BIO: ALLEN, Robert W., s/o Thomas W. & Annie (Brinkley) Allen Submitted by: Diana Flynn ALLEN, BRINKLEY, TROTTER, FULMER, SHANKS "HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES, INDIANA" GOODSPEED BROS. 1884 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, WASHINGTON COUNTY PAGE 852 Robert W. Allen, grocer, was born in Salem, IN., December 29, 1845 and is the youngest in a family of nine children born to Thomas W. and Annie (Brinkley) Allen, the former being born in Maryland in 1804, and the latter in Kentucky. Both the Allens and Brinkleys were among the pioneers of this county. Thomas W. Allen came to Salem in 1822 and worked at cotton spinning for a time. He then took charge of the cotton spinning factories here, and continued in charge until 1856. He then engaged in farming till his death, in May, 1866. His widow died in 1877. Robert W. Allen remained with his parents until sixteen years old, and when but little past that age he enlisted, in 1862, in Company E, Fifty-Third Indiana Volunteer Infantry. In 1863 his father took him from the army against his will, but he could not resist aiding his country when it was in danger, and accordingly he re-enlisted, being assigned to Company A, One Hundred-Forty sixth Regiment. He continued in the service until the close of the war. He then returned to his native county, and soon afterward established his present business. Mr Allen is a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic, K. of P., G.A.R fraternities, and the Presbyterian Church. In 1870 he married Miss Cementine Trotter, who died December 15, 1881, leaving three children: Ralph W., Claude and Fred. For his present wife, Mr. Allen married Sarah E., daughter of Robert R. and Elizabeth (Fulmer) Shanks, August 14, 1884. Diana Flynn Springville, Lawrence Co., IN. ************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.