Warren County KyArchives Court.....Court, Orders August 1, 1798 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 November 4, 2005, 8:48 am Source: Warren Co. Court Order Book 1 Written: August 1, 1798 1-7 August, continued. John HALL made motion and the Sheriff to give him credit in any tax that might come due (no explanation as to why). Last will and testament of James TULEY proven by oaths of Burwell JACKSON and John COX, two of the witnesses. Report on John KING's mill - viewed the mill site, found no damage to any person or persons or property. Jury who viewed were: Michael HART, John MILLER, Thomas LOWRY Jr, Joseph SNODGRASS, Thomas LOWRY Sr, Thomas SMITH, George HIGGINSON, Freeman JONES, Levy CASEY, Clement MOBLEY, William ALLISON, Bailey ANDERSON. Report of James SCOTT's mill site on Beaver Creek - same finding. Jury who viewed this mill site were: Solomon KING, James NEVILL, Richard SMITH, Wm ROTTON, Wm FELAND, Jas MANSPILE, Elisha DUEST, Wm GREEN, John GREEN, John KING, Moses COX, Benj KING. Charles LUCAS made motion and ordered that the Sheriff sumon a Jury to meet 3rd Sat this month re his proposed water grist mill on Drakes Creek. Ordered that Ephraim DRAKE, Haden TRIGG, Will HUGGINS and John MATTHEWS view for a road from the TN state line to MAYFIELD's mill and John WALTERS, Robert BRENTON, John MOSS and Palmer HALL - thence to AMOS's Ferry on Green River and make report. Ordered that John BIRKS, John GOFF, Thomas MONIS? and James HEROD (any 3) to view for a road from Prewitt's Knob intersecdting FRAYZER's Road at the Green Co line and make report. Ordered that Richard WAGGONER, Will TINSLEY, Isaac DALE and Will RENNICK (any 3) same for a road from the Sinks of Beaver Creek to ROUNTREE's Ferry on Green River and make report. Ordered that Levy CASEY, Andrew McWILLIAMS, George HUDSPETH and Jonathan HOLCOM same - road runs from Warren Co courthouse to Drake's Lick on a branch of Drakes Creek and intersecting the road from Logan Co to Knoxville. Ordered that Claburn HARLOWE, John BIRKS, John GOFF and John ROTTEN (any 3) same - road from LEE's Ferry to John ROBINSON's, intersecting the road leading from the head of Beaver Creek to the Warren Co courthouse. Alteration of road from AMOS's Ferry to Beavers on Skeggs Creek quashed. Henry & William TYLER gave proof and they to be exempt from paying taxes in the future. John CAMPBELL, Constable, to begin at the mouth of Jinning's Spring, then to Jonathan RUSSELL's, then to the Dripping Spring then to Henry THOMAS's on the Big Barren River to the beginning (didn't say what he was supposed to do!). Isaac CASEY appt Constable instead of Michael HALL wsith Levy CASEY his security. CASEY's bounds laid off - begins at Amos'Ferry on Green River to Prewitts Knob to Old Mr. STRINGFIELD's thence to the dividing ridge between Peters Creek and Skeggs Creek to the Green Co line, then to the Siks of Beaver Creek to Richard WAGGONERS and to the beginning. George FRAYZER, Charles STUART, James HALL & Will MAXEY to view for a road from the county line one mile below the Will MANS___ to the county line below James TYGERS. John STRINGFIELD and John MOO's returns as processionery for Robert WALLACE returned. John NANCARROW, Constable laid off his bounds: - where the county line crosses the whipperwill road to gasper River, down the river to Col JACKSON's then to Falkner COX's intersecting Capt GORIN's property then to the Whipperwill Rod to the beginning. Adjourned, signed John GARNETT. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/court7wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/kyfiles/