Warren County KyArchives Court.....Trewitt , Riley Et Al May 27, 1824 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: sarah baird sbaird@y7mail.com November 25, 2022, 10:05 am Source: Film # 008686311 Warren County State Of Kentucky Circuit Court Clerk's Office Record Book 1823 To 1825 Written: May 27, 1824 Recorded: September 1825 Warren County State of Kentucky Circuit Court Clerk's Office Record Book 1823 to 1825 page 121 Thursday 27 May 1824 Mark Andrew Complt. ats Riley Trewitts heirs Defts. In Chancery. On motion, David Reed is appointed guardian ad litem to the Defts, infant heirs of Riley Trewitt decd. page 161 Friday 10 June 1824 Mark Andrew Complt. ats the heirs of Riley Trewitt decd. Defts. In Chancery. Answers of Defendants, John McCombs, Jesse & Mary McCoombs, Hugh McCutchen and wife and Samuel G White exhibited and filed. page 177 Wednesday 25 August 1824 Franklin Trewitt Complt. ats Mark Andrew & ors Defts. In Chancery. On motion of Complt. it is ordered that Mark Andrew be and he is appointed guardian ad litem to the defts infants heirs of Reley Trewitt decd. page 212 Wednesday 1 September 1824 Mark Andrew Complt ats the heirs & representatives of Reley Trewitt decd Defts In Chancery. On motion of Complt. Franklin Trewitt one of the Defts. who has become of full age since the bringing of this suite, is appointed guardian ad litem to the infant defts. in the room of David Reed. page 231 Franklin Trewitt Complt. ats Mark Andrew & Defts. In Chancery. Ordered to be continued. p249 Wednesday 24 November 1824 Mark Andrew Complt. ats the heirs & representatives of Riley Truett decd. & Jessee McCombs decd. Defts. In Chancery. This day this cause came on to be heard upon the bill answers and exhibits and the premises being fully understood by this Court, it is ordered and decreed that the Complainant recover one half of the entry called Finleys to be laid off so as to adjoin the farm of the Complts. contigous to the said entry. It is further ordered and decreed that Samuel Read, William Marshall, George Reed, Jno. Hart and Lance Graves or any three of them be appointed commissioners to survey and divide the said entry between the said Truett's heirs and the Complainant. It is also ordered and decreed that the said Commissioners report to this Court at the next February term of their acts in the premises which report when made to be the final decree herein. p252 Thursday 25 November 1824 Franklin Truett Complt. ats Mark Andrew & ors Defts. The separate answers of Mark Andrew and Catharine Andrew exhibited and filed. p295 Thursday 3 March 1825 Mark Andrew Complt ats Riley Trewitts heirs & Jessee McComb;s heirs Defts In Chancery This day the commissioners appointed at the last term of this Court returned a report which is ordered to be made the decree in said case. It is further ordered and decreed that William Marshall be appointed a commissioner to convey the same, which deed when made and returned to be made the final decree herein. It is also decreed and ordered that the costs of this suit be equally divided among the parties and that each party pay an equal proportion of the same. That each of the commissioners ? said division and report be allowed $2 to be paid by the complainant and taxed as costs in this cause. p318 Wednesday 9 March 1825 A deed of conveyance from Franklin Trewitt, William Truitt, Margaret Truitt and John Truitt heirs of Riley Truitt decd by William Marshall commissioner appointed by this Court to Mark Andrew was exhibited and acknowledged in Open Court by said Marshall for and on behalf of said Truitts and ordered to be recorded. And the commissioner is allowed the sum of $4 for making the conveyance to be taxed as costs in this suit, and to paid to the Commissioner by complt. p327 Saturday 12 March 1825 Franklin Trewitt Complt ats Mark Andrew & ors Defts In Chancery. Answer of infant defendants heirs of Riley Trewitt decd by Franklin Trewitt their guardian as litem exhibited and filed. This cause then came on to be heard on the bill answers and exhibits by consent of the parties and the Court being non sufficiently advised in the premises order and decree that William C Payer [best guess] John A White, William Marshall, John Hart and Lance Graves or any three of them be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide the estate of Reley Trewitt decd. among the heirs of said Reley decd. called