Subject: KFY: Mt Vernon Signal Newspapers, 1897, Rockcastle Co --------------------- Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 From: (C.L. C_R_A_W_F_O_R_D) --------------------- Sept 10, 1897 ROWLAND Rowland gets night mail T.L. Shelton has resumed the coal business Business on the railroad has been immense James Mudd train dispatcher has recovered James Lee who has been ill for a long time is improving "H" Pendleton's court will resume as soon as frost falls Frank Cordier looks natural behind the post office cabinet Tom Ferrell's last order for rain micarried or got lost in the shuffle Four Mormon preachers have been holding services here J.M. Haley joined them Fatty Parsons has opened a ban just up the creek from rowland birdge....with a shovel Postmaster Cordier has received from one of his friends a huge pear which could scarcely be pushed into a half gallon tin bucket Conductor Wilder, of the K.C. will shortly attach a mowing machine to the pilot of his engine to cut the hay and weeds from the track BRODHEAD Owen Jarrett is sick Mrs Dr. Clark is improving Tilman Gilpin is down from Mt. Vernon Jno Woodyard went to Rowland Monday Wm Cummins is out from a spell of fever Mrs Emerson rice is up from Lebanon Junction Miss Ellen Henderson is the guest of Mrs J.G. Frith Mr and Mrs Preston of Stone were guests of J.B. Farmer last week Rev Henderson was with the Baptist church here Sturday and Sunday Misses Lula and Amy Pike were guests of relatives at Livingston last week Judges Fish and Carter were down from Mt. Vernon to attend the divorce suit of Marie Hilton Marion Harrison who has been seriously ill with dropsy confessed Christ Sunday and was baptised Wednesday Mrs Holtzclaw and Mrs Higgins of Preachersville were here Sunday in the interest of the church at that place A Demorest contest was held here at the Christian church on the evening of September 9th with Misses Susie Yeadon, Bettie Wilmott, Lily and Lula Haggard, Delphie Colyer and Lela Pike contestants. Messrs Preston, Protheroe and Mrs Smith were Judges. The contest was very close but was decided in favor of Miss Bettie Wilmott. Each of the young ladies did credit to themselves and showed much elocutionary talent. WILDIE John W. Baker was here the first of the week L.T. Stewart was in London the first of the week J.L. Brooks has built a residence near his Mill and will move his family A brother and sister of Miss Alice Forbus are visiting her from Ford Aunt Nancy Coffee died of cancer on the 8th and was buried at Scaffold Cane Mrs John Ogg of Madison county is visiting the family of Ely Coffee this week Mrs Joseph Jones and children of Illinois are the guests of her brother in law Wilt Jones Dan Cameron who has lived here for two years has returned to his home in Tennessee Lum Rimel has returned from his threshing trib in Madison. He threshed 18,000 bushels Miss Louise and Mattie McGuire of Madison county, have been visiting the family of Ike Coffee of this place Some young people of this place spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of T.J. Ballard on the Big Hill. WABD A five year old child of John Ponder's was buried on Skagg's creek Monday last Rev Gooch filled his appointment at Skaggs creek church on Sat and Sun Mr and Mrs Bloomer visited the family of A.K. Gooch near Bee Lick this week GOOCHLAND Mrs George McGuire is on the sick list W.S. Haskins was here Sunday from Ino J.C. Phillips is in McKee this week on business W.D. McGuire has a very sick child at this writing Mss Nora Baker of wildie is visiting here this week Mat Hamilton of Wildie attended church here Sun Miss Marth Martin was the guest of Miss Alzie McGuire Sunday On last Wednesday at the home of the bride, Miss Ella Phillips and Moses Anglin were married, Rev Smith officiating LIVINGSTON Mrs Goe Griffin has been quite sick Mrs John Cooper is visiting her mother at Crab Orchard Mrs George Herwig of Chicago is visiting her sister Mrs Robert Brown harry Magee of London was down to see his best girl last Sunday R.G. Williams was down from Mt. Vernon last week. I wonder who he came to see? Ask Miss Georgie Mrs McCarthy and pretty daughter miss Mary Belle, returned to their home in Lebanon after an extended visit to Mr Geo McCarthy's Quite a party of old and young tripped the light fantastic at the residence of dr Cooper last Thursday evening. All reported an excellent time John Mullins has taken charge of the Mullins Hotel; Mr Pope moving to the Tubb's Hotel and Mrs John McGee now occupies the John Mullins property Miss Bessie Mullin a