DEED: SPINK (1810); DEED: BARTON (1816) ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Transcribed by: Date: 29 Oct 2000 ********************************************************************** 26 Sep 1810 Washington Co. KY Deed Book C p. 527 IGNATIUS SPINK and ELIZABETH his wife of the County of Hardin and State of Kentucky of the one part to WILLIAM MOODY of the County of Washington and State of Kentucky of the other part... that for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred and thirty three pounds to us in hand paid have bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid containing by survey 422 acres and bounded by COMPTONS one hundred and fifty acre survey... to ROBERT MICKLEBERRYS one hundred acre tract... to a corner to EZEKIEL LACEWELL... to a maple on the bank of DENBO.... to two sugar trees and ash on the bank of Glens Creek... to ABRAHAM BARNETS tract thence with his line south... (signed) IGNATIUS SPINK ELIZABETH SPINK In the presents of WM. WITHERS BENJ. SHACKLIT DANIEL HILTON Recorded 26 Sep 1810 Hardin Co. KY Court / 4 Jun 1811 Washington Co. KY Court 2 Nov 1816 Washington Co. KY Deed Book E p. 316 CORNELIUS BARTON/ BENTON/ BARLOW? and CATHERINE his wife PETER SIBORT and MURIN his wife, JOHN SIBORT and SARAH his wife, DANIEL HILTON and ELIZABETH his wife, JOHN R. WINN and MARY his wife and SUSANNAH SIBERT all of the County of Washington and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the 1st part and DANIEL MITCHELL of the County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth that the said contracting parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Nine hundred and eighteen dollars Current money of Kentucky to them in hand paid by the said DANIEL MITCHELL do hereby grant bargain sell and convey a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Washington and containing by Survey one hundred and fifty three acres be the same more or less it being the same land and premises which CHRISTIAN WINNONS? WORMAN? by Indenture bargained and sold 7 Oct 1800 to PETER SEBERT which is duly recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Washington County Court and bounded by WINNONS ? Spring Branch... to a large poplar corner to FISHERS Survey (signed) CORNELIUS BARTON/BENTON/BARLOW? (just can’t tell) CATHERINE “ “ PETER SIBERT a space for Peter’s wife, presumably who did not sign JOHN SEBERT SARAH SIBERT DANIEL HILTON ELIZABETH HILTON JOHN R. WYNN MARY WYNN SUSAN (X) SYBERT Recorded 19 May 1818 Washington Co. KY Court - no mention of Peter Sibert’s wife releasing dower is made though all the other wives released theirs. Since the deed was written in Nov 1816 but was not recorded till May 1818 perhaps something happened to her in the interim?