Franklin Truitt, William Truitt, Peggy Truitt and John Truitt after laying off 275 acres of land and of the lands belonging to said estate so as to include the farm and fields to the right and left of the Road leading from Bowlinggreen to Russellville where said Mark Andrew now lives and also a small field of about 6a. situated to the left of said Road from Bowlinggreen to Russellville and about 70 poles from said Andrew's house which 275a. is to be laid off as the dower of said Andrew's wife in the estate of said Reley Truitt decd, and the division among the said heirs is to be made of the residue of said estate excluding said 275a. [bottom of page blackened, over to next image] ordered and decreed that said Andrews assign to Franklin Truitt two bonds which he holds, one on Samuel Garreson, Alexander Graham and Samuel Barclay for the sum of $596 dated 23 October 1823 and payable 23 October 1825 [illegible] by $60; the other on Saml Stubbins, Joseph B Lapsley and Alexander Graham for the sum of $500 dated 13 Aug 1823 and payable 13 Aug 1825 one-fourth of which bond are for the individual benefot of said Franklin, and the other three-fourths for his wards, said William, Peggy and John. And said Mark Andrew agrees that his representatives shall account for and pay after his death to the heirs of said Reley Truitt decd $100. It is also ordered and decreed that said Andrew deliver up to said Franklin for himself and wards all the slaves in the ? mentioned except the Negro woman named Patience, which said Andrew is to retain with her ? increase for and during his natural life and in case he dies before his wife, she is to retain said Negro woman and future increase for and during her natural life and after the death of said Andrew and his wife both, said Negro woman and her future increase are to ? in fee simple to the heirs of said Riley Truitt decd. It is also ordered and decreed that said Commissioners divide the slaves hereby ? to be delivered up to said Franklin as afsd among the heirs of said Riley decd. It is also ordered that said Commissioners report to the Court the amount advanced by Mark Andrews to each of the heirs in property or money or Commonwealth notes at their ? valuation, whether said advances were made directly to the children or expended by said Andrew for their benefit so that the Court may be enabled in the final decree to settle the accounts among the several heirs excluding in this ? clothing and boarding ? in the family. It is ordered and decreed that Andrew shall have and hold a life estate in said 275a. of land to be laid off as afsd and in case of his death before the death of his wife, that in that event his wife shall have and hold a life estate in said 275a. of land, and after the death of both, said Andrew and his wife, that the said 275a. of land shall pass in fee simple to the heirs of said Riley Truitt decd a life estate in the same being decreed to said Andrew in consideration of his having surrendered to the heirs of said Riley more than two-thirds of the value of the real estate in which he in right of his wife is entitled to dower; and this decree having been rendered by consent of all the parties concerned is a full settlement of the estate of said Riley Truitt decd and the administration thereof up to this date and of all accounts between the said Andrew and the heirs of said Riley. And it is ordered that the commissioners report their proceedings under this decree to this Court, and it is ordered that said Franklin execute bond with security to said Andrew to refund in case debts should hereafter come against the estate of said Riley Truitt decd. according to the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. And it is ordered that the heirs of said Riley and said Mark Andrew each pay one-fifth part of the costs of their suit; and the cause is continued until the coming in of the report. p355 Monday 30 May 1825 Franklin Trewitt Complt. ats Mark Andrew & ors Defts In Chancery. At this term of the Court the Commissioners appointed to make division of the estate of Reley Truit decd having made a part, it is ordered and decreed that the same to be confirmed. And it is further ordered and decreed that William Thomas and William Marshall be appointed Commissioners and that both or either of them make conveyances or partition deeds and bills of sale to each of the said heirs and said Andrews and