Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1899, Rockcastle Co ----------------------- Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 From: (C.L. C_R_A_W_F_O_R_D) ----------------------- OCT 27, 1899 TROOPS ARE READY ?????? London, Ky Oct 23, Caly county circuit court opened Monday at Manchester. The fuedists Eddy and Boyd Chadwell and Sol, Tom and Jim Griffin will be tried for the killing of Deputy Wash Thacker of the Philpot faction. Gov Bradley has troops in redisness to go to the protection of the court immediatley upon request of the judge. Since the lat term of court 20 men and one woman have been shot and there are only four indictments Too Winchesters to Court London Depot, Ky Oct 24..Court convened at Manchester Monday mornign for the trial of the Clay county feudists. All factions were on hand, heavily armed. The records of evidence against James and Sol Griffin, who are in jail there charged with the murder of Deputy Sheriff Wash Thacker have been stolen from the county judge's office. It is believed this was done by the Griffin faction to prevent indictments being returned by the grand jury. About 60 of the Philpot faction armed with Winchester were on hand to prosecute the Griffins WILDIE J. Fish, henry Woods and Wm Hayes were in Louisville last week buying their fall and winter stock dry goods Wm Fish aged 72, who has been confiend to his room for eight years and is well known by everybody in this county who served the people in a public capacity for 21 years, united with the Christian church Sunday and was baptised in font at his son's J. Fish's where he has been for some time There was a Republican speaking at the school house here friday night. Judge Colyer and U.S. Marshal Short were the principal orators. Subjec: Goebel Election Law The oldest man in Kentucky lives in Jackson county. He is William Ramey aged 102 years He was in Wildie last week, and walked the most of the way from home a distance of twelve miles LOCAL AND OTHERWISE E.K. Wilson was here during the week Mrs Willis Adams visited Livingston S.J. Watts was at Brodhead during the week T.J. Cress was here from Climax Sunday Geo Griffin of near Wildie was here Sunday last John Parsons of near Wildie was here this week Henry Wood of Wildie was here Wednesday last App Taylor has bought a lot and will build a dwelling Reuben Mullin's new house is fast nearing completion Grant Baker is still confined to his room with rheumatism D.N. Williams has been on the sick list for the past two weeks About the best coal that comes to town is hauled by Wash Hansel James Cox sold a farm to Willis Parsons and bought one from Lee Coffey Mrs J.A. Landrum and Mrs B.J. Bethurum visited Louisville this week Miss Emma Rickels has returned to Lexington after a visit to relatives here DEATH: Mrs Stephen Price died Saturday and was buried in cememtery here Sunday Mrs Rose was here from Junction City to work up a tent of lady Maccabees William Fish for many years circuit clerk was baptized at Wildie last Sunday Dr Lewis and W.H. Jones, Wildie, and G.W. Jones of Conway were here Monday I.N. Dooley of Disputanta was in town Wednesday looking hale and hearty Luther, Eugene and Walter Mullins members of the band are natural musicians Squires Sigman, Brown and Gatliff are here this week attending Court of Claims John Jones is in from Lone Mountain Tenn, where he has been receiving staves When you visit Crab Orchard call for Dillion's Hack for any point you wish to go Rev Ewers will preach at the Christian church next Sabbath; both morning and evening A. Bryant has a small stock of ladies and misses hats that he will sell cheap to close out Brack Graves went to Birmingham Ala Tuesday to see his son Fred, who is very sick J.N. Sneed of Frankfort spoke here to a fair crowd of Republicans here Monday M.R. Jones formerly of this county is running a big store at Hedgeville, Boyle county Isaac Baker of Skaggs creek neighborhood was sent to the Lexington Asylum Tuesday Sam'l Tyree at the mouth of Sinking creek, complains that bears are eating up his corn The little daughter of Thomas French has been very low with Typhoid pheumonia but is improving N.J. Buster, proprietor of the lime works at White Rock this county was here Monday and Tuesday The crowing roosters around Rowland is making life miserable to Tom Farrell and other good Republicans J.J. DeBord, one of the staunch Democrats of Level Green called in to Wednesday and ordered the Signal sent J.W. Marler is back from Tennessee where he has pruchsed several tracts of timber to which he will move his mills David Henderson brought to this office Tuesday two of the largest pumpkins we have seen this year and we have seen several fields full J.A. shannon marshal of Crab Orchard was here Tuesday on hunt of a prisoner who had escaped from his calaboose a few nights since Engineer Respess of the Southern rail way was here several days this week. He is confident the road will be built from Burgin to Jellico By oversight or mistake a writ of arrest for Wm Hysinger instead of a writ of delivery for a dog was issued last Saturday. W.H. Curtis L.M. Houk does not seem to improve. He is now very low Judge R.G. Williams, R.W. Brown, C.C. Williams, Alf Pike, John W. Brown and others are making speeches throughout the county for the Goeel ticket Misses Laura Langfor of east part of the county and Lucy Mahan of London visited the Misses Gentry, of this place Saturday last. Misses Rosa and Lucy Virginia Gentry accompanied Miss Langford home We met Jessie Kinnaird our old frend and school mate of 1867 at Rowland, Tuesday. He looks but a few days older than when we used to play marbles at the old Shepherd school house in Madison county just after the war LOCAL AND OTHERWISE In Clay County Tuesday Dan parker and Thomas Whitmore were fired upon from ambush while on their way to Manchester. Whitmore was killed but Parker was only slightly wounded and escaped by falling from his horse and feigning death W.H. Curtis and son were here Monday to get a dog that had been gone for 18 months that had followad Will Hysinger from Lincoln county when a pup. Mr Curtis had what he thought a writ of delivery sent here to officer. It proved to be a write of arrest for Mr Hysinger. The mistake was corrected and matters satisfactorly adjusted OBITUARY On the 10th inst., death called for his own, our dear beloved niece Nellie May French, aged 3 years and 3 months. She was the only daughter of Mr and Mrs O.F. French and a favorite of all who knew her. Her burial took place on Wednesday 11th. Her cousin Sallie May Gentry died one year ago of the same dread disease, croup. Tis hard to part with those we love, And think we're left to mourn But then we'll meet in yonder's home Loved ones who have gone before Nellie how we will miss thee, and long for thy smiles so sweet. And thy heavenly graces, That on earth we can not seek MAY AND SALLIE BROWN, LEVEL GREEN, KY ORLANDO D.B. Lanford is in the spoke business extensively Geo T. Johnson has lumber ready to build a new house adjoining his present store Joel Anglin has a new store just south of town Geo Evans who was on the sicl list is much improved A.J. Moore of this place is in Chicago workign in a hotel Thomas Rose had a child badly burned Sunday morning J.S. Preppert of Ravenwood was in town this week Dr Childress and R.J. Proter spent Sunday in Pine Hill Wm Coffey has moved to the Evan's property Mrs Jane Bales of Moores Creek is visiting relatives at this place ? B. Owens is putting up a ???? mill at this place Mrs J.L. Ball has returend from a visit to Clay county P.W. Clark has just finished olading a car of coal for Judge Chenault from the famous Brush creek mines ********************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.