beautiful and accomplished young lady of Louisville and Miss Hattie Satterfield one of the belels of Glasgow Junction are the guests of Miss Lena Bentley and Mrs W.H. Satterfield at Sunbeam Castle Quite a number of young people chaperoned by Mr and Mrs W.H. Satterfield went up Rockcastle river boating Tuesday evening in the moonlight. Mr Ed Smith honored the occasion with his presence and also his music. One young lady fell in---not in the water---but in love LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Dr Grant dentist will be here during circuit court Judge Morrow speaks here on the 20th at 1 o'clock pm James I. White U.S. Commissioner has opened his office in the old Joplin Hotel W.G. Adams has bought the Jop McCall grocery in the basement of the brick hotel and will continue the business Joseph Payne a clever young gentleman of Crab Orchard, who is traveling for a paper house of Cincinnati was here a few days since M.C. Owens aged 64, has missed only three meals on account of sickness, or any serious misunderstanding with neighbors or others Mr and Mrs W.H. Brannaman, Mrs Mary E. Coffee and Misses Fannie, Mary and Annie Brannaman of Wildie visited their aunt Mrs Carpenter on Tuesday last A number of pretty girls including Misses Belle Maret, Matie Weber and Brannaman paid our office a pleasnat call jus tas we were going to press last Thursday A.J. Fish town Assessor, has had blanks printed and is now ready to begin making assessment of town property. He will call on the property owners in the next few days J.W. james of Crab Orchard a man well known throughout the mountains has our thanks for courtesies in the way of conveyance to various points of interest in and around Crab Orchard; the springs therein and in the surrounding country. Mr James is a gentleman of anagosity as brother Walton would say and one who stands by his friends Wilson Huff was held in the sum of $1000 bond for the killing of Joseph Singleton After two years trying T.J. Cress has succeeded in getting premanently located here an agency for fire insurance for the Aetna Insurance Company of Hartford Conn., and E.S. Albright is his assistant. Give them your insurance and be secured from fire Mrs James Houk received a letter last week from her husband, who is on a seven weeks visit to a son in Indiana. Mrs H. says this is the first letter she ever received from his hands since their marriage thirty years ago and she was as pleased as a young girl receiving a letter from her first sweetheart. Mr. Houk is greatly enjoying his visit. His business has alwways required his remaining at home and never before been away long enough to require his writing a letter to his wife. He isll return next week We are pained to learn of the serious illness of Bogue Brown of Garrard county As we go to press we learn of the serious illness of Judge Lair. He is not expected to live. His wife is also seriously ill Mrs A. Pennington left Wednesday afternoon for Laruel coutny to visit her mother The "ad" of H.C. Gentry the pioneer blacksmith and wagonmaker, will appear in our next issue. Call on him during court Jake C. Mullins of Peoples, Jackson county was with us this week. He is traveling for a Virginia tobacco firm. He says that never asked to be prayed for but once that he regretted. Then he had to throw rocks at the preacher to get him to cease, and ruined a white oak tree that the preacher dodged behind CARD OF THANKS We wish to return our sincere thanks to our many friends for their liberal contributions to us in our misfortune. They will long be remembered by us; and especially we thank Mr. Neal Parrett for his kindness in taking the subscription Yours very truly, SAMUEL PENNINGTON, FANNIE PENNINGTON Samuel Kinley called to see us Tuesday Wm Townsend will move to Oklahoma Mrs Willis GRiffin has been visiting at Pine Hill J.L. Arnold, of Frankfort is here with friends Solomon Riddle and wife have returned from a visit to Pulakski Drs Penton and E.J. Brown were up from Bordhead Wednesday Hugh Miller says one of his friends has just taken his annual bath Wm. L. Owens & Dick was in town Tuesday looking as spry and young as of old J.S. Edmiston the Crab Orchard candy maker is still making delicious sweetmeats Mrs Dr. Monroe Pennington is visiting home folks in Clay county this week Crudup quarry at Langford is shipping from four to seven cars of sawed stone daily George Griffin, Will Butner, and William Riddle of near Wildie were here Tuesday A. Gustavison went to Stanford Monday. He will go to the Klondyke in the spring. Miss Mary