Warren-Barren County KyArchives Court.....Court, Orders March 6, 1798 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 November 4, 2005, 8:57 am Source: Warren Co. Court Order Book 1 Written: March 6, 1798 Present: James STUART, George MOORE, John MARSHALL, Robert WALLACE, Bailey ANDERSON. Abel HENNON, Dan'l GREEN, David HUDSPETH, Jonathan RUSSEL, Gladin GORIN, Edward RICE and James AMOS produced certificates under the hand of James GARNTTT, sworn in as Justices of the Peace. John BARKS/BURKS made motion and he is allowed to keep a tavern at his house in this county. Ordered that 30 acres or more, not exceeding 40 acres of land be vested in the Trustees for the purpose of laying off a town to include a Courthouse. The name of the town shall be known as Boling Green. Geo FRAYZER took his oath and was appointed by the Governor as Coroner; John MARSHALL his security. Indenture of sale between Abraham CHAPLINE and wife and Will STUART of the other part; certificate of relinquishment of dower of the land mentioned and a certificate from the clerk of Mercer Co. Same between Joseph DELLENDER of the 1st part and George FRAYZER of the 2nd part. Harmon HALKUM appt Overseer of the ___ instead of Vincent ANDERSON; Will ELLERSON appt Overseer in the stead of Robert KING. Indenture between Abraham CHAPLINE and wife of the 1st part and William ALLIN of the 2nd part - relinquishment of dower and certificate of copy of deeds from Mercer Co. Levi CUMPTON, Charles FERRELL & John BURLESTON to view for a road from JIMMERSON's near Pruit's Knob to the mouth of Bays Fork; thence towards BLEDSOE's lick. John HOUCHIN, Peter SIMMONS, Lewis WILLS and John PHELPS to view for a road from the courthouse to the county line towards BULLITT's lick and make report. Michael HALL appt Constable for the county; took oaths; John HALL security. Ezekiel RAY, John DENTON and Jonathan HOLKUM to view for road from Will PRYOR's on the middle fork of Drakes Creek to Will ANDERSON's on the main fork of the creek and that James STEPHENSON, John BUTLER Sr and Will LIMAN? Sr view from there towards the Logan Co courthouse. John HOWE produced credentials as a minister of the gospel and allowed to perform marriages in the county; Robert WALLACE his security. NOTE: John Howe was a Presbyterian minister and very early had a church in Barren Co; then went to Green Co where he preached and died. Thos BAITS, Dudly ROUNTREE, Jacob BAGARD, Thomas MORRISON (any 3) to view for a road from Samuel ROUNTREE's on the Green River to Prewitt's Knob and make report. Alterations ordered on the road from AMOS's Ferry to Scags Beaver Creek. James STUART & William JONES have established a town on their land around the head of BAILEY's Big Spring, containing about 50 acres, less than 55, vested in the following Trustees: John CURD, Vincent ANDERSON, Samuel GOODE, John BAILEY, John SHARP, David HUDSPETH & Gladin GORIN. Samuel ROUNTREE granted permission to have a ferry on Green River on his lands; John GARNETT his security. Rates set for using the ferry: Wagon and 4 horses charged 4 lbs, 6 shillings. Man and horse - 3 lbs. Horned Cattle each - 3 lbs. Danl GREEN made motion and the deposition of Mary WALKER was presented; she present. She stated that about the 27th of Jan 1779 two men, well armed, forceably broke into the house of Daniel GREEN in Orange Burgh District South Carolina; one of the men said to the other don't kill him in the house which was the said Daniel Green; they carried him out of the house, called for a string and tied him up. After some time he returned into the house again with his right ear cut off and bleeding. /s/ by James Campbell. James WALKER gave his testimony saying he had come to a Mr. HARBEN's in POWELL's Valley when he saw Daniel bleeding & missing his left ear. Others told me it was bitten off by William SNEED and than Daniel could stand it no more. Coroner's inquest over the body of Andrew ALEXANDER - viewed the body lying there dead; found that George WALLS killed him accidently with a ball shot out of a gun. Signed 6 Mar 1798 by George MOORE, Robert KING, Joseph SNODGRASS, John WILLIAMS, Gladin GORIN, And'w LOWRY Jr, Jno SHARP and George FRAYZER. Ordered that the Commissioners let the bids for building of the jail to James MOBLEY. Thos WOOD appt overseer of the road from the ford of sinking creek, the 12-mile Grove; all tithables 16 yrs of age and older who live within 4 miles to work on the road except those who are exempt. Adquad damnum returned