Warren County KyArchives Court.....Court , Orders 1797 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 July 8, 2005, 7:20 am Source: Court Order Book Written: 1797 4th of July 1797: Court met at Robert MOORE's with James DOUGAN, James STUART, George MOORE, James CAMPBELL, Phineas COX, Bailey ANDERSON, John MARSHALL and William MARRS present. Andrew ALEXANDER took oath as Justice of the Peace. He then joined the other justices. Power of Attorney between Jonathan and Mary BOONE to Philip BURK. Ordered that Robert KING, Gladin GORIN & John COX (any 2) Commissioners for letting the publick buildings to the lowest bidder including a courthouse of hewn logs 24 by 20, 1 1/2 stories tall with 2 rooms upstairs. Also a log jail 16 x 12. Road report from John SHANNON's to the Drippings [sic] to make a way from His house to the Dripping Springs .. road to go from there to FRAYZER's Mill, through the lands of Hardy ALLARD, Thomas LOWRY and Gladin GORIN to the courthouse, then to James STUART's Ferry on Big Barren River, thence to the springs. George FRAZIER appt surveyor of this road. John CURD and James STUART allowed to keep a ferry on the Big Barren River on their lands. Surveyors of Warren Co to meet with the surveyors of Logan Co to run the county line between the 2 counties. David A STUART appt Constable for the county, took oath and John COX went his security. Indenture of sale between William CROGHAN and James AMOS and John STEAL. Proven by oath of John BROOK and Charles AMOS. Proposal of a road from KING's Mill to the 12-Mile Grove on the Nolin Trace. To run from the mill to Andrew McFADIN's Ferry on the Big Barren River, thru his trace. R GLOVER, Wm SMITH, Fred BARDS signed. Ordered that Robert KING be appt surveyor of this road along with Gladin GORIN. John COX made motion that Samuel COKER and George MOORE be appt Commissioners to take in a list of taxables. Rowland MADISON made motion that Samuel COOK be appt Deputy Commissioner. Richard GLOVER, Daniel McNEEL, Jonathan ROPEL [RUSSELL?} and Jonathan O'NEAL to view for a road from McFADIN's Ferry to HOLMES on Big Barren River towards the Highlands Salt Works. John ROBERTSON allowed to keep a tavern in his house. William CHAPLINE clerk made motion that Daniel CURD be appt his Deputy. Thos HENDRICKS, David WALLIS and John BAILEY (any 2) to view for a road from Charles LUCAS's to JONES' Ferry on Big Barren River, thence to the 12-Mile grove, thence to AMOS's on the Green River. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/court102gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/