Todd-Christian County KyArchives History - Books .....Preface 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 28, 2006, 11:51 am Book Title: Countied Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky COUNTIES OF TODD AND CHRISTIAN, KENTUCKY. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. EDITORS: J. H. BATTLE, TODD COUNTY HISTORY. W. H. PERRIN, CHRISTIAN COUNTY HISTORY. ILLUSTRATED. F. A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO., CHICAGO AND LOUISVILLE. 1884. JOHN MORRIS SUCCESSOR TO Culver, Page, Foyne & Co. Printers 118 & 120 Monroe St. Chicago PREFACE. THIS volume goes forth to our patrons the result of months of arduous, unremitting and conscientious labor. None so well know as those who have been associated with us the almost insurmountable difficulties to be met with in the preparation of a work of this character. Since the inauguration of the enterprise a large force has been employed in gathering material. During this time most of the citizens of each county have been called upon to contribute from their recollections, carefully preserved letters, scraps of manuscript, printed fragments, memoranda, etc. Public records and semi-official documents have been searched, the newspaper files of both counties have been overhauled, and former citizens, now living out of the counties, have been corresponded with, for the verification of the information by a conference with many. In gathering from these numerous sources, both for the historical and biographical departments, the conflicting statements, the discrepancies and the fallible and incomplete nature of public documents were almost appalling to our historians and biographers, who were expected to weave therefrom with some degree of accuracy, in panoramic review, a record of events. Members of the same families disagree as to the spelling of the family name, contradict each other's statements as to the dates of birth, of settlement in the counties, nativity, and other matters of fact. In this entangled condition, we have given preference to the preponderance of authority, and while we acknowledge the existence of errors and our inability to furnish a perfect history, we claim to have come up to the standard of our promises, and given as accurate a work as the nature of the surroundings would permit. The facts incorporated in the biographical sketches have in most cases been secured from the persons whom they represent, hence the publishers disclaim any responsibility as to their general tenor. Whatever may be the verdict of those who do not and will not comprehend the difficulties to be met with, we feel assured that all just and thoughtful people will appreciate our efforts, and recognize the importance of the undertaking and the great public benefit that has been accomplished in preserving the valuable historical matters of the counties, and biographies of many of the citizens, that perhaps would otherwise have passed into oblivion. To those who have given us their support and encouragement we acknowledge our gratitude, and can assure them that as years go by the book will grow in value as a repository not only of pleasing reading matter, but of treasured information of the past that will become an enduring monument. OCTOBER, 1884 THE PUBLISHERS. Additional Comments: Extracted from: COUNTIES OF TODD AND CHRISTIAN, KENTUCKY. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. EDITORS: J. H. BATTLE, TODD COUNTY HISTORY. W. H. PERRIN, CHRISTIAN COUNTY HISTORY. ILLUSTRATED. F. A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO., CHICAGO AND LOUISVILLE. 1884. File at: This file has been created by a form at