Trigg County KyArchives Deed.....Mitchusson, Z. E. F. - Johnson, Gregory D., Jr. December 24, 1835 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson December 22, 2013, 4:04 pm Written: December 24, 1835 Recorded: March 14, 1836 Trigg County, Kentucky Deed Book E, pg. 525 THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 24th day of December, in the year of our Lord One thousand, eight hundred and thirty five between Gregory D. Johnson of Wilson County, State of Tennessee of one part, and Z. E. F. Mitchusson of the county of Trigg, state of Kentucky of the other part. Witness, that the said Gregory D. Johnson, has this day for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Seventy dollars in hand paid by the said Z. E. F. Mitchusson, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained and sold & doth hereby bargain sell and convey unto said Mitchusson all that tract or parcel of land purchased by me from my father G. D. Johnson deceased and at present occupied by the afsd Mitchusson and meeted and bounded as follows viz: Beginning at four small black gums original said begining, corner to John C. Pentecost three hundred and seven acre survey on Tennessee River running thence South 65º West 92 poles to a red oak and hickory standing on the north bank of Tennessee river, thence down the same with its meanders North 36º West 50 poles to three Hickories, thence N 67º E 30 poles to a white oak sassafras and sourwood, thence South 35º East 9 poles to a white oak & hickory, thence North 63 East 88 poles to a red elm and sweet gum near Ewes branch, thence with a line of said Pentecosts original survey to a double white oak corner to Hardin Brown, thence with said Brown’s lines to his corner near his house on another of said Pentecost’s lines, thence with his line to the place of begining containing, one hundred and fifty acres more or less. And the said Gregory Johnson doth hereby warrant and defend the right to said Mitchusson his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim of himself his heirs and assigns but not against any other claim or claims. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the date above. In presence of G. D. Johnson (Seal) Neill D. Blue, John Blue Commonwealth of Kentucky § Trigg County § Sct. I, William Gannon, clerk of the county court for the county aforesaid, do hereby certify that this deed from Gregory D. Johnson to Z. E. F. Mitchusson was, on this day produced to me in my office and proven by the several oaths of Neill D. Blue, and John Blue, the two subscribing witnesses thereto, to be the act and deed of said Gregory D. Johnson the grantor. Whereupon said deed together with this certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand this 14th day of March 1836. Will Gannon, C.T.C.C. File at: This file has been created by a form at