BIO: COLVIN, William W., s/o William & Elizabeth (Hillman) Colvin Submitted by: (Phyllis Hill) COLVIN HILLMAN COLEMAN History of Pike & Dubois Counties, Indiana; Chicago Goodspeed Bros. & Co., Publishers; 1885 Pike County, Clay Twp, page 465 WILLIAM W. COLVIN is a native of Pike County, Ind., born April 22, 1883 (sic) and son of William and Elizabeth (Hillman) Colvin, who were the parents of seven children. The father was born and raised in Ohio, and when about twenty-four years old, came to Pike County, Ind., and engaged in farming. His death occurred May 20, 1845. The mother is a native of Kentucky, and came to Indiana about the same time as the father. She still lives on the old farm, and is seventy-eight years old. Our subject received a limited education in his boyhood days; he remained at home until twenty-eight years old, and then married and enlisted in the army in Company I, Forty-second Indiana Volunteers. He served about eighteen months. He has followed the life of a farmer since coming from the army, and has met with very good success. He now owns 127 acres of land, besides his share in the father's estate. June 25, 1861, he married Colisty Coleman. They have two living children: Fannie and Ametia. Mr. Colvin is a member of the United Baptist Church, and an ardent Republican in politics.