Wayne-Pulaski County KyArchives Deed.....Beaty, Martin - Garner, Henry May 2, 1929 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donnie Pickard dmallie@aol.com February 28, 2010, 8:34 pm Written: May 2, 1929 Recorded: May 12, 1829 Wayne County, Kentucky Deed Book E-pages 38 & 39 May 2, 1829 This Indenture made and entered into the 2nd day of May 1829 Between Henry Garner of the State of Tennessee & Peter Catron of the County of Wayne and State of Kentucky of the one part and Martin Beaty of the County of Pulaski and State of Kentucky of the other part witnesseth that the said Henry Garner for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the said Martin Beaty the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have and by these presents do Grant Bargain sell alien ___ and Confirm unto the said Martin Beaty & his heirs forever one undivided half of a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Wayne and state aforesaid On both sides of Beaver Creek Just below the mouth of Elk Spring creek containing fifty acres be the same more or less which said fifty acres of land was conveyed by Nicholas Loyd to Garner & Catron by Deed being date the 25th of November 1811 & is bounded as follows (to-wit) Beginning at a Black oak thence N 85 E 60 poles to two maple saplings thence S 67 E 80 poles crossing Beaver Creek to a white oak thence N 20 E 48 poles to a Spanish oak thence with Beaty's line to Garner thence N 48 W 80 poles with Garner's line To Michael Dean (Davis?) corner thence with Dean's line S 85 W 136 poles to Dean's corner a stake & Dogwood thence with a conditional line made with John Stephenson thence S 45 E 44 poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the same one undivided half of the aforesaid fifty acres of land with all its appurtenances (it being the fifty acres of land on which the said Catron Garner & others made preparation to make salt) unto him the said Martin Beaty and his heirs forever And the said Henry Garner & Peter Catron for themselves their heirs & do covenant and agree to and with the said Martin Beaty that they will warrant & forever defend the said undivided half of the aforesaid fifty acres of land with all its appurtenances with him the said Martin Beaty and his heirs forever of and the Claim or Claims of them the said Henry Garner & Peter Catron and against the claim or claims of all person claiming by through or under them or any other person. In Testimony whereof the said Henry Garner & Peer Catron have hereunto set their hand and affixed their seals the date __ first written. Henry [his X mark] Garner {seal} Peter [his X mark] Catron {seal} Commonwealth of Kentucky Wayne County -2 Day May 1829 I William Simpson D C of the County Court for the county aforesaid do Certify that this Deed from Henry Garner & Peter Catron to Martin Beaty was this day acknowledged before me in the clerks office by the said Henry Garner & Peter Catron whereupon the said Deed together with the forgoing Certificate hath been duly admitted to Record in my office Given under my hand this 12th day of May 1829 & 37th year of the Commonwealth. William Simpson D C Additional Comments: Grantee: Henry Garner and Peter Catron File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/wayne/deeds/garner480gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/