Pension Application, Matthew H. Owens, 1891, Union Co, KY Contributed by Maria Troutman "" CLAIMANTS AFFIDAVAT as to SUBSEQUENT SERVICE in reply to official call No. 3 In the matter of Claim No. 910.911 of Matthew H. OWENS applicant for Pension under act of June 27, 1890. On this 29th day of April 1891, personally appeared before me, a J.P.M.C (hard to read writing) in and for the aforesaid, duly authorized to administer oaths in the County of UNION and state of Kentucky, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That he has not been employed in the Military or Naval service since discharge from Co. H, 8th Reg., Ky. Cav vol. Sept. 23, 1863. His post office address is Boxville main, Union Co, Ky. Signed (Matthew H. Owens) DECLARATION FOR INVALID PENSION State of Kentucky, County of UNION, on this 25th day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety _____ personally appeared before a Clerk of the court within and for the county and State aforesaid Matthew H. OWENS age 68 years, a resident of Boxville, County of Union, state of Kentucky, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Matthew H. OWENS who was Enrolled at 1st Sergeant on the 9th day of August, 1862 in Company H of the 8 regiment of Ky. Cavalry Vols., in the War of the rebellion and served at least ninety days and was honorably discharged at Russellville, KY on the 23 day of Sept. 1863. That he is wholy unable to earn a support by manual labor by reasons of "age and general debility brought by an attack of spinal meningitis leaving me with shattered nerves". The said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he has NOT applied for pension under application NO. __! ! __. His post office address is Boxville, county of Union, state of KY, (signed) Matthew H. Owens) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C. Jan. 15, 1898. First, Are you Married? If so please state your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer - Yes, Nancy Jane Tripp Second, When, where and by whom were you married? Answer- At Morganfield, Union Co., KY, McGhee preacher Third, What record of marriage exists? Answer - The court records Fourth, Where you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer- Yes, three times, all dead Fifth, Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and dates of their birth. Answer - Mary E. Owens born 1870, Bluford Owens born 1872, Sylvester Owens born 1874, Roxie V. Owens born 1876, Charles Owens born 1879, Baird W. Owens born 1880, Florence Owens born 1882, Harvey Owens born 1886. Date of reply- May 5, 1898 (signed) Matthew H. Owens WAR DEPARTMENT, Record and Pension Division Name of Soldier - Matthew H. Owens April 22, 1891 It is alleged that the above named man enlisted Aug. 9, 1862 and served as 1st Serg. In Co. H, 8 Reg, KY Cavl and was discharged at Russellville, Ky on Sept. 23, 1863 RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE, War Department April 10, 1902 Respectfully referred to the Chief of the Record and Pension Office, War Department, requesting a full military and medical history of soldier and his age at date of enlistment. No other report on file. Wid. Orig. No. 758650 Name Matthew H. Owens, Co., H. 8th Reg;t KY Vol Cav. The medical records show him treated as follows " No records found". US PENSION AGENCY, Louisville, KY Jan. 30, 1902 Certificate No. 689156 Class - Invalid Pensioner - Matthew H. Owens Service - 1 Sgt, H 8 Reg. KY V.C. Sir, I have the honor to report that the above named pensioner who was last paid at $12 to 4 Nov 1901 has been dropped because of death Jan. 19, 1902. DECLARATION FOR WIDOW'S PENSION On this 10 day March AD one thousand nine hundred and two, personally appeared before me, a County Clerk within and for the county and state aforesaid, Nancy J. Owens, age 58 years, a resident of Boxville, county of Union, state of Kentucky, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under the previsions of the act of Congress approved June 27, 1890 as amended by the act of May 9, 1900. That she is a widow of Matthew H. OWENS, who was enrolled under the name of Matthew H.Owens at Henderson, KY on the 13 day of September 1862 as 1 Sergeant in Company H, 8th Regiment KY Volunteer Cavalry and honorably discharged "Not known" having served ninety days or more during the late war of the rebellion. That was solider was never in the military or naval service of the United States except as stated above. That she was married under the name Nancy J. Tripp to said soldier at Morganfield, Ky. on the 13 day of November 1867 by John McGee; that there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously married; that the soldier had 3 times been previously married. "3 first died as follows, Feb. 1, 1852 Jefferson Co., KY, April 9, 1856 Bullitt Co., KY, March 29, 1967 Union Co., Ky." That the said soldier died January 19, 1902 at Boxville, KY, that she was not divorced from him; that she has not remarried since his death; and that she is without other means of support than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars per year. That the said soldier left the following named children who are now living and under sixteen years of age to wit; Harvey Owens born July 28 1886 at Clay, Webster Co., KY. Her post office address is Boxville. (signed) Nancy J. Owens PENSIONER DROPPED, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions