Shelby County, KY - Wills: Webb, William, 1817 Tuesday, April 11, 2000 Submitted by: (Anne Livingston) WILL & ESTATE: William Webb, 1817, Shelby Co., KY ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Transcribed by: Anne Date: 8 Apr 2000 ********************************************************************** Shelby Co. Will Book 4 p. 30 Will of William WEBB of Shelbyville being apprised of the uncertainty of life and wishing to disperse of my Estate both real and personal do make this my last will and testament and Hereby dispose of any Estate in manner and form following. It is my wish that my Executors herein after named discharge all my Just debts and other necessary Expenses after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my brother Jonathan WEBB the Lott of Ground Situate in Shelbyville which was Conveyed to me by Michael COLLIER and wife by deed bearing date 17th May 1815, also a negro boy named Bob together with my horse saddle and bridles and with all my wearing apparel and four hundred dollars in Cash to be received by a settlement of the partnership Concer. W. (or Mr.?) WADDY & Co. unto him the Said Jonathan WEBB and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto William WEBB, son of Jonathan WEBB a mulatto girl about 5 years of age named Adaline to him the Said William and heirs forever and if the said William Should depart this life without lawful Issue then the Mulatto girl I give and bequeath to the said William's eldest sister Polly Ann WEBB and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my Sister Sally BRITT wife of Thomas BRETT a lot of Ground Situate in Shelbyville Containing thirty feet in Front and for which I hold John BRADSHAW's Bond bearing date 21 Feb 1816, also a Negro woman named Nelly and her child now a Sucking infant together with all my bed, Bedstead and furniture to the said Sally BRITT and her heirs forever. Whereas I hold two bonds on my Father Augustus WEBB dated the 19 Nov 1814 also a bond dated 12 March 1813 which bonds amount in the whole to the Sum $384.42 and which Sum I give and bequeath to the children of my sister Polly WEBB, wife of John WEBB to be equally divided between all her children provided however that the said Augustine WEBB shall not be Committed to pay the Same during his life time nor Shall his Exor or Admr. be Chargeable with any Interest which may accuire prior to the Said Augustines decease. Upon final Settlement of the Mercantile Concern of Webb WADDY & Co. and payment of the Legatees herein after named out of the amount in my Executor's hands I Give and bequeath one hundred and fifty dollars out of the money remaining in my Exors. hands to each of the children of my said Sister Polly WEBB, wife of John WEBB to them the Said Children and their heirs forever and in Case there Shall be a Surplus left after the paying to Each Child of the Sum of one hundred and fifty dollars then one fourth part of such surplus shall be equally divided among said children and one fourth shall be paid to my brother Jonathan WEBB and the remaining hal to my sister Sally BRITT, wife of Thomas BRITT or his heirs. I hereby appoint Jonathan WEBB and James S. WHITAKER Executors of this my last will and Testament and Revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made. In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this day of April 1817 (signed) William WEBB in the presence of W. BULLOCK and J. PORTER Recorded July 1817 Shelby Co. KY Court p. 38 Agreeable to an order of the Worshipful Court of Shelby Co. to us directed we the undersigned proceeded to Value so Much of the personal Estate of William WEBB dec'd as hath been Shewn to us by Jonathan WEBB, Executor: one note on Augustine WEBB for $30.49 due 19 Nov 1814 one other on same for 38.33 due 1 April 1816 one other on Same due 315.60 due 20 Nov 1814 without interest Thomas MINOR's obligations for the hire of a negro Boy Bobb - $70.00 due 23 Nov 1817. One note on John BRIDGEWATER for 25.00 due 17 Sep 1817 one note on William PILES, assigned John BRADSHAW for 5.58 due 18 July 1807.. Balance due on Thomas O. HATFIELD's obligation for house Rent 13.50 one Negro woman named Nelly age about 20 years $500.00 one Negro Girl about four years of age named Addeline $150.00 One Negro Boy aged about 17 years named Bob $500.00 one horse saddle and bridle 75.00 due on Mathew WILSON 15.00 one account against William SMITH for house Rent 16.50 Amount of Merchandise due by Jonathan WEBB 46.40 after the death of William WEBB one silver watch 30.00 Amount of the one fourth part of Merchandise in the firm WEBB & WADDY $1498.74 Signed by James BRADSHAW, Wm. NIELL & J. PORTER, appraisors of the estate. ==============================================================================================