Shelby County KyArchives Court.....Wood, Lucy August 16, 1817 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia O'Connor August 10, 2007, 12:29 pm Source: Shelby Co. Will Book 4, P 68 Written: August 16, 1817 Shelby Co. Will Book 4, p 68 To the Honourable Court of Shelby County whereas I Thomas FURNACE of Jefferson County having married a Mrs WOOD OF Shelby County Guardian to her daughter Lucy WOOD & agreeable to a Law made & provided for in such cases, I do hereby make a return of the profit arising from the propertys that has bin reported to Your Honours heretofore firth the Expenditures as far has come into my hands to the hire of a negro boy Abraham 24.00 To the Interest of $235.24 14.00 Total is 58.00 By Dressing for the said Lucy WOOD 38.00 Saturday 16th Aug 1817 From Mr Thomas FURNACE Shelby County Scts August Court 1817 The Within account was produced in Court Sworn to Examined & ordered to be Recorded Att John HEWLAND clk Transcribed by Patricia O’Connor File at: This file has been created by a form at