for John MAYFIELD's mill; find damages to the adjacent land of about 10 shillings - then raised to 20 shillings. Alexander DAVIDSON, John MOSS, Ehraim DRAKE, John SAUNDERS, John MATTHEWS, James DAVISON, Peter JONES, Wm ALLIN signed, mill established. James STUART, Abel HENNON and Bailey ANDERSON joined the Justices; then John GARNETT & Robert WALLACE. Kilian KREEK requested a viewing for a mill seat on his land; to be seen the 20th of this month. NOTE: This mill is still standing and is in Barren Co. His name was also spelled Killian CREEK; it is on Beaver Creek. One of his daughters married one of Gladin Gorin's sons. All hands within 3 miles of the road which Robert STOGDON is surveyor ordered to work on the road. Same order of the road where Palmer HALL is surveyor. Frederick BARNS appt surveyor of the road instead of Richard GLOVER. Ordered that James AMOS meet with Jacob LOCK about 1/2 way from his ferry to Beaver Creek, he as Surveyor of 1/2 of the road. NOTE: Jacob Lock was pastor of Mt Tabor Baptist Church in Barren Co; the church sat on one side of Beaver Creek; Kreek's mill pond was used for the baptismal site - on the other side of the creek. Isaac DALE, Will RENNICK, Richard WAGGONER and Will TINSLEY (any 3) to view for a road beginning at the Green County line, running with the marks made by Martin FRAZER in a direction to the settlements of Beaver Creek. Sam McGOOIN?, Will PTEILLU?, John TAGGART and James TAGGART same - road running from FRAYZER'S Mill to the county line. Report of hands working on the road from Will JONES Ferry to Charles LUCAS ... road begins at Abner CHAPMAN's, then to Jno WILLIAMS, up Drakes Creek opposite to LUCAS', then to JONES Ferry, then along the old road to CHAPMAN's. Those reporting on this were John HITOUR, Jesse CERBY. Charles STUART allowed to keep a tavern on his land on Gaspar River; George FRAYZER, security. An acknowledgement from John HOBBS to William HARDIN proved by oath of Samuel COKER. George MARTIN registered his stock mark. Adjourned; James STUART, clerk. 1 May 1798 - present: Robert WALLACE, James CAMPBELL, Gladin GORIN and Jonathan RUSSEL. Indenture between John WILLIAMS and John CURD proved by oaths of George MOORE, Robt MOORE and Samuel MEANS. Same betweeen John CURD and wife to William JONES; proved by John CURD. Same between Abraham RHAIMER and wife and William JONES; proved by John CURD. Same between Robert CRADDOCK and William KING; proved by Rubin FOX and William WILSON. Ordered that Isaac CASEY, John KING, Francis KING and John McMAHAN (any 3) view for a road crossing John HALL's trace, leading from AMOS' Ferry to Joseph LOCK's on Beaver Creek. Sneed DAVIS's oath to Andrew McFADIN and Richad GLOVER exhibited in court and recorded. Road report from the swamp on the Middle Fork of Drakes Creek - began at William ANDERSON's to the county line, then pointing towards Logan Co. Report by John BANDIN, William ANDERSON and Charles LUCAS. Alexander DEVIN appt overseer on part of the road from there near one PRYOR's land to John DENTON's on the Sulpher Fork; William SMITh from there to William ANDERSON's on the main fork. Charles LUCAS, William CLAYTON Sr, John BERDIN and William ANDERSON to pick up toward the Logan Co line. Road report from LEE's Ferry on the Green River to Prewitts Knob established. Dennis KELLY appt overseer of the road from th eknob and Joseph BATES from there to ___, Jos BATES, Robert BATTS (appears both ways) and John SPENCER to lay off. Jacob LOCK came before the court upon an appeal from a Justice of the Peace where the Commonwealth is appellee and LOCK appelant; LOCK fined 3 pounds - paid. Robert KING and Gladin GORIN receipt to Samuel MEANS for the Courthouse. Chisum ESTES, Jos McHENRY, Samuel WHITESIDES and Henry GORIN (any 3) to view for the best way for a road from the Warren Co Courthouse to Henry GORIN's plae. Indenture between David JONES to George HIGGINSON proven. Killian KREEK's ad quaddamnum report - 15 shillings in damages found in erecting his water grist mill. Jury who viewed KREEK's land included: Richard HIGGINS Abel HENNON, John BURD, William CHAPMAN, Clabon HARLOWE, John JAMORY?, Parmer HALL, Wm NINTER, James BRADLEY, Joseph O'BANNON, John CREEK, James DOWNES. Note: Most if not all of these were Barren Co residents after Barren Co formed. Kreek's Mill is on Beaver Creek off US route 68-80. Richard HIGGINS had a mill also; John CREEK possibly the son of Killian. 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