Shelby County, KY - History: Olive Branch United Methodist Church, Part 3 Tuesday, October 31, 2000 Submitted by: (Eugene Maynard) ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* Subject: CHURCH HISTORY: Olive Branch United Methodist Church, Shelby Co., KY - Part III PART III. (The foregoing narrative was discovered by Miss MARTHA DONOVAN among old papers with some of her relatives possessions. MARTHA was able to identify the hand writing as Mrs. LUCILLE BOSWELL's hand, but feels much of the material was compiled by Mrs. LOWRY INGRAM who served as Church Historian for many years.) Services were held at that time, the fourth Sunday of each month, until 1935 when it was changed to two Sundays a month. In 1944, services were held full time, having a full time Pastor. The parsonage was located at 30 E. Main Street, Shelbyville, which was owned by the Shelbyville Circuit. This was composed of Olive Branch, Rockbridge, Graffenburg and Clay Village Methodist Churches. Rev. O.S. GARDNER was Pastor at this time. In 1946, when Sunday School rooms were added, a basement was dug with three rooms on the second floor, at the rear of the church. The large windows were replaced by stained glass - these being donated by families of the church. In 1949, the Shelbyville Circuit parsonage was sold. Olive Branch purchased in Highland Manor until the present parsonage was constructed on the church grounds in 1949. Sunday, October 7, 1973, under the direction of Mr. BRUCE SAYLOR, an Architech in Louisville, dedication services were held in observance of the redecoration of the church sanctuary. The following improvements were made. A new drop panel ceiling, new light fixtures, the walls were paneled, being wallpapered on top, the pulpit was arranged with white columns - one each side with a red velvet drape between said columns. A picture of Christ was then hung in the center. Pulpit chairs were painted white with velvet trim, the railing was painted white, leaving the original brown. Wall to wall carpet in red covered the floor. Rev. SAMMY GLENN was the Pastor. Services were held observing the Dedication with the District Superintendent, Rev. JAMES SHEPHERD delivering the message. Dinner was served to a large crowd of members and friends. The history of Olive Branch Church was read by Mrs. JESSE INGRAM, Church Historian. October 1, 1997, ground was broken for an Educational Building, with Pastor Rev. ROBERT W. BRADLEY, officiating. Serveral months passed, then in March 1980, concrete was poured for the foundation and flooring. In June, Rev. STEPHEN BOGGAN was sent to our church. The Educational Building progressed and our first meeting was Thanksgiving Day supper, November 22, 1980 in the Fellowship Hall, which was enjoyed by all with Rev. STEPHEN BOGGAN officiating. (The following material was compiled and written by Miss MARTHA DONOVAN, Church Historian.) In the years 1988 and 1989, with Rev. STEVE PEARSON as Pastor, the parsonage had the first remodeling since it was built. A large bathroom and large bedroom were added. Much of the labor was done by the men of the church on a volunteer basis to lower expenses. Mr. EDWARD LEE TERHUNE, as Chairman of Trustees, did the managing and much of the labor. May 3rd, 1996, a Friday night, brought a severe storm to our community. Winds blew the roof completely from the Educational Building. Accompanying the winds we experienced both hail and rain which lasted much of the night. The water ruined the interior of the building both upstairs and down to include the walls, floor coverings and equipment. Mr. ROBERT BURRY was Chairman of the Trustees, and together with Rev. FRED WILES, Pastor, the Miller Insurance Company was notified in the night. The Adjuster was on the scene by daylight on Saturday morning. That day was utilized placing a plastic covering to keep out the elements by Rev. WILES and ED TERHUNE with some other volunteers. The insurance company furnished a huge dumpster to contain the waste material and the clean-up commenced by volunteers from within the church. The Sunday School class rooms were impossible for use during the several weeks that the reconstruction was under way. Much of the painting was done by the women of the church, while the men worked at other repairs on a volunteer basis. With the volunteer work, the approximately $20,000.00 granted by the insurance was sufficient to restore the building. September of 1996 was upon us before all the furnishings and repairs were finished to the point that they could be fully utilized. New carpet was put down within the Sunday School Class Rooms and the hall of the second floor. In October 1996, the men of the church began a new project, the enlargement of the kitchen within the parsonage. JIM LECOMPTE, Chairman of the Trustees, contracted KEN GARDNER to help in the framing and other carpentry surrounding this renovation. The construction was to be completed for approximately $11,000.00, however, an overrun of $3,000 was experienced. This project was completed in April 1997. In May 1997, it was decided and voted upon, to construct a deck with steps and ramp around the new portion of the parsonage. This was accomplished and lends an air of grace and spaciousness to our parsonage which will be much appreciated and enjoyed by our Pastors and the congregation. This was completed October 22, 1997. Additionally, the steps to the upstairs portion of the Fellowship Hall was found to be needful of replacement. The men of the church felt that the funds to offset expenses for these projects can be raised through fund raising activities such as Fish Fries, Pancake Breakfasts and similar activities. A Fish Fry was held on May 24th and the ladies conducted a baked goods sale. These activities were responsible in bringing over $600.00 to allay expenses for these improvements. This project was completed in June 1998 and not only lends an additional entrance to our upstairs class rooms, but affords a much needed fire exit from the upstairs portion of our Educational addition.