wife of the said several lots and parcels of land and slaves set apart and allotted to each of them by the report of said Commissioners according to the terms of said decree rendered herein at the last term of this Court, upon the [difficult to interpret] of said Andrews and wife and heirs to make conveyances as afsd on or before the first Monday of June next. And that said Commissioners make report of their proceedings herein to this Court. It is further ordered and decreed that the commissioners appointed asfd to make said division be allowed $12.50 each in Commonwealths paper for their services herein and that William Marshall be allowed $32.19 1/2 in Commonwealth paper for surveying [over to next image] and that William Watson be allowed $7 in Commonwealth paper for carrying the chain, that Thomas Lockland be allowed $5 in Commonwealth paper for carrying the chain and that Asberry Saunders be allowed $2 in Commonwealth paper for carrying the chain and that the marker be allowed $2 in Commonwealth paper, all to be taxed in the bill of costs and one-fifth thereof to be paid by each of said heirs and said Andrews and wife. p387 Wednesday 24 August 1825 William Thomas appointed Commissioner to make deeds of partition between the heirs of Riley Truett deceased and a deed from the said heirs to Mark Andrews and Catharine his wife, this day exhibited to the court deeds of partition and the deed of conveyance in pursuance of the [difficult to read] and acknowledged the said deeds respectively, which being approved by the Court and ordered to be certified for record. It is ordered by the Court that the said William Thomas be allowed the sum of $2.00 for his services in making the said deeds, $2.00 of which is to be paid by each party to whom a deed is made. p418-419 Saturday [difficult to read] September 1825 Franklin Trewitt Complt. ats Mark Andrew & ors Defts In Chancery William Thomas one of the Commissioners appointed to make conveyances and bills of sale to the several parties for their proportion of lands and shares under a former order of this Court [edge of page blackened] herein ? produced five bills of sale and to Mark Andrew and wife, one to William Trewitt and to Franklin Trewitt and to John Trewitt and to Peggy Trewitt all which being acknowledged by the said Thomas for and on behalf of the several parties thereto are ordered to be certified ? delivered over to the respective parties entitled thereto by the Clerk of this court upon proper application. It is further ordered that said Thomas the Commissioner be and he is hereby allowed $3.00 for making said bills of sale one dollar of which to be paid by said Mark Andrew and the balance to be paid by the said William, Franklin, John and Peggy Trewitt. Additional Comments: Et al: Andrew, Mark, Reed, David, McCombs, Jesse & Mary; McCutchen, Hugh, White, Samuel G; Trewitt, Franklin. Inspired by the research of Norma Bland, Norma Bland norbob@cotcwb.net February 13, 2007, 4:37 pm, I wish to contribute to her initial research. Norma’s original transcription is replicated in inverted commas. “Warren County KyArchives Wills.....TRUETT, RILEY April 12, 1814 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ Source: Warren County, Kentucky Will Book A & B, 1797 - 1825 p44 Written: April 12, 1814 Recorded: October 1814 April 12, 1814 July 1814 Riley TRUETT Mamarundem of Truet Will being calld upon by W. Riley Truet to here his last will he being of sound mind spack as foless that he wished his wiff Catty to kepe the children togarthan until they become of age and than an equell devissan to be made among them to wit: Catty Truatt and her four children. Wetiness pret Davad Jonston, Davad Miys John Shanon John McInoch, Apl the 12th 1814 Warren County July County Court 1814. This instrument of writing was exhibited in court and proved to be the nuncupative will of Riley Truett deceased by the oath of John McIntosh and David Mise and ordered to be recorded. Inventory of estate of Riley Truett dated July 23, 1814 appraised by David Reed and Mark Andrew, ordered to be recorded October Court 1814. Additional Comments: NOTE: The wording and spelling of this last will of Riley TRUETT is copied just as written in the Warren County, Kentucky Will Book A & B 1797 - 1825.“ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/warren/court/trewitt597gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/