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Miller, James McCroskey and James Johnson Gentlemen Justices of Scott County in the sum of one thousand dollars current money of Kentucky the payment of which well and truly to be made we ___ ourselves and each of our heirs Admin r, Jointly and severally firmly by their presents sealed with our seals & dated this 24th day of November 1806. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Amos Gregg shallwell & truly pay and deliver unto Betsy Grag, Joseph Grag and John Grag orphans of Israel Grag decd all such estate as is or hereafter shall become due to the said orphans when they shall obtain to lawful age to demand the same, or when thereunto required by the justices of the said Conty and also discharge his duty therein in such a manner as to save harmless and indemnify these justices and their successes in office from all_____ or damage which shall or may arise about the said estate then the above obligation to be said otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Acknowledged in open court Amos Grag Seal John Hawkins John Wallace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will book D., Pages 250-251 Will of Amos Gregg 14 Dec 1813 Imprimus I give and bequeath unto my two grandsons Joseph Gregg and John Gregg the sons of Is--- Gregg deceased all the tract of land whereon I now live to be equally divided between them, and for their heirs to have and to hold forever. To daughter Elizabeth Watkins 50 pounds. To grandaughter Elizabeth Gregg daughter of Isaah Gregg, dec'd the sum of 50 pounds to be paid out of my moveable estate. To 2 granddaughters Ruth Gregg and Priscilla Gregg daughters of my son Joseph, each of them a good milch cow and unto each of them a feather bed and furniture. It is my will and desire that the aforesaid Joseph Gregg and John Gregg (sons of Israel Gregg dec'd) have their maintenance and education out of the profits arising out of the aforesaid tract of land. It is my will and desire that after the above ligates are paid the remainder of my moveable estate shall be equally divided among Joseph Gregg, Samuel Gregg and Elizabeth Watkin and also the natural heirs of my daughter Susannah Lewis dec'd. to have an equal share ...... I do constitute and appoint Joseph Watkin and Richard Power to be the executor of this last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this 14 Dec. 1813. Amos Gregg (Seal) Signed in the presence of the underwritten John Powel John M. Houston Charles C. Houston ______________________ Will Book B. Page 183 Settlement of Amos Gregg's Estate February 1815 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will Book E., Page 277 Settlement of Hiram Gregg's Estate 15 November 1831 Samuel Gregg administrator of the good, chattels and credits of Hiram Gregg dec'd do make a true & perfect inventory of all singular the good chattel etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will Book F. Pge 85-86 Will of Samuel Gregg 19 February 1836 I Samuel Gregg -- To the children of my daughter Ann - $20.00 To the children of my son Hiram - $20.00 To the children of my daughter Betsy 2 houses which is phillips & her yearling sukling colt and two cows and two beds bedsteads and furniture and one bureau, which several legacies make my children equal to what I gave my son George. 19 February 1836 _____________________________________________________________________ Scott County Kentucky GREGGs as I interpreted by Jo Thiessen: Amos had six children: Susannah, Isaah (or Isaak), Elizabeth, Israel, Joseph and Samuel Israel had two sons, named John and Joseph Samuel had two sons, named Hiram and George, and two daughters named, Betsy and Ann. These families are most probably connected to the "Quaker Greggs" of Delaware. The 1790 Tax List of New Castle County, Delaware lists: The Estate of Isaac Gregg The Estate of Harmon Gregg Herman Gregg The 1800 Census of Chester County, PA lists: Herman Gregg 30110-21100-00 [page 707] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pendleton County, Kentucky Deed Book E. Page 229 Will of John Mountjoy In the name of God Amen. I, John Mountjoy of the County of Pendleton and State of Kentucky, being weak of body but perfect mind and memory and knowing it is apppointed for all men once to die do therefore make ordain and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First, I commend my soul unto the hands of God, who gave it and my body to be decently bury'd by my executors. As touching my worldly goods, with which it hath pleased God to bless me, I give and bequeath in the manner following to-wit: First, to my son John Mountjoy, I give and bequeath the plantation whereon I now live, together, with all the lands attached thereto containing eight hundred acres, be the same more or less. I also give to my son, John three negro men, to-wit: George, Ben and James. Also my silver watch. I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret the following negroes to-wit: negro named Hannah, and her child Eliza, negro man named Tom and his wife Clary. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mariah the following negroes to-wit: Woman named Patty, negro woman Judy, also negro or molatta boy William until he, the said boy shall arrive at the age of thirty-one years, at which time it is then my will and wish that he shall then have his freedom. I do give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann Goodwin during her life and then to descend to my grandchildren. Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, the following negro children now in the posession of my said daughter to-wit: Eleanor, Tom & Peter. I do give and bequeath to my grandson, John William Mountjoy (first in consideration of the money I drew due for his dec father's services and secondly for the love I bear to my sd Grandson) the following negroes to-wit: A negro woman now and her child Ann Field. I do give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret Goodwin during her life time and at her death descend to my two Grandchildren, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, the plantation whereon John Goodwin now lives on the south fork of Licking River which I purchased of Graham Wallace containing about fifty acres, but this bequeast is on this express provision that the said John Goodwin, his wife nor either of his children shall ever hereafter set up any claim to the negro woman Sabra, which I sold to pay for said land. I do give and bequeath to my grandson, Henry Gregg one hundred dollars in specie to be paid to him six months after my death by my son John out of that portion of my estate which I have herein bequeathed to him. it is further my will and wish that my daughters Margaret and Mariah so long as they continue single or chuse to live with my son John have the same priveleges as to boarding which they have enjoyed during my life. The small tract of land about twenty acres which I purchased of James Coleman and also the tract of land which I purchased onthe south fork of Licking as the property of William Mountjoy decd at Sheriff's sale containing 63 acres together with whatever may be recovered of William Bryan in a suit in Chancery now pending in the pendleton Circuit Court I wish applied to the payment of my debts. I do give and bequeath all the balance of my estate, in stock of all kinds, household furniture, farming utensils I wish sold and the proceeds thereof equally divided among my children John, Margaret, Mariah, first paying thereunto the balance (if any) which the lands left for that purpose and the debt due from Bryan may lack paying my debts. It is further my will and wish that should my death take place during the time of making a crop that my son, Johh, have the use of the hands as work therein uhntil the same is completed. It is further my will and wish that in case my son John should sell the lands herein bequeathed to him that he reserve one quarter of an acre including the grave year. Having thereunto given my daughter Elizabeth Gregg negroes and land I deem it unnecessary to say anything further on that subject. I do hereby appoint my son, john Mountjoy of Pendleton County and General James Garrard of Bourbon County Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 11 day of June A.D. 1825. John Mountjoy Press g. Kennett Jeremiah Monroe Probated 5/25/1826 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicholas (vs Jessamine Co.) County, KY Order book C, Page 93 Jan 1813 Zephaniah Murphey guardian of Edward and Thomas Griggs, infants of Henry Griggs deceased. Page 434 Jan 1818 Henry Giggs, infant heir of H. Griggs dec. bound to Thomas J. Glass