Commissioner's Sale 1951 Webster County, KY Under judgment of the Webster Circuit Court in the case of Mary P. Sellers, et al, vs. Truman Moore, et al, I will on Monday, September 17, 1951 at the Court House Door in Dixon, Kentucky, about 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, sell to the highest and best bidder at public auction the following described real estate in Webster County, Kentucky: Tract 1. -- Containing about 50 acres and known as the U.S. Poole Home Place, situated in the town of Poole, Kentucky, bounded as follows: On the North by Naomi Strum and W.W. Poole; On the East by Gordon Tapp, O. P. Poole Heirs, W.C. Dixon, and Nelie Tapp; On the South by T.B. Jewell, W.H. Brooks, H.L. Long and Mary P. Sellers; and On the West by Mary P. Sellers. All mineral rights excepted. Tract 2. -- Known as the Mrs. C.J. Melton Dower Tract; Beginning at a stone in the road, at the bridge, runs S 28 W 229 poles to the creek, locust pointer; thence S 28 W 2 poles, S 68 W 23 links; thence with the creek, S 70 E 80 poles on direct line to corner in creek, corner blackoak, N 30 W 4 poles and 2 links to white-oak, S 3 poles and 18 links, thence N 15 E 221 poles and 17 links to a stone in road, thence - 55 W 26 poles to the beginning containing 74 3/4 acres. All mineral rights excepted. Tract 3. -- On Sebree, Poole Road, and bounded on the west by W. Williams; On the South by Naomi Melton Strum; On the North and East by Sebree and Poole road, being the land on the west of the Sebree and Poole road; that part on the east and North of the road having been conveyed to Tom Melton; leaving about 1/2 acres in this tract. Mineral rights included. Tract 4. -- Known as the Old Salem Church Property; Beginning at a redoak, A.J. Thornberry and F.M. Crowley's corner, runs thence N 87 1/2 E 32 poles to a stone near Knoblick Road, thence N 4 W 9 poles to a large forked white oak, thence W 20 1/2 to a stone, corner of schoolhouse lot, thence N 12 2/3 poles to the N.W. corner of schoolhouse lot, thence W 11 2/3 poles to a stone in James L. Melton's line; thence S 1 1/2 E 22 2/3 poles to the beginning containing 2.9 acres. All mineral rights excepted. Tract 5. -- Also a lot in the town of Poole on the east side of U.S. Highway 41, on which are located the Post Office Building, the Cream Station Building, and Barber Shop building. Mineral rights included. Conveyed to U.S. Poole by E.H. and D.O. Melton, Deed Book 77, page 524. Tract 6 -- A one fourth undivided interest in the Poole Milling Company lot; upon which is located the Mill, corncrib, stable and grainary, and beginning at a stake, J.T. Bethel original corner, thence S 87 W 57 yards to a stone on pond; thence N 87 E 54 yards to a stone in Henderson and Madisonville road; thence N 2 W 85 yards to the beginning containing one acre. Mineral rights included. Said sales will be made on a Credit of six months, purchasers to execute bond with approved surety bearing 6% interest and with a lien retained on the property. C.H. LISMAN, Master Commissioner. 47-3tc The Journal-Enterprise Providence, Kentucky Thursday, August 30, 1951 used with permission Transcribed and contributed to the Webster County KY Archives by Carole Jones Palmer Feburary 2001. ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************