Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1898, Rockcastle Co --------------------- Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 From: (C.L. C_R_A_W_F_O_R_D) -------------------- OCTOBER 28, 1898 WILDIE J. Fish and W.H. Jones were in Mt Vernon Monday Henry Woods and Wm Hayes are in Louisville this week Mrs J.L. Brooks and Miss Anne Stewart were here shopping Monday Dr Gibson, of Richmond, was here Monday Mrs Butner visited relatives in Madison last week Mole Parsons was at Livingston Saturday and Sunday Tom Parsons was up from Livingston Sunday David Menifee died at Corbin last week and was brought here and buried at the Maret graveyard The little son of W.N. Walle is very sick E.A. Herring is here from Livingston doing some stone work for Henry Woods Wm Phillips has moved from Brindle Ridge to this place Geo Johnson was up from Brush Creek Has Buck Varnon never returned from up Salt River? ORLANDO Mrs Flaric Bowles is on the sick list this week R.L. Proter visited Mt. Vernon Sunday Geo Johnson has returned from Louisville and opening up a large line of new goods Mrs D.N. Welch and Mrs M. Pennington were here to see Mrs Johnson last week Bill Evans has moved to Hazel Patch. We are sorry to give Bill up W.S. Johnson has returned from Louisville where has been to have his eye taken out Abe Evans was very badly hurt at Langford quarry a few days since by being caught with a car Dr. Childress was in Mt Vernon Sunday John Robinson is in Clay County very sick with fever LIVINGSTON Born to the wife of Geo McCarthy on the 21st a girl Dr Henry Pettus was in Crab Orchard, Sunday T.J. Ballard is shaking hands with his many friends here this week, he having recoved from a long spell of sickness Jos Coffey and Sam Ward were at Mt Vernon Wednesday Jake Sambrook was in Danville Tuesday John Murray the rusher man, was here Monday to see one of the prettiest young ladies in the state Charley and Miss Susie Poynter of Corbin are visiting Mrs Sue Mullins at the Mullins Hotel J.H. Browning was here from Cincinnati last week Mr and Mrs J.H. Stevens were here from Crab Orchard looking at the Mullins Hotel which they rented and will take possession of Dec 1st Mr and Mrs W.W. Wright have returned from Parksville Mr and Mrs B. Graves left Friday for Birmingham, Ala to see Fred and their new daughter in law Miss Bettie Lewis of Turnersville was at the Pope Hotel last week DEATH: The little infant of Mart Hicks was buried here on the 20th LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs Petty has malarial fever Squire Durham was in from Wildie ** Jim Hayes was here from Wildie Monday Squire Gatliff has added his name to our list Mrs Georgia Rice is visiting in Louisville Robert Taylor was in from Level Green Lee Porter was here from Orlando on Sunday last Miss Florelle Brown is with relatives at Parksville Dr J.M. Williams has returned to Camp hamilton Harve Sigmon was here attending court Monday J.T. Clark;' Climax, was in and renewed his subscription George Johnson the Orlando meerchant was here Monday Allen Hiatt is one of the best road overseers in the county Reuben Mullins the wide awake drummer was here Tuesday J.L. Brooks the General lumber man of Wildie called on us G.W. Jones and Jim Lucas Conway were callers at this office G.C. Fish one of Rockcastle's best farmers called on us yesterday Miss Fannie Langfor and J.S. Damron have moved to Ash Grove, Mo Arch Albright called Wednesday and renewed his subscription to Signal Dr Benton one of Brodheads splendid Physicians was with us Tuesday Walter Turpin has opened a barbershop near M.C. Williams residence Mrs Susan Henderson is visiting her brother Dr S.W. Brown at Commerce Texas App Taylor is still clinging to the L&N. Its only a question of time with App Joseph Coffey and W.J. Sparks were here from Livingston Monday to hear McCreary J.W. Marler and son are everlastingly filling the air with sawdust at their mill W.C. Johnson, of Climas was in Louisville alst week and had an eye removed by the doctors Judge R.J. Breckinridge of Danville has announced himself for Attorney General OCT 28, 1898 (CONT) LOCAL AND OTHERWISE E.B. Brown is with us Green Parker is at work again Miss Green has returned to Versails Henry James Mullins was here Tuesday Miss Carrie Lair was visiting in town Thursday last Mrs Will Ward was here from Livingston, Monday Aid Society met at Mrs Nesbitt's Thursday Mrs S.W. Davis has been quite ill with fever but is better Go to Bob Cox's to buy your groceries and dry goods Tom Jim Ballard the old reliable came out to hear McCreary Road overseer per Riggsby worked his men eighteen days Assessor French and Deptuy Reynolds were in town Monday Misses Kate Spradlin and Rose Klein were in town yesterday