Ballinger, ow Wildie has taken rooms at Reubin Mullins and will attend College. Miss Carrie Butner has entered Collegiate Institute and expects to finish the course this year. Rev L.M. Scroggs attended Presbytery at Lancaster, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week James I. White has received his commission as U.S. Commissioner with headquarters at Mt. Vernon. A.R. Scott and family have arrived from Calera, Ala. Mr Scott is to form a partnership with the Mt. Vernon Lime co., and increase the capacity. They expect a large trade from the South and East Gen Jno B. Gorden will deliver his celebrated lecture, "The First Days of the Confederacy" at Walton's opera house, Stanford on Oct 4th Mr. Walton has gone to a great expense and troubl to secure the date and the people should show their appreciation of his efforts by crowding the house. D.C. Payne at Crab Orchard, has the neatest arranged store in that town and is doing anice business Ed. McHargue who is at Joseph Price Hospital, Stanford has recovered and will be at home in a few days Joshua Boreing has been assisting in the post office for a couple of weeks while Mr. Baker was engaged in other work W.R. McClure has moved to town and has been sworn in as Marshal, vice Wm Arnold resigned Mr. McClure says he will begin collecting town taxes next week Estray...a black barrow weighing about 100 lbs has been on my premises since last spring. No marks. Owner can recover by proving and paying proper charges. W.H. Cox FOR SALE CHEAP... A fram under fine cultivation good fencing and wll watered with a good cottage of four rooms and good out buildings, barn and granery. Price $1,500 Mrs W.L. Henderson Mrs Sambrook of Livingston and MR. V. Lush of East Jelllico were guest oat Prof Scroggs on Monday having both brought their daughters to attend school at Collegiate Institute. The young ladies are boarding with Mrs Scroggs The five year old daughter of of Mr Forrester who risides at the Miller Hotel, died Saturday night of tonsilitis. The ramins were taken to Knoxville. Mr and Mrs Forrester have been called upon to mourn the loss of two children within the past year. These excellent people have the sympathy of all our citizens. Jack Lawrence came up from Level Green, Wednesday Jack Sams and other Livingston citizens attended the Baptist Association here Neal Parrett has just finished a fine, large book case for the Collegiate library John Taylor, the Level Green blacksmith has swapped his five hounds to a $20 gold watch Dr Pennington, dentis, will be here during Circuit Court to practice his profession R.G. (Dick) Williams once a favorite studen at Old Centre is a candidate for county judge up in Rockcastle. Dick has a Republican majority of five hundred to overcome, but that is a mere bagatelle compared to the pursuasive poweres of Richard's eloquence. He'll be elected in a whoop Mt. Vernon Kentucky Aug 31, 1897 Editor of SIGNAL In answer to an article which appeared in the REPUBLICAN of last week in regard to the conduct of some of the County Officials. We wish to differ from those whoe names follow that article. If necessar it can be proven by reputable Republican citizens that some of said officials have been guilty of official and general conduct not only unworth of their offical positions, but of the dignity and moratlity expected of the humbllest private citizens M.P. Newcomb Republicn H.C. Gentry J.J. Smith James Maret Democrat Wm Poynter Geo E. McCoy G.A. Parker Republican P.J. McMullin Democrat R.P. Norton H.K. McKinnaey Republican M. Pentington M.D. J.H. Gant Apt Taylor Meshack Gentry A. Pennington Democrat George Liford J.H. Woodall Andrew Gentry Republican Meshack Gentry Republican ORLANDO J.B. Reams is on the sick list jack Baker has two very sick children Tom Ball was over at Macidonia last Sunday Mrs Isaac Bales has been visiting relatives here Stephen Robinson was visiting friends here last week J.C. Childress has spent a few days in town this week Frank Anderson, of Gap, Ky is moving to this place J.B. Owens will open a new store in Evan's house Geo Johnson is opening up a large stock of winter goods Noah Mason has been visiting his father in law over the river Misses Susie Robinson and Easter Anglin were in town Monday K. Hundley, P.P. Singleton, Geo Wilson and james Townsend were in Mt. Veron last week B.H. Ball has manipulated the hog trade in this part of the section. He reports slight losses by cholera A young man named Laswell and a child of R. Robertson were biten by a mad dog a few dasys since. They ahve tried