State County KyArchives Marriages.....Watts, Caroline - Flournoy, James 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts November 28, 2007, 9:12 pm The Charlotte News The Charlotte News [NC] 17 Dec 1890 This Afternoon's Wedding - The Marriage of Mr. Flournoy and Miss Watts at St. Peter's Church. Miss Caroline Given Watts, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Harrison Watts, was married this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock to Mr. James Campbell Flournoy. The ceremony was performed in St. Peter's Episcopal church by the rector, Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, assisted by Rev. E.A. Osborne, and was witnessed by a large gathering of invited guests. The recess in the rear of the pulpit was hidden by a mass of ivy, from the centre of which shone a golden star. The wedding ceremonies were simple but of a deeply impressive character. The first tones of the wedding march followed by the opening of the door to the main isle, when the ushers, Messrs. Frank Wilkes, Martin Lyon, Robert Gibbon and Paul Wilkes filed up the aisle and took their places at either side the altar. Then came the brides maids, Miss Heloise Smith, Miss Birdie Burwell, Miss Maggie Clarkson and Miss Esdale Shaw. They were all arrayed in yellow silk dresses, with gold turbans and gold slippers. Following came the groom, leaning on the arm of Mr. Harry Watts, and next came the bride leaning on the arm of her father. The beautiful ceremony of the Episcopal church was then performed, and the bridal party repaired to the residence of Capt. Watts, where the wedding feast was celebrated. The newly wedded will leave tonight for their future home in Kentucky. Mr. Flournoy is one of the fortunate men of the earth, for he has won a bride fair beyond comparison. There was never a more popular young lady in Charlotte and her popularity is not confined to any particular circle, but she has an admirer in every one that knows her. File at: This file has been created by a form at