. Brown who was born and raised in Rockcastle and who built up an excellent practice before leaving for Stanford was called in consultation with Dr Pennington Clarence Williams a negro who murdered Josie Tillman his sweetheart was legally hanged at Paris. He expressed a desire to hang at an early hour so he could "eat breakfast in hell". LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr S.H. Martin who is one of the best and truest of men closed his school last Friday which makes 32 years in succession he has taught having begun in 1867 in his native state of Virginia Wilmer Chestnut was appointed and qualified as administrator of W.P. Chestnut's estate with Albert Allen and David Laswell as sureties on his bond. Rev James Riddle and Rev Wm Williams were appointed appraisers George Dry of the Hustonville neighborhood has been engaged by Sparks and Co to take charge of their big tie interests along this road. Mr Dry has moved his family to this place. They are related to Mr Wesley the druggist. John W. Brown Esq was down from Mt Vernon Friday. He was not surprised at the decision of the election commissioners, who he thinks have no rights as a contesting board in the cases of the governor and lieutenant governor Having opened the Grand Hotel and Restaurant at Brodhead Ky, I respectfully invite all railroad men, visitors and the traveling public to give me a call. The best 25 cent meal and hot lunches served at all hours day and night. Boarding per week $3.00 DR A.H.H. SIEFFERT W.M. Hysinger, G.C. Fish, Dock and Mat Owens, J.M. Crawford, Judge Lair, H.S. Brannaman, P.W. Clark, B.G. Mullins, ARch McGuire, T.G. Reynolds, Tom French, Albert Allen and Wilmer Chesnut were here Monday C.C. Williams went to Livingston yesterday Happy "Cul" McClure saw Clarence Williams hung at Paris J.B. Farr's the crowing roster was in town yesterday Apts's Cummins has moved into Henry Catron's property on Newcomb ave. Mrs Dr Pennington and Mrs S.C. Franklin visited at Wildie Wednesday last Mose McNew of Orlando was fined in County Court $2.50 for breach of the peace and $1.00 for being drunk Judge G.W. McClure was examined by a board of physicians in Stanford yesterday for an increase of pension. There was no braver soldier than he and we hope the report will be favorable MCCLARY-BUTNER..On last Tuesday morning at 10:15 o'clock, W.F. McClary and Miss Carrie Butner were married at the home of the brides father. Mr W.F. Butner by the Rev Dr Ewers of the Presbyterian church. Only a few relatives and Dr Lewis were present to witness the beautiful ceremony which was performed with the ring. At 11 o'clock a splendid dinner was served after which the bridal party left for Cincinnati where they registered at the Palace Hotel and will remain until today when they will return and make their home with the groom's father Hon J.K. McClary. This happy marriage is the result of a long courtship which has been charming to witness. Will McClary is the only son and there being only two children and the wise and much liked father being an invalid it is nothing but right ath he should marry. There is no better boy than Will, and no boy has more admirers than he. He is a natural born musician and a young man of superb mental powers while Carrie has long since been a favorite among her associates. A bright and charming girl blessed with pleanty common sense and a good education. The Signal extends its hearty congratulations to you Will on winning such a victory and gaining such a womanly help mate for your life companion; and to you; Carrie, we extend our very best and sincerest wishes for a life jeweled with many pleasures and crowned with deeds of Christian benevolence and sisterly charity. BRODHEAD Tony Brooks of Hazelpatch was down Sunday Bro Hendrickson went to Preachersville Monday toperform the rites of matrimony. We have not learned who the contracting parties are H.J. Debord who has been out west for about 14 years is visiting relatives here this week Dr M.L. Bryant who is at presant located at H.G. Suttons between this place and Level Green was in town Tuesday H.G. Sutton who has been afflicted for a year or more is able to be out. His many friends hope that he may yet regain his health The newly married couple of John Newland and Miss Viola Painter have returned from a trip to Cincinnati and points in orthern Ky. They will go to house keeping in the Newland property in a few days A.G. Reed of London was down Sunday. He wre a big Goebel button on the lapel of his coat In last weeks issue of the Signal we noticed that Editor James Maret sold the Signal out to Mr Edgar S. Albright. Mr Maret is fine business man an accomplished gentleman and has many warm friends throughout the county. We regret very much to have him sever relation with the Signal. Yet with Mr Albright who is an accomplished young man as its editor we predict a bright future for the Signal Judge R.G. Williams, Dr. A.E. Ewers of Mt Vernon, came down Friday night and delivered an interesting and instrucktive lecture to a large audience at the Christian church on the subject of Education Bro Hendrickson while deliverying his sermon Sunday night was taken seriously ill and had to dismiss the congregation ********************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.