Jackson Times, May 14, 1936 AGED WOLFE MERCHANT IS SLAIN; TWO ARE ARRESTED BY BREATHITT OFFICERS Henry Terrill, 72, prominent Wolfe County merchant residing at Mary, Ky., was slain in his store Friday night. Henry Ritchie and Estill Hollan, both 18 years old, were arrested by R.A. Collier, Breathitt County sheriff and deputies, John E. Rice, Marcus Carpenter and Jesse Oaks and placed in the Wolfe County jail at Campton. According to the reports of the slaying of Mr. Terrill, brought here, the old man had remained at his store while his wife went to the house to cook supper and milk the cows. When she called her husband to come to supper and he failed to respond, Mrs. Terrill went in search of him and found him dead. News of his death, reached Jackson when an undertaker was called to take charge of the body. Robbery was believed to be the cause of the slaying, as it was known that Mr. Terrill kept a large sum with him, but when arrested, the youths had but a small amount of money with them. They were armed according to the officers making the arrest. The arrest was made on Frozen creek about ten miles from Jackson. Sheriff Fred J. Stamper of Wolfe County with a posse and blood hounds had started a search for the men, when they were arrested by the Breathitt officers. Mr. Terrill was a very prominent man and was well known in both Wolfe and Breathitt Counties. He was an uncle of Mrs. A.S. Sizemore of this city. Submitted by: http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000062 Wolfe County Genealogy and Carole Bays ******************************************************************** These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter