Warren County KyArchives Court.....Court Order, Book 1 1797 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00002.html#0000404 July 8, 2005, 7:02 am Source: Warren County Court Order Book 1 Written: 1797 7 March 1797 - the court met at James STUART's. Justices of the Peace were commissioned & included: William MARRS, John MARSHALL, Price CURD, John GARNETT, James CAMPBELL, George MOORE, James STUART, Robert WALLACE, Phenias COX, Bailey ANDERSON and James DOUGAN. Elijah COVINGTON produced a commision from the Governor appointing him Sheriff of Warren Co; he went bond with John and Phenias COX for $3,000. William CHAPLINE produced his certificate from the Judges of the Court of Appeals and he started as County Clerk also known as the Court of Quarter Sessions. He went bond with Price CURD for 1,000 lbs. John COX appointed Commissioner of the Tax. Decided that the future courts be held at Robert MOORE's house. Robert KING ordered the sherrif to summon a jury to meet on his hand where he proposes to erect a water grist mill. 2 May 1797: Met at Robert MOORE's house; present George MOORE, James CAMPBELL & James STUART. Rowland MADISON produced a commisisn from the Gov. appt him surveyor of Warren Co; bond with Edwin L HARRIS & William CHAPLINE for 1000 lbs. James STUART stepped down and Phenias COX and Bailey ANDERSON joined the Justices. Indenture between Andrew McFADIN & George MADISON acknowledged and recorded. Ordered that Gladin GORIN, Joseph SNODGRASS, John COOK and George FRAZIER (any 2) view for a road from John SHANNON's to FRAYZIER's Mill and from there to the courthouse, then to the Dripping Spring and make report. Report of Robert KING's mill viewing, approved, no damage to neighbors. Jury who viewed were: John COX Jr, John COX Sr, Thomas CHAPMAN, Lemual SUGG, Freeman JONES, Hardy ALLARD, James MOBESRLY, Joe DILLINGER, Sam COX Jr, Fulker COX, Saml McGOWN, Obidiah CHISOM. Ordered that Thomas CHAPMAN, Frederick BARNS, Richard GLOVER & William SMITH (any 3) to view for a road from the above mill to Andrew McFADIN's Ferry; thence to KELLY's in the 12-mile grove on the Nolin Trace and make report. Ordered that John COLE, James BERRY, John MOSS & John HALL (any 3) view for a road from AMOS Ferry on the Green River to Joseph LOCK's on Beaver Creek and from there to James BERRY's on Skaggs Creek, make report. Robert KING registered his stock mark. John CAMPBELL appt. Constable; bond with James STUART for $500. John MARKER allowed to keep a tavern at his house; bond with Joseph SNODGRASS. Ordered that Valentine DICKERSON & Samuel DOUGHTY be appt Commissioners for processing land. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/courtord100gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/