Scott County KyArchives Court.....Miller Jr, [Adam] Et Al August 1, 1814 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Paige Walk August 30, 2013, 10:54 am Source: Scott Co, Ky Wills,bk B,pages 96 & 97 Written: August 1, 1814 Scott Co, KY Wills Book B Pages 96 & 97 Know all men by these presents that we JOHN MILLER and WILLIAM STORY are held and bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the sum of ………….. thousand five hundred dollars current money to be paid to the said Commonwealth the payment whereof well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Exor’s and Admin’rs Jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed and dated this 1st day of August 1814 The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound JOHN MILLER Executor of all the goods chattles and credits of ………….. MILLER JUNIOR dec’d do make a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said JOHN MILLER or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made do exhibit unto the said County Court at such time as he shall be thereto required by the said Court and the same goods chattles and credits do well and truly administer according to law and make a just and true account of all his actings and doings therein when thereto required by the said Court, and further well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said will as far as the goods chattles and credits will extend and the law shall charge then the obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue JOHN MILLER WILL STORY ………….. SHEPARD D. C. August Court 1814 ………………………………...................................... Was this day in open Court acknowledged ………………………………................................................................... ... ________________________________________________________________________ Transcribed by Paige Ferguson Walk 30 August 2013 Additional Comments: Note: In the index to wills this bond is credited to the estate of ADAM MILLER JR but the name “ADAM” is missing in the actual bond. File at: This file has been created by a form at