the virtures of a so called madstone and feel quite safe from hydraphobia PERSONAL MENTION Mrs D.N. Williams was called to Kingston this week on account of the serious illness of her brother in law Mose and B.F. Anglin of Climax called to see us this week Sam Pennington's house and its effects was burned yesterday in teh west part of town. they were away from home at the time John Gaut and Mrs Dora Minor were married yesterday and left for Jonesboro, Tenn Miss Emma Riddle of Cove, was here this week John W. and Charles Riddle are on a visit in Jessamine county BRODHEAD Little Everett Watson is very sick Miss Susie Hilton has returned home Dr emmit Proctor was in town Friday Will and Arch Albright were at the Barbourville fair Lee McHargue was down fron London, on Sunday last Mrs John Riddle was the guest of Mrs James Owens last week Miss Berda Martin was down from Maretsburg a few days since A.E. Albright and wife and Prof Chas Chandler attended the Berea fair Harvey VanHook and wife of McKinney are visiting friends and relatives here A Maccabees Lodge was organized here Saturday, August 28th with 25 members Revs Ragan, Barger and others are holding a meeting at the Methodist church Vick Owens left Saturday night for Indiana to accept a position with the Wrought Iron Range Co. John Robbins and wife and Miss Jennie Reynolds, visited relatives near Beelick last week, also attend Rev Forrer's meeting at Providence Messrs. Albert Albright, Alex Tyree, Thos. Baker, Hope Tharp, Tommy Thompson, M.G. Aldrige and A.J. Pike attended the London fair PINE HILL Willie Kirby who was mashed in the mines is improving very slowly Miss Biddie Dolan of Mt. Veron was visiting her parents last week James and Miss Ida Meadows are visiting relatives and friends at Williamsburg Misses Jude Owens and Cleo Mullins of Livingston were here at church Sunday The Demorest medal contest went off very nicely. Teh contestants were: Miss Mary Tyree, Elizabeth Sympson, Mattie McFerron, Effa Meadows, Ida Tyree and Billie Sympson. Miss Ida Tyree won the medal. They all spoke well and have a talent worthy of cultivation. AFter the contest a party of about 35 were entertained by Mrs J.B. Goodin and brother WABD Mrs Bussel is quite sick J.C. Graves has the chills J.C. Ponder is logging on Skaggs creek W.H. Cress has returned from the Association in Pulaski County J.A. Oliver has found a girl near Providence that attracts his attention very much Rev A.K. Gooch has returned from Indiana and will preach at the Scaggs creek next Saturday night CONWAY U.S. Berry is quite sick at present Ben Lari's Brandy distillery is running W.D. Atherton made a trip to Clear creek, Friday Scott Beldon of Brindle Ridge was over Saturday Montello Gray and H.L. Geer, attended the Berea fair. Harry Blazer of Scaffold Cane was over to see us last week C.C. Williams of Mt. Vernon passed through our town Sunday Luther Kelton and wife attended the Barbourville fair last week On September 1st Wilson Huff shot and killed Joe Singleton. The trouble arose over hogs Richard Johnson has bought a lot from A.W. Hart and is erecting a new building on it Robert and Dick Tudor of Madison county passed through here buying cattle last week W.T. Woodall will preach at Wilmott school house the second Sunday in September Rev M.N. Early of Berea will preach at this place the 4th Sunday and Saturday in Sept Rev Phelps will preach the funeral of Johnny Dobbs at the Fairview church the second Sunday in Sept WILDIE Ely Coffee's wife is very sick Billy Fish has a very sick baby A.W. Stewart attended the Barbourvill fair James Black and family have moved to Illinois C.C. Williams passed through here Sunday afternoon Geo Griffin of Mt. Vernon was in our neighborhood the first os the week James F. Griffin and Miss Alice Forbus spent part of Sunday afternoon with Miss Anne Stewart L.T. Stewart and wife were visiting her parents Sunday. Mr Stewart went from there to McKee to attend court John West Baker, our next sheriff frequently passes through here shaking hands with his many friends Mssrs Tommie Stewart, J.W. Childress, Will and Tom Brannaman of this place attended the Berea fair Mrs W.W. Stewart has a sunflower stalk in her garden which produced 65 flowers and another 40 and one which produced a flower 19 inches in diameter Miss Pollie Owens of Barbourville who has been visiting in this neighborhood has gone to Mt. Vernon to spend a few days with friends ********************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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