1917 Webster County KY death certificate of Carrie Loval Duncan Contributed by Maria Troutman County - Webster Vot. Pct. Dixon Name - CARRIE LOVAL DUNCAN Female - White - Single Date of Birth - Oct. 27, 1917 Age - 4 years, 4 months, 12 days Occupation - at home Birthplace - KY Name of Father - R. C. Duncan, b. KY Name of Mother - Matilda Woodward, b. KY Date of Death - Mar. 11, 1922 Cause of Death - Bronchial Asthma Informant - R. C. Duncan, Dixon, KY Burial - Cedar Grove, Mar, 12, 1922 Undertaker - F. M. Tapp, Dixon, KY Cert# 25723 ================================================================= Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ==================================================================