shopping P.T. Welsh is in Louisville where he will likely secure employment Mrs Della Adams of near Mazretburg, was here shopping Monday last DEATH: The mother of Editor Louis Landrum died at Lexington on the 20th aged 83 Bro Isom a Methodist minister, will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday next Mrs Jennie Miller and Mrs Mattie May Yeager of Lancaster were visiting at M.J. Millers last week Sam Pennington was here from Raspberry the first of the week. Sam will get the Signal every week Judge Lair, Dr Cooper, Rev Capps, J.C. Phillips, Peter LeGer, Jerry Frith and W.C. Mullins were on hands Monday R.A. Welsh has already entered city politics. He has been appointed election judge in one of the Louisville precincts Mrs Susie McFerron of Lebanon Junction is here the guest of her mother and father Mr and Mrs Tom Taylor Commissioner J.I. White after a three week attendance at US Court Louisville has returned and claimed citizenship here W.G. Adams has gone into the Poultry and produce business at Brodhead, paying cash. he will be in Mt Vernon one day each week. Date to be given later Arthur Owens clerk for W.T. Brook's & Co of Hazel Patch an accomplished young man is visiting his uncle G.S. Griffin at this place Harry Balzer, Hon Sam Ward, N.Nm. Shumate, L.T. Stewart, W.G. Adams, B.C. Richardson, Mat Swinfor, Luther Kelton and many other staunch citizens were here Monday Silas Hardin of this county was sentenced in US Court at Louisville To Columbus Ohio Penitentiary one year and one day and fine $500 on charge of moonshinging and retailing liquor. ** The Interior Journal says the war is over and the reason the United States won is that she is as strong as SAMPSON, MILES long, SCHLEY as a fox and has plenty of MERRIT. What more DEWEY want? W.E. Singleton was shot and dangerously wounded by Major T.J. Carson at Lexington last Saturday in a difficulty arising over some photographs Single had made for Major Carson's niece. Ed Singleton as we knew him, wa at this place for two or three summers some twelve or fifteen years ago and was a first class photographer and made many friends The following persons spent a week in attendance at US Court Louisville and returned Tuesday: H.H. McClure, J.C. Mullins, J.C. Graves, Josiah Meece, Thos Austin, Judge Ashley Owens, J.G. Cummins, G.W. Payne, Jim Payne, L.W. Bethurum, M.J. Bethrum, Tee Payne and Dick Sowder. They were in the case of US against Fred Hayes charged with having broken into his bonded warehouse in 1894. The case was ably argued by attorneys Mead and L.W. Bethurum. Hayes was acquitted. R.L. Davison and Lewis Walker are speaking in this county OBITUARY Mrs Ella J. Agee, wife of A.O. Agee after a lingering ilness died of consumption Oct 14th. She leaves two children, Jesse J. and Jones L. aged 8 and 6, respectively. This makes three deaths in Mr Agee's family within last eleven months. Mrs Agee was a kind Christian woman and has gone to her reward. Just before death she called the family to her bedside bade them farewell and asked them to meet her in the better world. The remains were buried in the family graveyard in Cove Valley by her two children, Geder and Essie. Mr Agee asks to express through the Signal his thanks to his neighbors for kindness shown in his recent affliction The question of salaries was properly passed upon by the Magistrates, Wednesday-Squire Brown being for a reduction and Squire's Sigman and Gatliff being for same ammount as hertofore. Squire Gatliff stood from the very beginning against reduction, claiming that we now had the best county officers we ever had and there was no reason for reduction; also claimed that the salaries could not be changed under the constitution which L.W. Bethurum and Geo W. McClure ably argued, showing it could not be done. P.D. Colyer, county attorney paid a glowing tribute to Judge Williams for his ability as a Court and his fairness as a judge. There was no reason on earth why any of the salaries should have been reduced and Squire Gatliff deserves special praise for the bold and many stand he took; as does Squire Sigman also for voting as he did after hearing the constitution thoroughly explained. FOR SALE: $375 My 5 room cottage with smoke house, chicken house stable & 2 lots in Mt Vernon Ky, Terms: 150 dollars chas. $125 in one year $100 dollars in years. Must sell at once. A.C. STAPP Bob Cox now has a nice line of groceries and dry goods and are sold at bed rock prices Finest grades of tobacco and cigars at the drugstore of c.C. Davis & Co. You wil find all kinds of fresh candy made daily at S.W. Davis's basement brick hotel ********************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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