Warren-Barren County KyArchives Court.....Court, Orders May 1, 1798 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 November 4, 2005, 8:53 am Source: Warren Co. Court Order Book 1 Written: May 1, 1798 Daniel GREEN, Samuel DOUGHTY, Will McFADIN & James DOUGHTY to view for a convenient way for a road from the courthouse to Robt WALLACE's old place, intersecting the Fort Blunt Road. Indenture of sale between Peter BOUCHER to Isaac CLARK; proved by oaths of George MOORE, Andrew McFADIN & Samuel MEANS. Levy CUMPTON, Charles FERRIL, John BURLESON & James SNOWDEN to view for a road from JAMISON's to the state line on a direction to BLEDSOE's Lick. Thomas CHAPMAN granted adquadanum for viewing a site for a water grist miss on Drakes Creek. Same for Dudley ROUNTREE Jr on Green River. E W COVINGTON sowrn in as Deputy Surveyor on recommendation of Rowland MADISON, surveyor. Jas STUART allowed to keep a tavern in his home in the county; Gladin GORIN his security. Andrew McFADIN, Will ALLISON & David BOYLES to view for a road from McFadin's to the TN state line on a direction to Major SHAPE's. Michael HART produced a commission from the Governor and was appt Justice of the Peace. Noncupative (death-bed) will of Varnel CUMPTON produced & proved by the oaths of Joshua JORDEN and Charles FARRELL. It states that he desired that the monies arising from the estate and all his lands to go Elijah, his brother; and the equal division of his estate to go to Rebeckah JORDAN with balance to Elijah. Levy COMPTON [spelled both ways] was administsrator, took oath and his sureties were Andrew McFadin adn Joshua Jorden. Peter BOUCHER, James CAMPBELL, John BAILEY and Stephen ARNOLD (any 3) appraisers. Samuel MEANS made motion and he was released from having any further to do with Thomas COOK, bastard child of Christian COOK who had been bound to him Nov 1797. Clerk to bind him to John ELDER, child abt 8 years old, to learn the trade of house carpenter. Samuel COKER and John GORIN made application to John HALL for the money arising from the sale of a certain horse belonging to John DICKERSON .. if HALL not willing to pay the money to COKER and GORIN, they are authorized to take it back. If HALL omits giving up the money or the horse, Coker and Gorin authorized to purchase a horse not exceeding $40 which will be taken out of the county levy. Bounds for establishment of county jail laid off - 10 acres (no more), to be laid off in a square, the public ground and spring to be included. Court adjourned, minutes signed by George MOORE and Gladin GORIN. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/court11wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/kyfiles/