BIO: BLANN, Sydney G., s/o Allen S. & Hettie (Hardin) Blann Submitted by: (Phyllis Hill) BLANN HARDIN SPROATT History of Knox and Daviess Counties, Indiana Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1886 Knox County, Busseron Twp., page 449 SYDNEY G. BLANN, a wealthy farmer of Busseron Township, Knox Co., Ind., was born in Sullivan County, Ind., March, 31, 1833, and is the fourth of a family of eleven children of Allen S. and Hettie (Hardin) Blann, who were born in the "Blue-grass State" in 1802 and 1809, respectively. They were married in their native State, and came to Indiana about 1832, settling in Sullivan County. The mother died in 1863. The father is yet residing in the town- ship and is a feeble old man. He has been a member of the Christian Church for many years, and is one of the highly respected old pioneers of the county. He was township trustee one term. Sydney G. was reared mostly in Knox County, on a farm, securing a very limited education. At the age of twenty-two he began farming for himself on the place where he now lives, and at the present time is the owner of over 1,100 acres of very fine land. His residence is a frame building in a very fine location. November 3, 1863, he was married to Sarah S. Sproatt, daughter of John Sproatt, Jr., one of the early settlers of the county. The wife was born January 13, 1836, and has borne seven children, one of whom died at the age of twelve years. Their names are: Edward P., born August 3, 1864; John A., born October 13, 1865, and died April 13, 1878; Frances M., born September 17, 1867; Mary O., born September 11, 1869; William W., born September 30, 1871; Herbert U., born October 12, 1873; Charlie E., born January 26, 1877. The husband and wife and one child, Frances M., belong to the Christian Church. Mr. Blann has always been a very firm and uncompromising Democrat. He has never aspired to a public office but is recognized as one of the very prominent and moral citizens of the county. ************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.