Certificate No. 545871 Pensioner Nancy J. Owens I have the honor to report that the name of the above described pensioner who was last paid at $12 to Feb.4, 1916 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death April 28, 1916. APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT On this 23 day of Feb. 1918, personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Ella OWENS, aged 32 years, a resident of near Boxville, County of Union, state of Kentucky, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain reimbursement from the accrued pension for expenses paid in the last sickness and burial of Mrs. Nancy J. Owens, who was a pensioner of the United States by certificate No. 545871, on account of the service of Matthew H. Owens in US Army, cannot state Company or regiment because we have such _____ ____ _____ _______ _______ we had relatively to it. 1. What was the name of the deceased pensioner? Nancy Jane Owens 2. In what capacity was decedent pensioned? Widow 3. (question 3 has just a check mark by it. 4. Did pensioner leave a child under 16 years of age? No 5. ( no answer or mark for question 5) 6. Were any sick or death benefits paid on pensioner's account? If so give name of society and amount paid. -- No 7. Was there insurance in force on life of pensioner at time of death? NO (questions 8-12 only have a check mark by them) Also appeared Rufus Jenkins and Crit Jenkins who being duly sworn, say that they saw Ella Owens, the claimant, sign her name to this application; that they know the claimant herein and that their answers to the following questions are true. 1. Did the pensioner leave a widow or a minor child under age of sixteen years surviving? NO 2. When did the pensioner die? April 28, 1916, 10 am 3. Did the pensioner have any property? None 4. We knew pensioner 25 years. We believe the above statements to be true because " we are close neighbors to all the parties concerned." (signed) Rufus Jenkins, Boxville, KY R. #2 (signed) J. C. Jenkins Boxville, KY Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27 day of Feb. 1918. Give date of pensioners death - April 28, 1916 Give date of commencement of pensioners last sickness - April 1, 1916 >From what date did the pensioner require the regular and daily attendance of another person constantly until death? -- April 1, 1916 During what period did you attend the pensioner? April 1, 1916 - Apr. 29, 1916 State nature of disease from which pensioner died? Chronic Nephritis Give name of each person who rendered service as nurse, and who has made or will make a charge for such service. - Ella Owens her daughter in law whose husband died leaving her with large family and very poor and is not able to pay these bills. Give name of any other physician who attended the pensioner in last sickness. - none. Does your bill include a charge for all medicine furnished the pensioner during last sickness? Yes Has your bill been paid? NO Mention any other facts within your knowledge which in your opinion would be helpful in adjusting this claim for reimbursement - the claimant's husband was very poor and had 8 small children and stood good for these bills in very short time after he died and his widow feels honor bound to pay and has nothing to pay with therefore she feels it a just claim and applies for it. (dated Feb. 27, 1918) Is there an executor or administrator or will application be made for appointment of any person as administrator? NO, nothing to administer. Did the deceased leave any money, real estate, or personal property? NO What was the accessed value of the real estate. NONE How was the pensioners property disposed of? NONE Did the pensioner leave an unendorsed pension check? NO What was your relation to the deceased pensioner? Daughter in law Are you married? Widow What was the cause of the pensioners' death? Nephritis Chronic >From what date did the pensioner become so ill as to require the regular and daily attendance of another person constantly until death? April 1, 1916 Give the name and post office address of each physician who attended the pensioner during last sickness. Dr. C. Harris, Boxville, KY State the names of the person by whom the pensioner was nursed during the last sickness. Sylvester Owens, Bluford Owens, Ella Owens and Roxy Brown. Where did the pensioner live during the sickness? At the home of Sylvester Owens and Ella Owens near Boxville. Where did the pensioner die? At the home of Sylvester Owens and Ella Owens near Boxville, KY Where was the pensioner buried? Oak Grove Cemetery near Boxville, KY Has there been paid or will application be made for payment to you or any other person, any part of the expenses of the pensioners last sickness and burial by any State, County, or municipal corporation? NO Name - C.Harris ; Nature of expense Physician attended. Unpaid amount 15.00 Name Ella Owens, nursing and daily care, unpaid, 20.00 Boxville Mirc Co., Boxville, Ky Undertaker, Gep. Waller, unpaid 35.00 Boxville Mirc Co., Boxville, KY , coffin and shroud, 30.00 (total) 100.00 Is the above a complete list of all the expenses of the last sickness and burial of the deceased pensioner? Yes City of Boxville, County of Union, state of Kentucky. (signed) Ella Owens ***************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons.Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.