Scott County KyArchives Biographies.....Duvall, Alvin March 20 1813 - not given ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin August 16, 2004, 9:37 am Author: Lawyers and Lawmakers of Kentucky, by H. Levin, editor, 1897. ALVIN DUVALL, chief justice of Kentucky, and for many years a member of the Frankfort bar, was born in Scott county, Kentucky, near Georgetown, March 20, 1813. He attended the common schools and graduated in 1833 at Georgetown College; studied law under James F. Robinson, of Georgetown, after which he entered Transylvania University, of Lexington, which he was graduated in March 1840. Mr. Duvall practiced law with success until 1852, when he was appointed circuit judge of his district to fill out the unexpired term of Judge Reid. His time expired in 1856 and the same year he was elected to the court of appeals, for eight years, filling the position of chief justice during the last two. He was a candidate for re-election in August 1864, but General Burbridge, who was then commanding the state, ordered his name to be stricken off the poll-book, on account of disloyalty to the federal government. The same military officer also ordered the arrest of prominent men in the district, including Judge Duvall, who, however, advised by friends, made his way to Canada, where he remained for two months. He then returned to Georgetown, and in the fall of that year resumed the practice of law. In 1866 he was appointed reporter of the decisions of the court of appeals, and his two published volumes are known as the First and Second Duvall. Soon afterward he was made the nominee of the Democracy for clerk of the court of appeals. The opposition to the party had been very bitter in many districts, but he carried the state by fifty thousand votes, the largest majority ever given a candidate at that time. He had represented his district in the legislature in 1850. He was regarded as one of the ablest jurists of the state, his opinions on the circuit and appellate benches were widely quoted as authority, and he was the acknowledged peer of any of Kentucky's renowned jurists. He was a student through life, a classical scholar, a graceful and fluent writer and an eloquent and convincing speaker. In 1843 he was married in Georgetown to Miss Virginia Holtzclaw. This file has been created by a form at