Warren County KyArchives Court.....Court , Orders October 3, 1797 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 July 21, 2005, 3:04 pm Source: Warren County Court Order Book #1 Written: October 3, 1797 3 Oct 1797: Met at Robert MOORE's house with Bailey ANDERSON, James STUART and Geo MOORE present. Power of attorney between Bailey ANDERSON and James JETT. Road report from Dripping Springs to Reason MOBLEY's Spring Branch. Viewed and runs from Peter SIMMON's to Vincent ANDERSON's, to Joel HOLCOMB's, then to Reubin BLACKFORD, then to Jona RUSSELL's, then to the Spring Branch. Established. Vincent ANDERSON appt Surveyor from the Dripping Spring to Saml THOMAS's; Will MARCHBANKS from there to Reason MOBLEY's Spring Branch; Jonathan RUSSELL and Saml THOMAS to allot hands. Another road report from the Cave Mill to the Nashville Road which was viewed by Gladin GORIN and Robert KING - not to interfere with any State lands; established. David BOYLES appt overseer of the road and Robt KING and Gladin GORIN to allot hands.John McNEEL appt overseer of the road from And'w McFADIN's to the Buffalo Gap; Isaac ROUNSFER? from there to BOGMAN's plant; Elias HOLMES from there to the county line; Vincent ANDERSON and Harvey ONEAL to allot hands. Robert KING and Henry GORIN appt by the Court to lay off the boundaries of the hands to work under Gladin GORIN & George FRAYZER who are named as surveyors of the road from STUART's Ferry to John SHANNON's. Road starts at the ferry, goes to the river to the mouth of Gaspar, up the river to Thomas PARKER's including the dividing ridge between the Salt Lick and COX's Creek; includes MEAN's land, then down the river to the beginning - this will be GORIN's district. Gen. FRAYZERS's district to begin at the ridge between LOWRY's and FRAYZER's, to the Whipperwill Trace at the Deer Ponds, on toe BULLER's cabin, then to Cole DOUGAN's, to the county line, down the line to the Green River, up Green River to the mouth of Barren River; up Barren to the mouth of Gasper and to the beginning. Vincent ANDERSON, Samuel McFADIN & Mitchell ONEAL to view for a road from the courthouse to Mitchel ONEAL's on Green River, make report. John NANCARROW appt Constable; took oaths, went bond with James MOBLEY. Andrew QUIGLEY appt overseer of a road from And'w McFADIN's to the 12-mile grove instead of Gladin GORIN who is exempt. [Don't know why Gladin was exempt, he was a very young man, was a miller and sometimes they were exempted); Thos CHAPMAN and Freeman JONES to allot hands. Toliver CRAIN granted permission to view for a mill seat; Sheriff to summon jury to meet on his land. And'w McFADIN granted permission to have a tavern at his house in the county; bond with E W COVINGTON. Deed of gift between Elkin TAYLOR Sr and Elkin Jr. List of hands of James STUART on the road he is responsible for: Benjamin HAMPTON, William HARRIS, James THOMAS, William MITCHELL, Wyatt ANDERSON, John McNEEL, Daniel McNEEL, Simon McNEEL, Jonathan McFADIN, Saml McFADIN, Jacob SMITH Sr, Jacob SMITH Jr, Mark LIKENS, Thomas WILSON, WIlliam LIKENS, Charles MITCHELL, Widow MITCHELL (she to provide a hand), Will McHENRY, Ruben BLACKFORD, Alexander STUART, John STUART, Nathaniel BLACKFORD, Joseph CAMPBELL, John CAMPBELL, John VANCE, Henry LUNS?, Joel HOULKUM, Henry HOULKUM, EADS, Saml THOMAS, Capt Vincent ANDERSON, Mr. WINKFIELD, John WINKFIELD,James COOK, And'w ALEXANDER, Peter SIMMONS, Charles SIMMONS, John NEEL, Mr. SMITH. Hands for the Six-Mile Timber portion: Roland MADISON, Capt James STUART, Capt John AILEY, Joseph NESLER, Christopher NESLER, Abraham RAIMER, General WALLACW, Saml COKER, Samuel McFADIN and Jno BOLINGS. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/court106gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/