Selected Webster County Kentucky Court Orders Vols.1 & 2, 1869-1873 Submitted by Happy Greer Volume 1: 1869 Jan. 9, pp.545-546-- Lunacy hearing on Laura SHELTON. Found to be subject to "periodical attacks of Lunacy or insanity caused by imperfect menstration" that has been twice attacked, but that said attacks have lasted for only a few days;that near 12 months ago she had an attack and during the present month she had another. She is about 13 or 14 years old, not married, her parents both dead. She has no Estate of any kind,is able to labor in part for a support, was born in Kentucky, entitled to the aid of the Asylum as her disease causes spells of insanity; & that she be sent to the Western Lunatic Asylum of Ky at Hopkinsville. J. WHITLEDGE apptd. to convey said Lunatic to said Asylum. Jan.11, p. 547-- Rolley E. HUMPHREY chosen by County Assessor Geo. IMBODEN as his Deputy Assessor. Jan.16, p. 584-- Rolley E. HUMPHREY, A.B. HARRALSON,& L.B. HOBGOOD apptd. appraisors of estate of Catharine ARMSTRONG,dec'd. (W.D. WITHERSPOON,Admr.) July 10, p. 611-- On motion of A. G. LAUGHLIN a man of good moral character and has lived in the county for 2 yrs. previous, & paid State Tax $11.05-- .65 for each 100 voters in county, is authorized & licensed to peddle goods,wares & merchandise in this county for 3 months. 46 years old, about 5'9", black hair, gray eyes, dark complected, weight about 145. It appearing to court that Wm. LAUGHLIN is an old and infirm man--ordered he be released from payment of County Levy from & after this date including the year of 1869. July 10, p. 612-- Betsey Jane THOMPSON a pauper idiot of county, committed to Western Lunatic Asylum. B.D. BAILEY to convey her there. Volume 2: 1869 Oct. 19, p. ?-- John E. McCORMACK allowed the sum of eighty dollars for his Services as Court House Commissioner up to date. Dec.20, p. 30-- Rols HUMPHREY--Appraiser of estate of Riller OVERBY deceased. 1870 Feb. 21, p. 48-- Amanda OVERBY, col. orphan (on mo. of Peter OVERBY), bound as apprentice to Peter OVERBY to learn the business of farming & housekeeping. Present age 9. Apprenticed to age of 18. On mo. of Jessey BROOKS, Eliza BROOKS, col. orphan, released from apprenticeship it appearing she has other means of protection & support. Feb. 28, p. 50-- Martha BOWLES found a lunatic & so since last Oct. produced by sickness. Born in N.C. & moved to Ky 14-15 years ago, brought by her brother Jordan BOWLES & his brother-in-law J. A. HAROLD. No estate, parents dead, died in N.C. some time ago & left her no property. Not now, nor for about 4 years capable of supporting herself. Committed to asylum. Apr. 18, p. 64-- On motion of Joseph McMULLEN, Wm. CARDWELL, John GREAR (sic) & Wm. THOMAS were appointed to view a proposed change in the road leading from Providence to Dixon beginning at a point near the house formerly occupied by M. P. COX intersecting said Road at the mouth of McMULLINs lane and Report at the next Term of this court &c. (NOTE: This entire entry was crossed through, but rewritten on page 16 as follows:) Apr. 18, p. 69-- On motion of Jos. McMULLEN it is ordered that Wm. CARDWELL, John GREER and Wm. THOMAS be and they are hereby appointed Comrs. to review and report a proposed change in the Dixon & Providence road beginning at a point near the house formerly occupied by M P COX to the mouth of McMULLENs lane and are ordered to report to the next term of this court. June 20, p. 89-- The Report of the viewers to change the Harpshead road begin- ning at a point near the house formerly occupied by Peyton COX to intersect old road at the mouth of McMULLINs lane is hereby adopted as per report and old Road may be closed when new road is put in good traveling order. July 18, p. 99-- Wm. LAUGHLIN deceased, Will proved by E. SKINNER. July 21, p. 102-- "This day A.G. LAUGHLIN appeared in open court and qualified as Executor of Wm. LAUGHLIN,deceased, he being one of the Executors named within the will and Reuben J. LAUGHLIN refusing to qualify whereupon the said A.G. LAUGHLIN entered into covenant with Comwth. of Ky. with R.J. LAUGHLIN as his surety which bond is approved by the court and upon the motion of the said A.G. LAUGHLIN, James R. JOHNSON, E. SKINNER, and Wm. H. GREER are appointed Appraisers to view and appraise such Estate of the said decedant as may be exhibited to them by the said Executor and they are required to Subscribe and return such appraisement to the Clerk of this Court within three months. Sept.5, p. 115-- John E. McCORMACK surety for Weaver JOHNSON, commissioned J.P. for Providence, Dist. No. 6. Oct. 28, pp. 159-160-- Votes counted from election of Oct 25,1870 in District 6, Providence, regarding investing in stock in Madisonville & Shawneetown Straight Line RR Co., 350 shares for $35,000.00. A.G. LAUGHLIN voted "for." Roley (sic) HUMPHREY voted "for." William GREER voted "for." 1871 June 1, p. 255-- J.E. McCORMICK surety for Solomon VILLINES elect. Constable, District 2. Sept.14, p. 301-- Raughley HUMPHREY Sr. improperly assessed for 1871 with tax on 140 acres lying in the Vanderburg District valued at $6.00 per acre, wrongfully assessed for the Railroad tax in Providence District. He is released from payment of tax on same & ord. to be copied & certified to the Sheriff & RR Commissioner of Madisonville-Shawneetown Straight Line Rail Road Co. 1872 Feb. 19, p. 342-- "It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that a vacancy exists in the office of town marshall for Providence, and on motion of Wm. H. GREER he be, and he is hereby appointed Marshall for the town of Providence Ky to fill said vacancy until the next general Election,whereupon the said Wm. H. GREER qualified as required by law as such and entered into covenant with the Commonwealth of Ky. with Dr. James BASSETT and Wm. EADES his surety which bond is approved." 1873 June 16, p. 468-- Jno. E. McCORMACK & Geo. F. BREWER sureties for Sol VILLINES elect. Constable. ================================================================= Copyright. All rights reserved. ==================================================================